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2018-07-09 12:40:45

2018-07-09 12:43:41

當中,好似 Gove就就同意May姐的原則,而Johnson據報就其實有不滿,不過就未去到Davis 咁。

星期一,本來May姐係Commons 講述上面的Chequers plan,同埋去1922 Committee說服backbencher,等佢地唔好坎走票,而今個星期四就會出Brexit的White Paper。

不過Andrea Jenkyns已經出到聲會Challenge May的領導地位。

2018-07-09 13:46:52
2018-07-09 16:15:36
呢個版本嘅brexit soft到仆街,David Davis 退好合理,仲衰過WTO rules
2018-07-09 16:19:25
2同10的確好難搞,但DUP企得好硬,死都唔肯hard border between NI and GB。講到尾,唔係May輸咗選舉搞到hung parliment的話,brexit易傾好多
2018-07-09 16:22:18
2018-07-09 16:23:26
歐洲動態: 攤牌了


// 之前在臉書專頁寫過,很少在網誌寫英國脫歐談判進展,是因為脫歐問題紛紛擾擾,但雜音多,實際其實無進展,箇中關鍵在於,文翠珊一直不能就想如何離開歐盟提出一套確實的想法。戴德偉辭職,說明了為何文翠珊遲遲不能提出方案,只能說些「Brexit means Brexit」的廢話。她一提出方案,就是要在硬脫歐及軟脫歐之間作出抉擇,她上任兩年,她(及全英國)都還是未想到可討好兩邊的中間落墨方案,而她一旦選邊站,一定會有重要閣員以不滿脫歐方案為由而辭職抗議,一定有其中一派表示會找人挑戰她的保守黨黨魁及首相地位。

戴德偉辭職也有個人因素。文翠珊去年把脫歐事務部常任秘書長Olly Robbins調去首相府,出任自己的脫歐事務顧問後,戴德偉領導的脫歐事務部同被廢權無異,大部份脫歐政策已由首相府處理,所有英國政界早已說戴德偉感到意興闌珊。//

// 另外,會議當晚,英國傳媒亦已引述保守黨內部文件指出,文翠珊在致該黨國會議員的信件中稱,在脫歐公投期間,(上任首相甘民樂David Cameron)同意就脫歐議題上暫停內閣集體負責制,各位大臣可以自行選擇如何公開表態,而到公投後,各閣員也一直就如何脫歐各自發表意見,但隨著內閣已就脫歐方案達成協議,集體負責制將會「恢復」——亦即是,留在內閣就必須公開支持這份脫歐文件。這就是戴德偉辭職的原因之一,亦反映文翠珊正式跟黨內不同意見人士進行政治惡鬥。//

// 只看上述內容,也能理解為何硬脫歐派會如此憤怒。硬脫歐派要求「真脫歐」,「關稅聯盟」和「單一市場」是禁語,文翠珊自己也曾親口說過不會留在歐盟的關稅聯盟和單一市場。這份文件的確沒了這兩個詞語,但「貨品FTA」、「聯合關稅領土」等等,其實跟「關稅聯盟」和「單一市場」分別不大。 //

// 不過,不滿,不代表文翠珊一定立即下台。文翠珊作了抉擇,保守黨內各派又要再想一想過去一年多已不斷在盤算的問題:如果文翠珊現在倒台,所得出來的脫歐方案,會是自己(或自己的支持者)最想要的方案嗎? ..
2018-07-09 16:29:50
Davis says he wants May to stay as prime minister

Q: Are you saying you don’t expect the policy to change as a result of your resignation?

Davis says, if nothing else, it will put pressure on May not to make further concession.

Q: Can May survive this?

Yes, says Davis.

He says he does not want to see her replaced.

"I like [May]. She is a good prime minister."

Davis says, if May has a Brexit secretary who supports her strategy, that will strengthen her strategy.

He says he will not be encouraging people to challenge May’s leadership.

He says he would not stand against her.

If he had wanted to do that, he would have acted after the election. But he did not. He flew down from Yorkshire in the middle of the night to support her.

Davis says he wants May to stay as prime minister. He rules out standing against her.

2018-07-09 16:30:17
2018-07-09 16:32:14
今個星期應該多野睇,今朝有巴打開咗Davis's resignation的相關post

2018-07-09 16:49:38
Thanks bro
2018-07-09 22:08:43
Boris Johnson resigns as foreign secretary


Boris Johnson has resigned as foreign secretary, becoming the third minister in 24 hours to walk out of the government rather than back Theresa May’s plans for a soft Brexit.

The prime minister hammered out a compromise with her deeply divided cabinet in an all-day meeting at Chequers on Friday, but after consulting friends and allies since, Johnson decided he could not promote the deal.

A Downing Street spokesman said: “This afternoon, the prime minister accepted the resignation of Boris Johnson as foreign secretary. His replacement will be announced shortly. The prime minister thanks Boris for his work.”

The prime minister was due to address her backbench MPs in Westminster at 5.30pm, in an atmosphere becoming increasingly febrile. If 48 MPs write letters of no confidence to the chair of the backbench 1922 Committee, Graham Brady, May will face a vote of no confidence.
2018-07-10 08:17:40
Supreme court nominee: Trump to announce Kennedy replacement – live

The president says he will announce his replacement for retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, a choice that may shift the court’s ideological balance

2018-07-10 09:03:19
President Trump Announces the Nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

2018-07-10 09:07:51
Brett Kavanaugh is supreme court nominee

Trump: “What matters is not a judges political views but whether they can set aside those views to do what the law and the constitution require. I am pleased to say that i have found without doubt that person.”

He announces Kavanaugh.
2018-07-10 14:34:10
Ethiopia's Abiy and Eritrea's Afewerki declare end of war


The leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea have signed a declaration saying that the state of war between the two countries is over.

A peace deal ending the 1998-2000 border conflict has never been fully implemented and there has been tension between the neighbours ever since.

The countries have also agreed to re-establish trade and diplomatic ties.

The two countries have been in a state of "no war, no peace" since 2000, when a peace deal ended a war in which tens of thousands of people were killed.

A border commission set up under the peace agreement ruled that the town of Badme, the flashpoint for the conflict, was part of Eritrea but Ethiopia refused to accept this and so normal relations were never resumed.
2018-07-10 18:36:10
Brett Kavanaugh: Trump's supreme court pick is conservative rising star


In selecting Brett Kavanaugh for the supreme court, Donald Trump has picked a jurist who has long been touted as a conservative rising star.

Kavanaugh worked in the George W Bush White House before being nominated to the DC court of appeals in 2003. He was confirmed in 2006 after Democrats mounted a long fight against his nomination on the grounds that Kavanaugh was overly partisan.

Before his stint in the Bush White House, Kavanaugh worked for Ken Starr, the lawyer who led the investigation of President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. Kavanaugh helped author the Starr Report, which laid out the case for Clinton’s impeachment and removal from office. He also did legal work for the Bush campaign during the Florida election recount.

The 53-year-old has impeccable academic credentials. He is a graduate of Yale College and Yale Law School and clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy, whose retirement vacated the seat that he has been nominated for. Since taking the bench, Kavanaugh has authored 286 different opinions. In his introduction speech for Kavanaugh, Trump praised his opinions for their “skill, insight and rigorous adherence to the law” and noted that “over a dozen have been adopted by the supreme court as the law of the land”.
2018-07-10 18:38:26
Erdogan starts presidential rule, names son-in-law Turkish finance minister


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan ushered in the new, executive presidential system he had long campaigned for by putting his son-in-law in charge of the economy and promising a greater overhaul of a country he has dominated for 15 years.

Hours after he was sworn in with sweeping new powers at a ceremony in the capital of Ankara late on Monday, Erdogan named Berat Albayrak as treasury and finance minister. Albayrak, 40, previously served as energy minister and, before that, led a company seen as close to the government.
2018-07-10 18:40:24
With raft of deals, China and Germany swear to keep trade free


BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany and China signed a raft of commercial accords worth some 20 billion euros ($23.5 billion) on Monday, with their leaders reiterating commitments to a multilateral global trade order despite a looming trade war with the United States.

The deals, involving German industrial giants including Siemens (SIEGn.DE), Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) and BASF (BASFn.DE), come with the two leading exporting powerhouses being forced into an unlikely alliance in defense of the open global trade on which both their economies depend.
2018-07-11 08:12:52
US to impose tariffs on $200bn of Chinese imports


The United States has decided to impose tariffs on $200bn worth of imports from China after efforts to negotiate a solution to the trade dispute failed to reach an agreement, senior administration officials said on Tuesday.

US trade representative Robert Lighthizer said the United States would impose tariffs of 10% on the additional Chinese imports.

The move would be the latest in the escalating trade skirmish between the world’s two biggest economies.

On 6 July the US implemented tariffs on $34bn worth of Chinese goods, the first part of $50bn worth of promised levies. China responded with tariffs on US imports and said it would match the additional tariffs when they came in to force.

The $34bn covered 818 products and the second round is expected to cover another 284 products. These include nuclear reactors, boats, aircraft engines, semiconductors and a lengthy list of other industrial and agricultural machines.
2018-07-11 12:48:59
The public will have until the end of August to comment on the list before the new tariffs - to be imposed at 10% - come into effect.

2018-07-11 18:16:52
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞