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2018-08-13 18:54:43
2018-08-13 18:55:25
AP Interview: Malaysia’s Mahathir aims to scrap China deals


PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia’s prime minister said Monday he will seek to cancel multibillion-dollar Chinese-backed infrastructure projects that were signed by his predecessor as his government works to dig itself out of debt, and he blasted Myanmar’s treatment of Rohingya Muslims as “grossly unjust.”

Mahathir Mohamad made the comments during a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press days before the 93-year-old leader heads to Beijing for his first visit there since returning to power in an electoral upset three months ago.

Mahathir said he wants to maintain good relations with China and welcomes its investment, so long as the projects benefit Malaysia.

But he took his toughest stance yet on Chinese-backed energy pipelines and a rail project along peninsular Malaysia’s eastern coast that were struck by his predecessor, Najib Razak. The former premier faces trial on multiple charges related to the alleged multibillion-dollar looting of the 1MDB state investment fund. He denies wrongdoing.

Malaysia’s new government has already suspended work on the projects, being built by Chinese state-backed companies, and called for drastic cuts in their ballooning cost, which it estimates at more than $22 billion. Some of that money has already been paid and could be difficult to recoup.

Mahathir also urged China to respect the free movement of ships throughout the South China Sea. China and multiple Southeast Asian nations including Malaysia have competing claims on islands and reefs in the sea — along with the rich fishing grounds and potential fossil fuel deposits around them.
2018-08-13 21:13:46
Turkey’s Erdoğan digs in as currency tumbles


If President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is nervous, he isn’t showing it.

In theory, he has every reason to worry: Turkey has plunged into a currency crisis amid a worsening dispute with the United States, and Erdoğan’s popularity is closely tied to the country’s economic prosperity.

But Erdoğan appears confident that he — and his country — can weather the storm. He has not reached for conciliatory rhetoric but doubled down, rallying his base by casting the collapse of the lira as a foreign conspiracy.

Erdoğan has made prosperity and growth his central promise to voters; an economic crisis was long considered his Achilles heel. In June, his Justice and Development Party (AKP) lost its parliamentary majority amid a lira plunge and rising food prices.

Anti-Americanism is surging in Turkey, and the sanctions play into Erdoğan’s post-coup narrative of Turkey under attack from outside forces.

Erdoğan, however, has focused on stoking nationalist sentiment. He has painted the home-grown crisis as a U.S.-led “economic war” against Turkey, comparing it to the 2016 coup attempt.

A self-declared “enemy of interest rates,” he repeated his opposition to rate hikes on Sunday. His answer to the currency depreciation was to call on citizens to sell dollars and buy liras. Some Erdoğan supporters protested the currency decline by burning dollars and euros.

Erdoğan is remaining stubborn because he believes Trump’s sudden obsession with Brunson to be an election issue, Yeşilada argued.

Ankara sees U.S. Vice President Mike Pence behind the push to free the pastor, a move to shore up support of evangelical conservatives for America’s November midterms.
2018-08-14 12:15:44
Mali opposition candidate rejects presidential election results


Malian opposition candidate Soumaila Cisse said Monday that he would reject the results of a presidential runoff against President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, which has been marred with accusations of fraud.

Ballot counting is underway in the western African country after Sunday's second round vote. The results are not expected until midweek at the earliest, but Keita is predicted to confirm a second term in office.

Cisse, 68, has accused the government camp of electoral fraud, including vote buying and ballot-box stuffing.

"We have a large lead. We do not accept that our voice is stolen," he said at his party's headquarters in the Malian capital, Bamako. "The fraud is proven, this is why there are results we will not accept."

Cisse, the leader of the Union for the Republic and Democracy (URD) party, called upon his supporters "to rise up."

"We will not accept that a president wins through fraud. And we will show that there is fraud," he said. "This fight is in your hands, dear supporters."
2018-08-14 12:17:25
US pushes back on foreign takeover deals


The US has passed a new law that strengthens the government's power to review - and potentially block - business deals involving foreign firms.

US President Donald Trump signed the bill, which is part of a broader military spending measure, on Monday.

The measure was spurred by US concerns that Chinese companies are using investments and acquisitions to gain access to new technology. Those worries are also behind new US tariffs on Chinese goods.

The law was supported by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress, which approved the measure earlier this year. It comes as other countries, including the UK, consider ways to toughen their scrutiny of foreign deals with an eye to China.

The new law expands the type of deals subject to potential review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS), which vets foreign investments to see if they pose a risk to national security.

For example, it directs the committee to consider how potential transactions might affect personal data and cyber security and whether an investment gives foreigners access to "material" non-public information.

It also strengthens export controls, allowing the US to review overseas deals, such as joint ventures.

The new law does not specifically name China.
2018-08-14 15:26:42
Parliament car crash: Man arrested as pedestrians injured


A number of people have been injured after a car crashed into security barriers outside the Houses of Parliament, Scotland Yard say.

Armed police, ambulances and firefighters are responding to the incident in central London, which happened shortly after 07:30 BST.

Officers were seen surrounding the vehicle before a man was arrested.

Streets around Millbank, Parliament Square and Victoria Tower Gardens have been cordoned off.

Images posted to social media showed a man in handcuffs being led away from the car by officers.
2018-08-15 11:29:01
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2018-08-15 11:30:25
Turkey must ensure independence of central bank: Merkel


BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Turkey on Monday to ensure the independence of its central bank as other senior officials said that Turkey’s economic woes were causing great concern.

“Nobody has an interest in an economic destabilization in Turkey. But everything must be done to ensure an independent central bank,” Merkel said during a news conference in Berlin when asked about the economic situation in Turkey.

“Germany would like to see an economically prosperous Turkey. This is in our interest,” Merkel added.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that Ankara could do more to improve diplomatic ties with both the United States and Germany which would also ease its economic woes.

“Yes, the developments that are currently going on in Turkey are causing great concern,” Maas said.

The Latest: Germany urges solution on Turkish prisoners


Germany's foreign minister says it would be in Turkey's own interest to come to an agreement with the United States and others on the release of foreign prisoners.

Angered by the continued detention of an American pastor, the U.S. has imposed new sanctions on Turkey which Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told reporters Monday has increased political tensions.

He said there are similar cases with Germans imprisoned and he says "it would be desirable to see this matter not only solved at the bilateral level with the U.S. and Turkey... but it would be good if the Turkish government would resolve it on a more general basis."

He says it would "facilitate solving the economic problems" so "at the end of the day it's also in the interests of Turkey."
2018-08-15 11:38:53
U.S. official warns of more actions against Turkey if pastor not freed


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is warning more economic pressures may be in store for Turkey if it refuses to release a jailed American pastor, a White House official said on Tuesday, in a dispute that has further strained relations between the NATO allies.

The tough message emerged a day after White House national security adviser John Bolton met privately with Turkish ambassador Serdar Kilic about the case of evangelical pastor Andrew Brunson. Bolton warned him that the United States would not give any ground, a senior U.S. official said.

“The administration is going to stay extremely firm on this. The president is 100 percent committed to bringing Pastor Brunson home and if we do not see actions in the next few days or a week there could be further actions taken,” the official said.

Further actions would likely take the form of economic sanctions, the official said, who added: “The pressure is going to keep up if we’re not seeing results.”
2018-08-15 11:51:03
Pennsylvania report details decades of sexual abuse by priests


HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Roman Catholic priests in Pennsylvania sexually abused thousands of children over a 70-year period and silenced victims through “the weaponization of faith” and a systematic cover-up campaign by their bishops, the state attorney general said on Tuesday.

An 884-page report made public by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro after a two-year investigation contained graphic examples of children being groomed and sexually abused by clergymen. It was largely based on documents from secret archives kept by the dioceses, including handwritten confessions by priests, he said.

“It was child sexual abuse, including rape, committed by grown men - priests - against children,” Shapiro told a press conference.

Several of the dioceses issued statements apologizing to victims and saying they were taking steps to ensure any criminal behavior was stopped. “The grand jury has challenged us as a Catholic diocese to put victims first and to continue to improve ways to protect children and youth,” Bishop Lawrence Persico of the Erie Diocese said in a statement.

The report cited 301 priests, some of whom have died. Only two of the priests are still subject to prosecution. A few of the clergymen accused in the report succeeded in having their names redacted, and Shapiro said he would argue at a Sept. 26 court hearing for making all the names public.
2018-08-15 16:37:13
Venezuela military officers arrested over drone attack on Maduro


Authorities in Venezuela have arrested two high-ranking military officers over the alleged assassination attempt on President Nicolas Maduro, bringing the total number of detained suspects to 14, Chief Prosecutor Tarek Saab said on Tuesday.

The officials identified the two military officers as National Guard Alejandro Perez and Colonel Pedro Zambrano. The pair appeared before court together with opposition lawmaker Juan Requesens, who was arrested last week.

Two commercial drones, allegedly laden with C-4, detonated while Maduro was giving a speech on August 4 in Caracas. The government soon announced that a group of 11 hitmen was behind the attack , adding they were financed from Bogota and Florida. The group was allegedly offered $50 million (€44 million) and a safe haven in the US in exchange for killing Maduro.
2018-08-15 16:39:11
Westminster crash: Salih Khater named as suspect


The man being held on suspicion of terrorism after the Westminster car crash has been named as Salih Khater by government sources.

The 29-year-old British citizen, originally from Sudan, is being questioned in south London.

Police have been searching three addresses in Birmingham and Nottingham as part of their investigation.

Three people were injured after the vehicle hit cyclists and pedestrians during Tuesday morning's rush hour.

The suspect is not believed to have been known to MI5 or counter-terrorism police, but is understood to have been known to local police.

He did not co-operate with officers after his arrest, Scotland Yard said.
2018-08-15 21:28:02
'Tenants on our own land': New Zealand bans sale of homes to foreign buyers


The New Zealand government has banned the sale of existing homes to foreign buyers, saying New Zealanders were sick of being “tenants in our own land”.

Associate minister of finance David Parker said the ban would mean housing would become more affordable for locals, and supply would increase.

“We think the market for New Zealand homes and farms should be set by New Zealand buyers, not overseas buyers,” said Parker in an interview with the Guardian.

“That is to benefit New Zealanders who have their shoulder to the wheel of the New Zealand economy, pay tax here, have families here. We don’t think they should be outbid by wealthier people from overseas.”

The ban applies to all nationalities, except buyers from Singapore and Australia.

The ban on foreign ownership is at the heart of the government’s plan to tackle the housing crisis, as well as its commitment to build 100,000 affordable new homes in ten years, and increase social housing stock by 6400 homes in four years.
2018-08-15 21:28:31
Lira rallies after Turkey raises tariffs on US imports


Turkey's move to increase tariffs on US imports has helped boost its weakened currency.

A decree signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised the tariffs on cars to 120%, on alcoholic drinks to 140% and on leaf tobacco to 60%.

The US doubled tariffs last week over Turkey's refusal to extradite a US pastor who is imprisoned there.

The lira rose 3%, also helped by measures aimed at deterring foreign investors speculating on the lira.

Despite the rise, Turkey's currency has lost almost a third of its value against the dollar since January, pushing up the price of everyday items and raising fears that its weakness could infect other emerging market currencies.

Explaining the new tariffs, Turkish Vice-President Fuat Oktay said the rises were ordered "within the framework of reciprocity in retaliation for the conscious attacks on our economy by the US administration".

Tariffs were also increased on cosmetics, rice and coal. Turkey had previously said it would boycott US electronic products.
2018-08-16 10:39:42
Trump ends ex-CIA head John Brennan's security access


Donald Trump has revoked the security clearance of ex-CIA chief John Brennan, denying the US president's critic any access to sensitive information.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders announced the decision by reading a statement from Mr Trump.

The statement cited Mr Brennan's "erratic conduct and behaviour".

In response, Mr Brennan tweeted that the move was part of President Trump's broader effort to "suppress freedom of speech and punish critics".

"It should gravely worry all Americans, including intelligence professionals, about the cost of speaking out. "My principles are worth far more than clearances. I will not relent."

"Historically, former heads of intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been allowed to retain access to classified information after their government service so that they can consult with their successors, regarding matters about which they may have special insights and as a professional courtesy.

"Neither of these justifications supports Mr Brennan's continued access to classified information."

The statement added that Mr Trump was also reviewing access to classified information for former FBI chief James Comey, whom he fired last year, former director of national intelligence James Clapper, former National Security Agency director Michael Hayden and former attorney general Sally Yates, among others.
2018-08-16 10:40:17
Cambodia: Hun Sen sweeps all in election result


Cambodia's election commission declared Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party (CPP) outright winner Wednesday in all 25 provinces in the 29 July vote – the sixth since UN-overseen polls in 1993 as the nation emerged from genocide.

From self-exile, Mu Sochua, deputy leader of the banned Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), vowed to press on for Cambodians who "were excluded from exercising their choice."

His CNRP was dissolved by Cambodia's Supreme Court last November after amassing 44 percent in a 2013 ballot and making similar gains in local 2017 elections by citing inequality and corruption.

Western governments had pulled funding for the running of last month's vote but major creditor China maintained support.

The ruling CPP had put voter turnout at 83 percent as evidence that an opposition boycott had failed.
2018-08-16 10:41:07
Brazil: Lula da Silva launches presidential candidacy - from prison


The Brazilian Workers Party (PT) registered the former president Luiz Inacio "Lula" Da Silva on Wednesday as their candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, despite the fact that he is in jail.

Some 10,000 PT members marched to the Supreme Electoral Court in Brasilia, where top party officials filled out Lula's candidacy paperwork. Former Mayor of Sao Paulo Fernando Haddad was registered as Lula's running mate. He would likely serve as the PT's presidential candidate if Lula is not able to participate in the October 7 elections.

The Brazilian ex-president is currently in jail serving a 12-year sentence for corruption, in a case that has deeply divided the country.

Electoral authorities will have until September 17 to issue a ruling on whether Lula can be a candidate, less than a month before the vote. But he is expected to be barred as Brazilian law does not allow people with criminal records to run for president.

Despite the charges against him, Lula is the current frontrunner in October's presidential election, with 30 percent of voters saying they would cast a ballot for him. But he remains a divisive figure, with simultaneously high negative ratings.
2018-08-16 15:54:45
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2018-08-16 18:51:00
Women charged with murder of North Korean to testify in Malaysia trial


KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Two women charged with murdering the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un must answer for their role in a well-planned conspiracy, a Malaysian judge said on Thursday, but added that the evidence did not prove a political assassination.

Indonesian Siti Aisyah and Doan Thi Huong, a Vietnamese, face the death penalty on charges of murdering Kim Jong Nam by smearing his face with VX, a nerve agent banned by the United Nations, at a Kuala Lumpur airport on Feb. 13 last year.

The murder was a “well-planned conspiracy between the women and the four North Koreans at large”, trial judge Azmi Ariffin said in a ruling that took more than two hours to read.

He added, “I cannot rule out that this could be a political assassination. Despite that, I am unable to confirm this fact.”

Defense lawyers say the killing was politically motivated, with many key suspects linked to the North Korean embassy in the Malaysian capital, suggesting the women were simply pawns.

But the judge said the women’s conduct before and after the attack supported a case against them, citing CCTV recordings of their meeting with other North Korean suspects and going to a airport bathroom to wash their hands immediately after the VX attack.
2018-08-16 18:53:15
可唔可以講下點解俾人炒左都仲可以有security clearance
2018-08-16 18:54:07
Exclusive: China central bank bars some offshore lending in latest move to support yuan


SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China has banned banks in its ground-breaking free trade zones from certain lending activities to ease pressure on the yuan currency in offshore markets, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter said on Thursday.

The move comes as nervous global financial markets wait to see how much further China will allow the yuan to fall, after it weakened against the dollar for nine straight weeks, reviving memories of its jolting devaluation in 2015.

The restrictions, announced by the Shanghai branch of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) on Thursday morning, have closed off channels used to deposit and lend yuan offshore through the trade zones as the currency plumbs 15-month lows, the sources said.

They prevent commercial banks from using some interbank accounts to deposit or lend yuan offshore through free trade zone schemes, the people said.

The move was aimed at tightening offshore yuan liquidity and making it more expensive to short the Chinese currency, traders said.
2018-08-16 19:01:35
Past administration officials keep security clearances in part to offer counsel and advice to their predecessors. The idea is to ensure that officials acting in security roles can get up-to-the-minute advice from past officials, who may be uniquely positioned to offer it.

The clearances can also be quite valuable to those who have them, as companies can be keen to hire people with top security clearances. This is particularly true of career officials who move into post-government work, or officials who worked in sub-Cabinet political positions.



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2018-08-16 19:04:19
Paul Manafort trial: judge hands case to jurors after closing arguments


Paul Manafort’s fate is now in a jury’s hands.

A Virginia court heard closing arguments Wednesday in the trial of the former Donald Trump campaign chairman on charges of bank fraud, tax fraud and failure to disclose foreign bank accounts.

If he is convicted, Manafort, 69, could spend the rest of his life in prison.

Judge TS Ellis III handed the case to jurors Wednesday evening. Deliberations were scheduled to begin in earnest on Thursday morning on the 18 charges.

A not guilty verdict would vindicate Manafort’s apparent decision not to seek a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller, whose team is prosecuting the case.
2018-08-16 19:06:56
Trump's 'dirty war' on media draws editorials in 300 US outlets


More than 300 news outlets have launched a campaign to counter President Donald Trump's attacks and promote a free press.

The Boston Globe made the call last week for a nationwide denouncement of the president's "dirty war" against the media, using the hashtag #EnemyOfNone.

Mr Trump has derided media reports as "fake news" and attacked journalists as "enemies of the people".

UN experts have said this raises the risk of violence against journalists.

The Boston Globe had pledged to write an editorial "on the dangers of the administration's assault on the press" on 16 August, and asked others to do the same.

The initial positive response from 100 news organisations has grown closer to 350 with major US national newspapers and smaller local outlets answering the call, along with international publications like the UK newspaper The Guardian.
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