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2018-05-24 22:06:34
Pompeo out of sync with Trump on North Korea



2018-05-24 22:16:38
佢依家出席緊senate foreign relation committee俾人質緊
2018-05-24 22:19:26
2018-05-24 22:25:51
2018-05-24 22:32:02
trump administration個foreign policy完全無譜睇 好似玩showhand咁
2018-05-24 22:37:40

2018-05-24 22:38:53

2018-05-24 22:42:01
2018-05-24 22:45:37
2018-05-24 22:45:52
不過你講個堆係佢campaign promise黎既,做左都可以理解
不過反口反手又反cup 呢幾年係IR related field最黑暗既幾年
2018-05-24 22:46:44
2018-05-24 22:49:55
2018-05-24 22:51:24
2018-05-24 22:52:58
係中東抽身個一堆係alt-right比較多,Bannon, Alex Jones之流,主流GOP係鍾意搞中東問題
2018-05-24 22:54:32
2018-05-24 23:20:03
一早沉緊, 你試下search下Trump當選以黎, 美國特別選舉嘅結果
2018-05-24 23:28:00
2018-05-24 23:39:10
係特別選舉黎講, Trump當選以黎都係GOP毒藥
Trump係GOP初選支持Luther Strange, Strange輸左
到大選, 佢支持係初選贏左嘅Roy Moore, 飛埋過去拉票添, 最後輸左
2018-05-25 10:27:35
🇨🇦 Ontario State Election (7 June)
2018-05-25 12:23:05

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told NPR in an interview that he continues to support the Mueller Russia investigation — and that nothing in Thursday's hotly anticipated secret briefing on the Russia probe to congressional leaders changed his mind.

"The two investigations going on that I think will give us the answers to the questions that you raise — the [inspector general] investigation in the Justice Department and the Mueller investigation," McConnell said. "I support both of them, and I don't really have anything to add to this subject based upon the Gang of Eight briefing that we had today, which was classified."

McConnell spoke with NPR immediately following a classified intelligence briefing from law enforcement and intelligence officials. The Gang of Eight — a bipartisan group of the four top congressional leaders and the four bipartisan leaders of the House and Senate intelligence committees — met with representatives from the Department of Justice and the FBI to discuss materials regarding a confidential FBI source who met with Trump campaign officials.

換言之, 參議院多數黨領袖認為相關調查合理, 反對Trump指有關調查係Witch Hunt嘅講法
2018-05-25 14:06:10
Ireland split on 'once-in-a-generation' abortion vote


"This is a once-in-a-generation vote," according to Ireland's premier, Leo Varadkar. In a debate that divides Ireland so deeply down the middle, it is one of the few statements everyone can agree on.

The near-total ban on abortion currently in place was adopted as the "Eight Amendment" to the Irish constitution. This clause, passed in a contentious referendum, aimed to stop Ireland's courts following the lead of other countries and introducing abortion without the approval of the legislature. But what was intended as a complete ban on termination has not turned out this way: a landmark case in 1992, involving a suicidal teenage rape victim known only as "X," found that abortion could be permitted in cases where the pregnancy poses a "real and substantial" risk to the mother's life.

These are the "hard cases" cited by "Yes" campaigners as grounds to remove this 1983 prohibition — in their own words, to "Repeal the Eighth." "The Eighth amendment has not worked," Ireland's health minister, Simon Harris, told DW. Harris sponsored the parliamentary legislation to bring about Friday's vote. "If its aim was to stop abortions, by any measure it has failed. Every day nine Irish women go to the UK for a termination, and at least three Irish women take abortion pills illegally without any medical supervision. You need to be able to legislate and put a legal and clinical framework around such sensitive issues."

This is why Harris and his colleagues are proposing to repeal the Eighth Amendment, replacing it with a provision removing the constraints on parliament, so that lawmakers can pass whatever abortion law they see fit. Harris's proposals would include allowing abortion in cases of "fatal fetal abnormality," as well as where pregnancy poses a serious risk to a woman's health.
2018-05-25 14:10:43
North Korea ready to talk 'at any time' with Donald Trump


North Korea has said it is still willing to talk "at any time in any form" after US President Donald Trump abruptly cancelled his meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Vice-foreign minister Kim Kye-gwan said Mr Trump's decision was "extremely regrettable".

President Trump blamed the North's "open hostility" for the cancellation.

The summit would have been the first time a sitting US president had met a North Korean leader.

The details of the meeting in Singapore on 12 June were unclear. But talks would have focused on ways of denuclearising the Korean peninsula and reducing tensions.

Mr Trump was apparently responding to statements from a senior North Korean diplomat attacking his administration and casting doubt over the meeting.

Choe Son-hui had said the suggestions from US Vice-President Mike Pence that North Korea "may end like Libya" was "stupid".
2018-05-25 14:11:55
2018-05-25 14:12:17
Malaysia: police seize $29m in cash from property linked to Najib Razak


Malaysian police seized have $29m in cash from a property linked to the ousted prime minister Najib Razak as part of their investigation into the 1MDB scandal, while 37 bags of jewellery, watches and gold bars seized are yet to be valued.

Police commissioner, Amar Singh, who is overseeing the investigation said that it had taken 22 bank officers two days to count the cash, which was in 26 different currencies – mainly Malaysian ringgit, US dollars and Singapore dollars.

The cash was contained in 35 out of 72 bags that were found during a search last week of an unoccupied apartment in Kuala Lumpur’s affluent Pavilion Residences building, thought to be linked to the former prime minister. “We had a search warrant for this empty premise where we found all these goods,” said Singh.
2018-05-25 14:13:41
Mississauga explosion: more than a dozen injured in restaurant blast


More than a dozen people have been injured after an improvised explosive device was detonated inside a restaurant in Mississauga, a Canadian city neighbouring Toronto.

About 15 people were taken to hospital after the blast at the Bombay Bhel restaurant. Three people had critical injuries, the Peel Regional Paramedic Service said in a Tweet.

Peel Regional Police said on Twitter that two men in their mid 20s had detonated an improvised explosive device inside the restaurant. The men fled the scene shortly after the incident, the statement said.
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