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2018-07-28 12:38:02
Trump seeks to revive 'Arab NATO' to confront Iran


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is quietly pushing ahead with a bid to create a new security and political alliance with six Gulf Arab states, Egypt and Jordan, in part to counter Iran’s expansion in the region, according to U.S. and Arab officials.

The White House wants to see deeper cooperation between the countries on missile defense, military training, counter-terrorism and other issues such as strengthening regional economic and diplomatic ties, four sources said.

The plan to forge what officials in the White House and Middle East have called an “Arab NATO” of Sunni Muslim allies will likely raise tensions between the United States and Shi’ite Iran, two countries increasingly at odds since President Donald Trump took office.

The administration’s hope is that the effort, tentatively known as the Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA), might be discussed at a summit provisionally scheduled for Washington on Oct. 12-13, several sources said.“MESA will serve as a bulwark against Iranian aggression, terrorism, extremism, and will bring stability to the Middle East,” a spokesperson for the White House’s National Security Council said.
2018-07-28 12:39:52
Cambodia sets up polling stations, officials expect 60 percent turnout


PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - At the Toul Kork Primary School in Phnom Penh volunteers swept classrooms and laid out wooden desks on Saturday, transforming the rooms into polling stations a day ahead of a general election which Prime Minister Hun Sen is expected to comfortably win.

Election committee officials at the primary school in Boeung Kak 1 commune say 8,135 people are registered to vote there.

Nineteen political parties are running against Hun Sen’s ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) but none are strongly critical of the prime minister or the government. His main challenge, the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) was dissolved by the Supreme Court last year and many of its lawmakers banned from politics for five years.
2018-07-28 16:23:41
2018-07-28 17:15:52
ABC News-
Longman - Labor HOLD
Braddon - Labor HOLD
2018-07-28 22:19:55
2018-07-29 09:49:43
Mali goes to polls after five years of jihad, insecurity


BAMAKO (Reuters) - Malian voters were due to decide on Sunday on whether or not to give President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita a second term, despite widespread ethnic and jihadist violence that has dramatically worsened since he came to power five years ago.

Two dozen other candidates are contesting the presidency in a largely Saharan desert nation that has been fractured by a Tuareg rebellion and Islamist militancy across its north and central zones since the last poll in 2013.

Insecurity is such that in some parts of the country the vote will simply not happen, and the European Union observer mission urged the government on Saturday to publish a list of places that will be unable to vote, so as to quell suspicions by candidates of “fictitious polling stations.”

Eight million voters are enrolled. Polls open at 8 a.m. (0800 GMT) and close at 6 p.m. (1800 GMT). Opposition candidates include businessmen, an astrophysicist, and just one woman.
2018-07-29 09:50:56
Polls open in Cambodia's general election


PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Polls in Cambodia opened on Sunday amid criticism of a crackdown against his dissenters by long-serving Prime Minister Hun Sen, who is set to hold on to power after nearly 33 years in office.

The general election is the country’s sixth since 1993 when it emerged from decades of war marked by death and destruction at the hands of Pol Pot’s genocidal regime.

Critics say the election marks the decimation of democracy in the southeast Asian country following months of intimidation by the ruling party Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and the dissolution last year of the main opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP).

The opposition CNRP, appealing to younger voters and those seeking change, narrowly lost the last general election in 2013.

Authorities arrested CNRP leader Kem Sokha and charged him with treason in September. Two months later, the Supreme Court dissolved the CNRP, which held 55 seats in Cambodia’s 123-seat National Assembly, after finding it guilty of trying to overthrow the government.
2018-07-31 08:48:06
Trump says ready to meet Iran's Rouhani


Donald Trump has offered to meet Iran's leaders with "no preconditions" and "any time they want".

"I'd meet with anybody. I believe in meetings," the US president told reporters at the White House.

Mr Trump's conciliatory approach comes after he and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani traded hostile warnings earlier this month.

Washington is preparing to re-impose sanctions on Tehran within days - despite objections from the UK, France, China, Russia and Germany, which also signed the 2015 agreement.

The US is deeply suspicious of Iranian activity in the Middle East and is an ally of Israel and Saudi Arabia, two of Iran's foes.

"If they want to meet, we'll meet," Mr Trump said.

Hamid Aboutalebi, an adviser to President Rouhani, tweeted in response to Mr Trump that "returning to the nuclear deal" and "respecting the Iranian nation's rights" would pave way for talks.
2018-07-31 08:49:09
Taliban sources confirm Qatar meeting with senior US diplomat


Taliban officials secretly met a senior US diplomat in Qatar last week, sources in the group have told the BBC.

The face-to-face talks in Doha with Alice Wells, a state department deputy assistant secretary, were "very important", one Taliban official said.

News of the meeting follows a directive from the Trump administration for US diplomats to talk directly with the Afghan militant group.

The Taliban have long said that only with the US will they discuss peace.

Direct talks with the militants, without Afghan officials present, marks a major turnaround in Washington's policy as it seeks to end America's longest war.

The meeting was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. Two senior Taliban sources confirmed it to the BBC's Mahfouz Zubaide, in Kabul. They said a six-member delegation was led by Abbas Stanikzai, who heads the group's political office in Doha.

One of the Taliban officials described the talks as a "preliminary" discussion to set up a channel between the group and senior US officials ahead of further meetings. Neither would provide further details.
2018-07-31 08:49:44
Cambodia election: Ruling party claims landslide in vote with no main opposition


The party of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, who has been in power since 1985, says it has won a landslide victory in a general election that lacked any serious challengers.

The Cambodian People's Party (CPP) said it had won all 125 seats in parliament with 77.5% of the vote.

Critics have called the vote a sham as the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), which narrowly lost the last election, has been dissolved.

The US said the poll was "flawed".

"We are profoundly disappointed in the government's choice to disenfranchise millions of voters, who are rightly proud of their country's development over the past 25 years," a statement from the White House said.The US will consider placing visa restrictions on more government officials, it added. The EU has said it is considering economic sanctions.
2018-07-31 09:07:05
2018-07-31 22:51:28
Zimbabwe election: Mnangagwa and Chamisa both upbeat


Zimbabwe is awaiting the results of its landmark elections, with both frontrunners saying they are confident.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa said he had received "extremely positive" information but opposition leader Nelson Chamisa said his party was "winning resoundingly".

Zimbabwe is electing a new president, parliament and local councils.

Monday's vote - the first since long-serving ruler Robert Mugabe was ousted - attracted a high turnout of 70%.

The youth vote is expected to be key - with almost half of Zimbabwe's 5.6 million registered voters under the age of 35.

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) chairwoman Priscilla Chigumba said she was satisfied there was no cheating.

"We will not subvert [the people's will]," she told journalists.

But Mr Chamisa's opposition MDC Alliance says it has serious concerns that some people have tried to interfere with the results.
2018-07-31 22:52:33
North Korea working on new missiles, US officials say, despite thaw


North Korea appears to be building new ballistic missiles despite recent warming ties with the Trump administration and pledges to denuclearise, reports say.

Unnamed US officials told the Washington Post that spy satellites had spotted continuing activity at a site that has produced ballistic missiles.

Reuters quotes an official as saying it is unclear how far the work has gone.

On Monday, the Washington Post newspaper quoted officials as saying North Korea appeared to be building one or two new liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) at the Sanumdong facility near the capital, Pyongyang.

The factory is known to have produced the Hwasong-15, the first North Korean ICBM capable of reaching the US.

However, a US official told news agency Reuters that a liquid-fuelled ICBM didn't "pose nearly the threat that a solid-fuelled one would because they take so long to fuel".

Reuters also added that satellite imaging showed vehicles moving in and out of the facility, but not the extent of any missile construction.
2018-08-01 21:49:03
Donald J. Trump
..This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further. Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!

2018-08-01 22:23:21
好心啦, 又鳩 up

抄左佢 law
2018-08-01 22:24:01
2018-08-01 22:42:03
一開始左膠鬧到jeff sessions屎咁
2018-08-01 22:45:57
2018-08-01 22:58:21
2018-08-01 23:46:04
佢炒佢好易變妨礙司法公正(obstruction of justice)
2018-08-02 08:09:29
Zimbabwe election unrest turns deadly as army opens fire on protesters


Three people have been killed in Harare as soldiers and police fought running battles with hundreds of protesters, firing live ammunition, teargas and water cannon amid rising tension following Zimbabwe’s presidential election.

The army was deployed in the capital on Wednesday after police proved unable to quell demonstrators who claim Monday’s historic election is being rigged.

By mid-afternoon much of the city centre resembled a war zone, with military helicopters flying overhead, armoured personnel carriers moving through burning debris and patrols of soldiers chasing stone throwers down narrow streets. A pall of smoke filled the sky. On cracked pavements there was glass and – in some places – blood.
2018-08-02 10:57:44
佢自己一直都話there is no collusion 但依家又話collusion is not a crime 啦

又would / wouldn't 咁自爆
2018-08-02 20:09:41
Exclusive: Mueller refers foreign agent inquiries to New York prosecutors

Since the spring, Mueller has referred matters to SDNY involving longtime Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta and his work for his former firm, the Podesta Group, and former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber and his work for Mercury Public Affairs, the sources said.

One source said that former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig, a former partner at law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, is also part of the inquiry.

None of the entities involved have been charged with wrongdoing, and there is no indication the SDNY inquiry will result in criminal charges.

It's not clear whether they are considered one case or separate matters, these people said, though all involve inquiries into whether the men improperly performed work on behalf of groups associated with Ukraine without registering with the Justice Department as foreign agents.


Mueller: 唔理你民主定共和, 犯法嘅就等我張傳票
2018-08-02 20:58:12
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞