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2018-05-17 15:16:29
全世界網民就係咁俾人出賣 唉
2018-05-17 15:53:01
2018-05-17 18:20:56
DR Congo Ebola outbreak spreads to Mbandaka city


The Ebola outbreak in DR Congo has spread from the countryside into a city, prompting fears that the disease will be increasingly hard to control.

Health Minister Oly Ilunga Kalenga confirmed a case in Mbandaka, a city of a million people about 130km (80 miles) from the area where the first cases were confirmed earlier this month.

The city is a major transportation hub with routes to the capital Kinshasa.

Forty-two people have now been infected and 23 people are known to have died.

Senior World Health Organization (WHO) official Peter Salama said the spread to Mbandaka meant there was the potential for an "explosive increase" in cases.

"This is a major development in the outbreak," he told the BBC. "We have urban Ebola, which is a very different animal from rural Ebola. The potential for an explosive increase in cases is now there."
2018-05-17 18:22:24
Theresa May denies customs union climbdown


Theresa May has denied climbing down over membership of the customs union after Britain leaves the EU.

The prime minister spoke after the Telegraph reported that she was preparing for Britain to remain in the customs union after 2021 as the row over the Irish border continues.

She said: “No, we are not [climbing down]. The United Kingdom will be leaving the customs union, we are leaving the European Union. Of course we will be negotiating future customs arrangements with the European Union and I have set three objectives; the government has three objectives in those.

“We need to be able to have our own independent trade policy, we want as frictionless a border [as possible] between the UK and the EU so that trade can continue and we want to ensure there is no hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.”
2018-05-17 21:31:12
Donald J. Trump

Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History...and there is still No Collusion and No Obstruction. The only Collusion was that done by Democrats who were unable to win an Election despite the spending of far more money

侵侵提醒大家:今日係Muller Probe 開始一周年
2018-05-17 21:33:17
2018-05-17 21:37:13
EU takes Germany to court over air pollution


The European Commission on Thursday decided to take Germany and five other European Union member states to court for breaching EU air pollution levels.

The EU introduced limits for particulate matter (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in 2010. But many member states — especially in major cities — regularly have air pollution far beyond these limits.

The German southern city of Stuttgart, for instance, has recorded levels of 82 micrograms of NO2 per cubic meter of air — that's twice as much as the allowed threshold of 40 micrograms.

In a letter sent to Vella on January 9, which DW has obtained, Germany's environment and transport ministries have already laid out plans to curb emissions: An "immediate action program for clean air 2017 to 2020" is supposed to do the trick.

This scheme would see public buses running on diesel fuel be equipped with exhaust-scrubbing systems, more charging points for e-cars, and overall strengthening of e-mobility. Also the possibility of free public transport has been floated. But that's not going to be enough, according to Jens Hilgenberg of Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND).
2018-05-17 21:46:58


POLITICO: Inside Mueller’s FBI team


A POLITICO investigation reveals new details about the agents powering the special counsel probe.

Washington Post: Mueller investigation enters Year Two: What comes next — and how it could end


New York Magazine: Everything We’ve Learned From the First Year of Mueller’s Investigation


Foxnews: Mueller probe one year later: How Russia investigation became DC’s biggest political football


The Hill: Divisions deepen as Mueller probe hits one year

2018-05-17 21:49:15
2018-05-17 21:49:50
Venezuela political prison seized by inmates ahead of presidential election


Activists say inmates have taken control of Venezuela’s most notorious political prison – the El Helicoide facility in Caracas – on the eve of a highly controversial presidential election that opponents have denounced as a fraud.

With Sunday’s vote – which the US, EU and Latin American nations including Brazil, Colombia and Mexico have branded “illegitimate” – just days away, President Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday vowed to bring a “historic economic revolution” to his crisis-stricken nation if handed a second term.

But Maduro’s comments were overshadowed by reports of a major disturbance at El Helicoide, an iconic 1950s shopping mall that was converted into the headquarters of Venezuela’s feared spy agency, the Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN), and has become a crumbling symbol of the country’s plunge into economic chaos and authoritarianism.

政治犯的監獄(Buckminster Fuller dome)可以睇呢篇:
Downward spiral: how Venezuela’s symbol of progress became political prisoners’ hell

2018-05-17 22:26:51
Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation


好長, 但亦好詳盡

The Key Themes, Dates and Characters in the Russia Investigation


2018-05-18 12:48:18
North Korea summit: Trump contradicts Bolton on 'Libya model'


US President Donald Trump has contradicted his own national security adviser, saying the so-called "Libya model" for denuclearisation is not being pursued with North Korea.

The suggestion by John Bolton angered the North, which threatened to pull out of a summit with Mr Trump next month.

Mr Trump said he still thought a summit would happen.

North Korea was apparently referencing an interview Mr Bolton gave comparing it to "the Libya model" of denuclearisation.

In 2003, Libya's Colonel Muammar Gaddafi agreed to give up his country's programmes of weapons of mass destruction in an announcement that surprised the world. Most US sanctions on Libya were lifted within a few months and diplomatic ties between the countries restored. The North African country came in from the cold.

But in 2011 the authoritarian leader was toppled by rebels and militiamen backed by Nato. He was later captured and killed by rebel forces.
2018-05-18 12:52:58
EU to reactivate 'blocking statute' against US sanctions on Iran for European firms


European Union Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced Thursday that the bloc plans to reactivate a law that would seek to block European companies from complying with any sanctions the US would reintroduce against Iran.

Juncker's announcement came during the second day of an EU meeting in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, which had already been marked by sharp criticism from European leaders over American President Donald Trump's decision to pull the US out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

A blocking statute is a law enacted in a local jurisdiction that attempts to hinder application of a law made by a foreign jurisdiction. The 1996 legislation protects "against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country."

It was originally developed to get around a US trade embargo on Cuba and sanctions related to Iran and Libya, though it was never enacted because the disagreements were settled politically. In the current proposed application, the law would attempt to shield European companies that do business with Iran from future US sanctions by prohibiting the companies from respecting US sanctions. It also would not recognize any court rulings that enforce the American-issued penalties.
2018-05-18 12:53:30
US Senate confirms Gina Haspel as CIA head despite role in torture program


The US Senate voted 54-45 in favor of Gina Haspel's nomination on Thursday, making her the first woman to head the CIA. A simple majority in the 100-seat body was needed.

Republican Senator John McCain, who is undergoing cancer treatment outside of Washington, did not vote. A victim of torture as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War, he had urged Senate colleagues to reject Haspel's nomination.

Six Democrats, four of whom face re-election in the fall in states where President Donald Trump is popular, joined Republicans in voting for Haspel. Two Republicans voted no. That a half-dozen Democrats backed Trump's nomination revealed divisions within the party, with the progressive wing responding with biting criticism of those fellow Democrats.
2018-05-18 12:55:36
PM set to nominate 10 Tory peers in attempt to overcome Brexit defeats


Theresa May is expected to approve the creation of about 10 Tory peers and hand at least one to Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist party in an attempt to improve her weak position in the House of Lords, which has already voted 15 times against her government over Brexit.

The elevations, which are expected to be announced in the coming days in Westminster, were immediately criticised by high profile remain as a desperate attempt by the prime minister to enlist people to boost her fragile position in the unelected upper house.

Labour is expected to add three peers to its total representation, with the former party general secretary and Martha Osamor, a race equality campaigner and the mother of MP Kate Osamor, heavily tipped to be ennobled.

That prompted a complaint from Adonis, who said it effectively validated the creation of new peers at such a sensitive time. “I’m very surprised that the Labour party is playing this game by agreeing to make a small number of peers because it legitimises the actions of the Tories.”
2018-05-18 13:10:42

China ‘Dream’ Is Global Hegemony
U.S. urged to counter Beijing's military, economic expansion



China's large-scale military buildup, regional coercion, and economic aggression are part of plan for global domination, experts told Congress on Thursday.
2018-05-18 16:58:19
Hawaii volcano spews 6 mile-high plume of ash, could blow again


PAHOA, Hawaii (Reuters) - Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano spewed ash nearly six miles (9 km) into the sky on Thursday and scientists warned this could be the first in a string of more violent explosive eruptions with the next possibly occurring within hours.

“This has relieved pressure temporarily,” U.S. Geological Survey geologist Michelle Coombs told a news conference in Hilo. “We may have additional larger, powerful events.”

Residents of the Big Island were warned to take shelter from the ash as toxic gas levels spiked in a small southeast area where lava has burst from the ground during the two-week eruption.
2018-05-18 17:00:19
China denies it offered package to slash U.S. trade gap by $200 billion


BEIJING (Reuters) - China denied on Friday that it had offered a package to slash the U.S. trade deficit by up to $200 billion, hours after it dropped an anti-dumping probe into U.S. sorghum imports in a conciliatory gesture as top officials meet in Washington.

U.S. officials had said in Washington on Thursday that China was proposing trade concessions and increased purchases of American goods aimed at cutting the U.S. trade deficit with China by up to $200 billion a year.

“This rumor is not true. This I can confirm to you,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a regular news briefing.

“As I understand, the relevant consultations are ongoing and they are constructive,” he said, adding that he could not elaborate on the specifics of the negotiations.
2018-05-18 19:36:28
2018-05-19 16:44:35
Cuba plane crash leaves more than 100 dead


More than 100 people have died after a Boeing 737 airliner crashed near Cuba's main airport in Havana, the country's worst air disaster in decades.

Three women were pulled alive from the wreckage, but are said to be in a critical condition.

The plane, which was nearly 40 years old, was carrying 104 passengers and six crew members.

Cuban authorities have launched an investigation, and two days of national mourning have been declared.

The Boeing 737-201 crashed at 12:08 (16:08 GMT) on Friday, shortly after taking off from Havana on an internal flight to Holguin on the east of the island.

All six crew members on board were Mexican and the majority of the passengers were Cuban, with five foreigners reported to be among them.
2018-05-19 16:49:02
All Chilean Catholic bishops offer to resign over sexual abuse scandal


Following damning revelations over sex abuse by pedophile priests in Chile, the entire bishops' conference of the South American country offered to step down on Friday.

The bishops put their mandates "in the hands of the Holy Father so that he may decide freely over each of us," they said at a Vatican press conference.

Pope Francis can now reject or accept their resignations on a case-by-case basis, or delay his decision.

The Church officials also asked "forgiveness for the pain caused to the victims, to the Pope, to God's people and to the country for our serious mistakes and omissions."

With 31 active bishops and three more retired ones all offering to step down, the move could result in the first such mass resignation in the history of the Catholic Church.
2018-05-19 16:50:37
Germany's Angela Merkel meets Russia's Vladimir Putin


German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the Iran nuclear deal was better than none at all in a press conference with Vladimir Putin on Friday, also criticizing a breach in the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine overnight before their meeting in Sochi.

Merkel was speaking at a press conference following talks with her Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, with Germany at odds with Russia over its support for the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad and its role in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Both leaders said the Minsk accord was the "only basis" to achieve peace in eastern Ukraine, and that work should continue in the so-called "Normandy" format — involving Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine.

Fraught ties: Germany and Russia's agreement on the importance of the Iran nuclear deal is a rare moment of concurrence between the two countries. Relations have been marred by differences over Moscow's support for Syria's President Bashar Assad, its annexation of Crimea and its role in the subsequent conflict in eastern Ukraine, among other things.
2018-05-19 16:55:04
Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's bloc wins most seats in Iraq election


The political coalition led by influential Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr won the most seats in Iraq's national parliamentary elections, according to official results from the electoral commission release Saturday.

His Marching Towards Reform alliance (Sairoon) with Iraq's communists won 54 parliamentary seats in the May 12 vote. Sadr led insurgencies against US forces following the ouster of Saddam Hussein and is against Iranian and American influence in Iraq.

Sadr, who centered the election campaign on a non-sectarian platform of nationalism, anti-corruption and services, cannot become prime minister because he did not run in the election.

The al-Fatih bloc led by Hadi al-Amiri, which has close ties to Iran and is composed of paramilitary groups that fought the "Islamic State" (IS), came in second with 47 seats. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's Victory Alliance, widely considered a favorite going into the election, came in third with 42. The bloc of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who led the country from 2006 to 2014 before being relegated to one of three vice president posts, won 24 seats. Shiite cleric Ammar al-Hakim's Hikmah won 22 seats.
2018-05-19 16:58:12
Royal wedding coverage: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding


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