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2018-07-12 17:46:28
2018-07-12 18:09:39

連台灣啲戰機都多過空自(當然質素差啲),日本仲要防中國俄羅斯北韓,起碼double 數量先夠,陸自唔提都罷
2018-07-12 18:12:01
2018-07-12 18:21:54
2018-07-13 12:48:37
UK unveils a softly Brexit plan


LONDON — The U.K. will formally ask the EU for a post-Brexit “association agreement” including a “free-trade area” for goods, a looser arrangement for financial services, alongside a security partnership and continued membership of many EU agencies, according to a long-awaited white paper.

Confirming plans agreed by Theresa May’s Cabinet at a summit on Friday, which led to the resignation of Brexit Secretary David Davis and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, the white paper proposes that the U.K. abide by the EU’s common rule book for regulation and product standards for goods, to protect “just-in-time” supply chains.

Under the proposal, a joint EU-U.K. committee would judge whether an EU rule change applies to the association agreement, and then the U.K. parliament would have the right to decide to continue to abide by EU rules “recognizing there could be proportionate implications” for trade between the two if MPs decided not to.

The proposed relationship would require continued close cooperation with the EU, including “regular dialogue between U.K. and EU leaders.” The white paper acknowledges that as the arbiter of the EU’s regulations, U.K. courts must make reference to the European Court of Justice, but stipulates that an independent arbiter should settle any disputes between the U.K. and EU.

On customs, the white paper confirms the U.K.’s plan for a “facilitated customs arrangement,” (FCA) collecting EU tariffs at its border for goods destined for the EU market, while applying U.K. tariffs to goods destined for the U.K. market. The system will be subject to a “phased” implementation, with both the U.K. and EU having to make preparations, but the white paper gives no timeframe for the FCA to be up and running.

Policy paper: The future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union
2018-07-13 12:58:00
Trump: soft Brexit will 'kill' UK's chances of US trade deal


Theresa May will come under intense pressure to secure a future trade deal with the United States as she sits down with Donald Trump just hours after he warned that her soft Brexit blueprint would “kill” Britain’s chances.

In an extraordinary interview that threatened to undermine her new Brexit strategy, painfully thrashed out with her cabinet last week, Trump questioned whether her plans upheld the referendum result and accused her of ignoring his advice.

Against a backdrop of furious protests across the country, the US president openly humiliated May by suggesting that former foreign secretary Boris Johnson, who quit in opposition to her Brexit plans this week, would make a great prime minister.

On Thursday evening, as May told a dinner held in Trump’s honour at Blenheim Palace that her policy would create an “unprecedented opportunity” for a free trade agreement, his damaging statements were revealed.

In the interview, which ignores all usual diplomatic conventions, Trump warned that her soft Brexit approach would scupper any hopes of a free trade agreement, a cherished prize of many Brexiters.

“If they do a deal like that, we would be dealing with the European Union instead of dealing with the UK, so it will probably kill the deal. If they do that, then their trade deal with the US will probably not be made,” he said.
2018-07-13 13:22:45
2018-07-13 13:55:27
反而好想知 NATO 同 WTO 入面美國同歐豬傾左咩,成班歐豬死晒狗仲要歸番位
大贏家放左 劉霞點知得個桔,不過仲有人質既
2018-07-13 15:57:23
May姐應該鳩縮緊,估唔到老美同EU deal有你無我,hard brexiteers 又多張牌打
2018-07-13 16:17:48
其實trump都係重申返美國政府一貫立場,英國留係common market 美國就直接同EU deal, 退咗就同英國分開deal. 唔同嘅係trump 可以比us-uk deal 行fast track, 唔洗排隊等. 成件事其實好正路,如果唔係英國就會成為eu/us 嘅backdoor 避關稅。
2018-07-13 18:18:37
NATO 會議主要結果係2024年或以前成員國的軍費會達2%,會成立Cyber Operations Centre。同時 "will see thirty mechanised battalions, thirty air squadrons and thirty combat vessels ready for use within thirty days"



2018-07-13 18:26:44
話係 G7 個時教訓侵侵
今次世貿同 NATO 會議之後,大家收晒聲,仲要係世貿度歸隊一齊隊中國

若干年後,2017 18 都幾值得番睇。恐怖主義半收皮之後,點樣五百日入面變成西方世界一齊反支那
2018-07-13 18:48:37
Trump prods Europe to get tough on Iran


The U.S. is raising pressure on European allies to isolate Iran in the wake of a foiled terrorist attack in France last month that Washington believes targeted American citizens, including former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Administration officials are citing the failed bombing in their effort to push European governments to choke off Iran’s access to everything from their airspace to cash deposits, arguing that Tehran’s involvement in terrorist plots obligate America’s allies to take a much harder line with the Islamic Republic. It was a message President Donald Trump delivered behind the scenes at this week’s NATO summit in Brussels, according to people familiar with the meetings.

“I would say there might be an escalation between us and the Iranians,” Trump said at a news conference in Brussels on Thursday.

“We ask our allies and partners to join our economic pressure campaign against Iran’s regime,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted before meeting European allies to discuss Iran on Thursday.

“We must cut off all funding the regime uses to fund terrorism and proxy wars. There’s no telling when Iran may try to foment terrorism, violence & instability in one of our countries next.”

So far, the Americans have had little luck in winning over the Europeans. They have run into resistance from allies angered by Trump’s harsh criticism of Europe, which many fear is undermining the transatlantic relationship. European leaders are also still trying to salvage what they can of the Iran nuclear deal, which they argue was the West’s best chance of keeping Tehran from building a nuclear arsenal. The EU has even vowed to try to protect European companies against American sanctions.
2018-07-13 18:51:52
Sweden freaks out


STOCKHOLM — In some respects, the far-right Sweden Democrats have already won September’s election.

It’s not just their spectacular rise in opinion polls, which has politicians no longer just speculating whether they’ll overtake the conservative Moderates to become the second-biggest party but whether they could even knock the Social Democrats off of the No. 1 perch they’ve held since 1917.

It’s also that, even in the unlikely event that the Sweden Democrats underperform in the general election on September 9, the far right will have succeeded in dictating the style and substance of a fear-filled campaign, where migration and violent crime have risen to the fore.

“Migration, and law and order has never been in the focus of any election in Sweden, ever,” said Gunnar Strömmer, who as party secretary of the Moderates is running the conservative party’s campaign.

To be clear: Sweden is not in chaos, and the election campaign, for the moment at least, is low-key even by drab European standards. Despite an increase in gang-related violence involving shootings and even some grenade attacks, the country’s police chief told POLITICO there has only been a small rise in the murder rate of about 100 per year (and no, there are no zeros missing).

Most polls currently see the Social Democrats, who won back power at the head of a leftist alliance in 2014 with 32 percent, dropping to about 24 percent. The Moderates — the traditional “law-and-order” party — are on track for about 20 percent, just below their historic average; and the Sweden Democrats are seen surging to at least 20 percent — and in some polls much higher — from zero seats in 2006 and 12.9 percent in 2014. It’s now an “open race … in a totally new landscape,” said Strömmer of the Moderates.

“Voters are saying ‘the economy is doing well and will probably do well with the conservatives or the Social Democrats, but what’s happening with integration and crime?'” Ygeman told POLITICO in his office in the Riksdag. “We’ve had our big losses when this question has dominated the agenda.”
2018-07-14 00:29:34
Donald Trump: US-UK relationship is 'highest level of special'


Donald Trump has insisted the US-UK relationship is "the highest level of special", hours after he told the Sun Theresa May's Brexit plan would kill a trade deal between the countries.

Speaking alongside the PM, Mr Trump said Brexit was an "incredible opportunity" and "whatever" the UK did after it left the EU was "OK with me".

Mrs May said they had discussed plans for an "ambitious" trade agreement.

Thousands of people are protesting in central London against his visit.

A large balloon, portraying the president as a baby, has been floated in Parliament Square as part of the demonstrations. Other protests are due to take place across the UK on Friday and Saturday.
2018-07-14 00:31:09
12 Russian spies charged for hacking 2016 US presidential election


A US grand jury has indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for hacking Democratic Party computers during the 2016 US presidential election, the US Justice Department said on Friday.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the charges drawn up by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the lead investigator in an ongoing probe into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
2018-07-14 13:32:25
2018-07-14 14:18:15
吹, 繼續吹, 個campaign一堆骨幹都係同長年俄佬有關嘅人
一再話Putin自己話無干預大選, 所以俄羅斯無干預大選
情報機關話明, 俄羅斯會繼續干涉美國選舉, 但NSA老頂講明Trump無叫佢做任何嘢
上任後持續疏離美國盟友, 持續削弱美國soft power
MAGA? 你指Many Are Getting Arrested?
2018-07-14 15:57:04
2018-07-14 16:00:39
2018-07-14 17:45:13
你自己回想下啦, 佢上任以黎, 屌得最大力就係屌美國堆盟國同北約, 連美國有順差嘅加拿大都無厘頭中埋關稅鎗

其實疏離美國盟友同削弱美國soft power, 係由國務院開始, 唔填補/cut國務院外交人員, 令國務院唔夠人處理外交事宜(最大鑊係南韓無放外交人員... )


TPP本身就係美國主導, 全球最大嘅質易同盟, 有助削弱中國係亞太經濟嘅影響力

但佢彈出完, 又彈入, 削弱美國主導權, 但本身TPP有啲條款, 例如版權, 係益美國, 但係美國彈出期間, 人地唔理照傾, 變左CPTPP, 美國依家想入返局, 想拎返之前有利嘅條款, 就惡搞左


如果你指畀錢俄佬係指天然氣, 一買一賣, 歐洲又需要能源, 都叫畀錢俄羅斯
另外, 歐洲都知畀俄羅斯箝制能源, 所以先要推廣同研究用再生能源啊

你自己可以google下, Trump上任以黎, Trump政府係制裁俄羅斯一事上, 拖左幾耐
或者諗下, 點解一同俄羅斯有關, Trump態度與眾不同, 係選舉時, 佢已經好奇怪
一再話自己無係俄羅斯做生意, 但就畀人踢爆左其實有
一再話自己從未見過Putin, 但又畀人踢爆 佢自己 話過見過
入左閘後, 軟化GOP遣責俄羅斯入侵Crimea一事(我諗仲有人記得,佢早排話Crimea講俄文, 所以係俄羅斯地方 )

上任之後, 最明顯係Mueller調查俄羅斯係咪選舉舞弊黑手, 佢一路話係witch hunt, 想中止調查
同證據顯示俄羅斯涉嫌干預大選, 而且會繼續, 但NSA老頂話, Trump無叫佢做任何嘢去防衛美國選舉系統

Mueller調查一日未完, 一日都唔會有正式結論, 但佢一路嘅行為, 只係令佢愈黎愈可疑

btw, 有人心水清, 最新呢批檢控入面有一段係咁:

For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton's personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.


"Russia, If you're listening, I hope you find Hillary Clinton's missing emails."

佢講呢句嘅日子, 係16年7月27, 都幾巧合
2018-07-14 20:11:56
White House: Trump-Putin summit 'is on' after hacking indictment


A summit between US President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin will go ahead as planned despite tension over Moscow's alleged election meddling, the White House says.

The pair will meet for talks in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, on Monday.

"It's on," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.

But there are calls for the meeting to be cancelled after the US charged 12 Russian intelligence officers with election interference on Friday.

For its part, Russia said it was looking forward to the meeting.
2018-07-14 20:13:45
US lifts order against China's ZTE


The US has lifted an order that blocked Chinese tech giant ZTE from doing business with US companies, forcing the firm to halt major operations.

US President Donald Trump had intervened to end the ban, which was imposed in April and tied to ZTE violations of US sanctions against Iran and North Korea.

Instead the US said ZTE would be fined and forced to shake up its management.

The US Commerce Department said the firm had now complied with all steps.

ZTE paid a $1bn penalty last month and has now placed an additional $400m in a holding account against further violations, the Commerce Department said on Friday.

It suspended major operations this spring after the US imposed the ban. The US said the firm had lied about punishing employees involved in violating US sanctions against North Korea and Iran.
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