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2018-06-20 18:51:05
Brexit Groundhog Day for Theresa May


LONDON — It’s the biggest parliamentary crisis on Brexit that Theresa May has faced since the last parliamentary crisis on Brexit that Theresa May faced.

If you think there’s an air of Groundhog Day about Wednesday’s big vote in the House of Commons, you’re not alone. The vote, on an amendment to the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, will effectively determine who — government or parliament — will dictate the course of Brexit in the event that May fails to strike a deal with the EU by January next year, or, if she does and MPs reject it.

It sounds technical but it’s a very big moment. If the amendment, “Grieve 2,” an adapted version of one drawn up by former Attorney General Dominic Grieve, wins enough support among pro-European Conservative rebels, then a no-deal Brexit is more or less off the table. And while no one in the House of Commons is yet talking about delaying or reversing Brexit, the doors will be unlocked to the U.K. doing either.
2018-06-21 11:56:24
South Sudan President Salva Kiir meets with rebel leader Riek Machar


South Sudan's rebel leader Riek Machar met with the country's President Salva Kiir on Wednesday to commence talks aimed at bringing a five-year civil war to an end.

Many efforts at peace have fallen through but these latest talks, hosted by Ethiopia, are the first time the leaders have met in two years.

The significance of the meeting: The two have not met since July 2016, when heavy fighting in the capital Juba saw the collapse of a 2015 peace deal and Machar fleeing to South Africa.
2018-06-21 12:10:47
Brexit: Theresa May vows 'smooth and orderly' EU exit


Theresa May has welcomed the passing of the Brexit bill through Parliament as "a crucial step" in delivering a "smooth and orderly Brexit".

Peers accepted the amendment to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill sent to them from the House of Commons, meaning the bill now goes for Royal Assent, becoming law.

The vote passed 319 to 303 after would-be Tory rebels were given assurances they would have a meaningful say.

The PM said more detail on the UK-EU's future relationship will be given soon.

Mrs May said: "Today's votes show people in the UK, and to the EU, that the elected representatives in this country are getting on with the job, and delivering on the will of the British people."

Speaking in the Commons, Dominic Grieve said the issue of the meaningful vote was about giving "assurances to the House and many, many people in the country who are worried about this process and how it will end". Mr Grieve said he had insisted on a key paragraph in the government statement accepting "it is open to MPs to table motions and debate matters of concern and that, as is the convention, parliamentary time will be provided for this".
2018-06-21 12:15:29
Trump backs down on migrant family separations policy


US President Donald Trump has bowed to public pressure and signed an executive order promising to "keep families together" in migrant detentions.

Mr Trump reversed his own policy amid international fury over the separation of undocumented parents and children.

He said he had been swayed by images of children who have been taken from parents while they are jailed and prosecuted for illegal border-crossing.

But the order does not address families already separated by the policy.

US immigration officials say 2,342 children were separated from 2,206 parents between 5 May and 9 June.

"I did not like the sight of families being separated," Mr Trump said, but added the administration would continue its "zero tolerance policy" of criminally prosecuting anyone who crosses the border illegally.

The president had previously said "you can't do it through an executive order", insisting that only Congress could fix the policy by passing immigration reform before his U-turn on Wednesday.
2018-06-21 13:18:13
2018-06-21 13:20:39
EU to impose countertariffs on US products as of Friday


EU countertariffs on a list of US products would come into force on Friday, the European Commission said Wednesday.

The retaliatory measure comes in response to US tariff hikes on steel and aluminum that were imposed on EU member countries on June 1, with the White House citing grounds of national security.

The agreed EU countermeasures will initially target a list of US goods worth $3.2 billion (€2.8 billion), most of which will be hit with import duties of 25 percent.

The products affected by the move range from agricultural produce such as rice and orange juice to jeans, bourbon, motorbikes and various steel products. The higher tariffs had previously been registered with the World Trade Organization (WTO).
2018-06-21 16:03:32
EU ready to open talks with U.S. to fix trade row: Malmstrom


WELLINGTON (Reuters) - The European Union is ready to engage with the United States to solve a trade row triggered by Washington’s decision to impose metal impose tariffs, E.U. Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said on Thursday.

“We are always open to talk with the U.S. The whole EU is based on the idea that we talk,” she told a seminar. She described the tariffs as “illegal” as they contravened World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.

She also said the WTO needs rules to address China’s subsidies and dumping of its goods in markets.
2018-06-21 16:04:15
U.S. Indo-Pacific commander assures Japan over North Korean denuclearization


TOKYO (Reuters) - The U.S. Indo-Pacific military commander told Japan’s defense minister on Thursday that Washington remained committed to the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea.

Promoted to commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) last month, Admiral Philip Davidson gave the assurance during his first official visit to Japan for two days of talks with Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera.

His visit comes after President Donald Trump said the United States would halt large scale military drills with neighboring South Korea during denuclearization talks with North Korea. Trump made that announcement following a summit with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore earlier this month.
2018-06-22 18:47:46
Hardline immigration bill fails in the House


The House on Thursday rejected a hard-line immigration bill — introduced by Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) — after leadership postponed a second vote on a compromise measure written with centrists.

The 193-231 vote came a day after President Trump signed an executive order ending the controversial practice of separating children from parents who cross the border illegally.

Every Democrat and 41 Republicans voted against Goodlatte's bill.
A second vote on the compromise measure has been delayed until Friday as leaders seek to rally support for it.

The compromise measure would provide a pathway to citizenship for up to 1.8 millions "Dreamers," provide $25 billion for Trump's border wall and other security measures, and prevent families from being separated at the border.

House GOP leaders push immigration vote to next week


House GOP leaders in a surprise move Thursday night pushed back a vote on a compromise immigration bill until next week, underscoring the difficulty they're facing in winning votes — and how the stakes have been raised by the crisis at the border.

The decision to delay the vote, which had already been postponed from Thursday to Friday, followed a two-hour conference meeting designed to brief members on the measure’s contents.

Lawmakers, many of them worried about backing a measure that conservatives have described as providing amnesty to some undocumented workers, had complained that they didn’t have enough time to read and digest the nearly 300-page bill rolled out late Tuesday night.
2018-06-22 18:58:48
EU tariffs on US goods come into force


The European Union (EU) has introduced retaliatory tariffs on US goods as a top official launched a fresh attack on President Donald Trump's trade policy.

The duties on €2.8bn (£2.4bn) worth of US goods came into force on Friday.

Tariffs have been imposed on products such as bourbon whiskey, motorcycles and orange juice.

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said duties imposed by the US on the EU go against "all logic and history".

Addressing the Irish parliament in Dublin, he added that "we will do what we have to do to rebalance and safeguard" the EU.
2018-06-22 22:50:12
Bulgaria to propose immediate closure of EU borders to migrants


SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria will propose the immediate closure of the European Union’s external borders to migrants and the setting up of centers for war refugees outside its territory at the EU’s weekend mini-summit on migration.

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said once migrant inflows were stemmed, the EU should deal with the thousands of migrants already in Europe, taking care of people fleeing conflict and sending the rest home.

“I will insist on the immediate closure of the external borders of the whole European Union,” Borissov said in a surprise visit to parliament, following an opposition call for information on Bulgaria’s position on migration.

He said centers should be set up in Libya and Turkey to deal with migrants before they reached Europe.
2018-06-22 22:51:00
Trump threatens 20 percent tariff on European Union cars


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all European Union-assembled cars coming into the United States, a month after the administration launched an investigation into whether auto imports pose a national security threat.

“If these Tariffs and Barriers are not soon broken down and removed, we will be placing a 20% Tariff on all of their cars coming into the U.S. Build them here!” Trump wrote on Twitter Friday. The U.S. Commerce Department aims to wrap up its investigation into whether imports of automobiles and auto parts pose a risk to national security by late July or August, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Thursday.
2018-06-23 18:43:50
Blast at rally for new Ethiopian prime minister sparks panic


An explosion disrupted a huge rally for Ethiopia's reformist prime minister Abiy Ahmed on Saturday shortly after he gave a speech.

Abiy, who took office in April, said on TV later that there had been several fatalities at the rally in Meskel Square, in the capital, Addis Ababa.

"A few Ethiopians were injured. There are a few people who lost their lives," he said.

He described the incident, which was attended by tens of thousands of supporters, as "an unsuccessful attempt by forces who do not want to see Ethiopia united."

Abiy said it was as "well-orchestrated attack," but one that failed.
2018-06-24 09:09:34

2018-06-24 15:19:16
睇黎又係 AK party
2018-06-25 07:09:56
Ergodan 52.5% 唔冼玩第二輪
2018-06-25 07:16:50
2018-06-25 09:54:15
Turkey election: Erdogan wins second term as president


Turkey's long-standing leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won the country's presidential poll in the first round, the election authority chief says.

Sadi Guven said the president "received the absolute majority of all valid votes", but gave no further details.

State media reports put Mr Erdogan on 53% with 99% of votes counted, and his closest rival Muharrem Ince on 31%.

With 96% of the votes for parliament counted, the president's AK Party leads with 42% of the votes, the state news agency Anadolu reports. The main opposition CHP is on 23%.

Turkey's electoral board confirmed that the pro-Kurdish HDP has reached the 10% threshold needed to enter parliament. Before the vote, analysts said this might make it harder for Mr Erdogan's party and its ally the MHP to reach a majority, although currently they are on course to do so.

Voter turnout was high, at almost 87%, the state broadcaster reported.
2018-06-25 10:57:27
Trump says illegal immigrants should be deported with 'no judges or court cases'

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Sunday that people who enter the United States illegally should be sent back immediately to where they came from without any judicial process, likening them to invaders who are trying to “break into” the country.

His proposal drew immediate criticism from legal analysts and immigrant rights advocates who said it would violate the U.S. Constitution’s due process provision, which applies to citizens and non-citizens alike.

It was unclear if Trump was advocating an expansion of the provision that allows expedited removals of illegal immigrants at or near the U.S. border, a policy his administration has embraced since he took office. Nor did Trump differentiate between illegal immigrants and people who entered the United States to seek asylum protection.
2018-06-25 10:58:58
New fears over Chinese espionage grip Washington


Fresh concerns over Chinese espionage are gripping Washington as lawmakers fear Beijing is gaining sensitive details on U.S. technologies.

Lawmakers are scrutinizing the Pentagon over its efforts to keep military secrets safe from hackers, after Chinese actors allegedly breached a Navy contractor’s computer and collected data on submarine technology.

U.S. officials stepped up warnings that China regularly steals American intellectual property and technology, through cyberattacks and other means — allegations Beijing denies.

The issue took center stage at a congressional hearing Thursday, as lawmakers on the House Armed Services Committee pressed Trump administration officials on their efforts to protect U.S. military assets from Chinese spies.
2018-06-25 11:37:38
2018-06-25 12:50:28
2018-06-25 13:35:25
2018-06-25 13:54:44
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