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2018-08-08 07:41:49
2018-08-08 09:25:39
嘩屌, 一開嗰時, 66%票站開左票, Balderson領先緊1.3%
F5完, 變左74%票站開左, O’Connor反超0.8%
2018-08-08 09:31:29
2018-08-08 09:38:10
但其實gop 好多鄉村票未開
green party 嗰少少票真係關鍵

不過依個其實係deep red district 嚟,正路gop 應該贏+10% above
2018-08-08 10:00:19
真係輸green 嗰千幾票
2018-08-08 10:06:29
2018-08-08 10:08:00
2018-08-08 10:09:19
仲有5%站未開, 差0.4%(741票), 真係未開到最後都唔知鹿死誰手
2018-08-08 10:09:47
2016年GOP 贏37%, 依加贏0.4%
2018-08-08 10:12:29
差delaware 未開哂,gop票倉嚟

比新手note: delarware 係ohio 一個城市,唔係講緊第二個州
2018-08-08 10:17:13
trump 聽朝起身應該又瘋狂吹奏自己助選成功

不過gop班議員見到3x% swing 唔知點諗,尤其係ted cruz, 本身trump 都唔多鍾意佢,如果係texas 都輸嘅話真係會比人笑成世
2018-08-08 10:19:25
99%, 差1685票, Balderson反勝0/8%, 真係好近磅

然後11月round 2
2018-08-08 10:22:33
其實我覺得自上年年尾GOP係Alabama都反得車, 班議員已經要驚到瀨屎
2018-08-08 10:35:22
2018-08-08 11:13:09
possibly, 仲要考慮今次係open election, 美國incumbent 係好大優勢,加上GOP 係1940 年開始淨係輸過一屆,11月依然睇好gop會贏返依個議席。但其他議席就

不過今次真係睇得出美國城鄉差異好多,Dems 係中/大型城市可以贏2/3, 鄉下就調轉
2018-08-08 11:18:12
2018-08-08 11:20:01
Theresa May calls on Boris Johnson to say sorry for burqa remarks


Theresa May has rebuked Boris Johnson over his claim that Muslim women in burqas resemble letter boxes and bank robbers, urging the former foreign secretary to apologise after he defied an order to do so by Tory chiefs.

The prime minister said she agreed with the Conservative party chairman, Brandon Lewis, that Johnson should say sorry for his remarks, which she acknowledged had caused offence in the Muslim community.

She urged people to be “very careful” about the language they used to discuss sensitive issues such as women wearing the burqa, but stopped short of saying Johnson’s comments were Islamophobic or that he should lose the Tory whip.

Her intervention came as Conservative party chiefs sought to dampen down the Islamophobia row that has re-erupted since Johnson’s remarks in response to Denmark’s introduction of a ban of burqas in public places.

Sidestepping the question of whether the former foreign secretary was Islamophobic, May said: “I have said it’s very clear that anybody who is talking about this needs to think very carefully about the language that they use and the impact that language has had on people, and it is clear that the language that Boris used has offended people.”
2018-08-08 11:20:22
Malaysia ex-PM Najib charged with money laundering


Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has been charged with three counts of money laundering linked to a multi-million dollar corruption scandal.

His is accused of having received 42m ringgit ($10m; £8m) from state fund 1MDB in his personal bank account.

Mr Najib was arrested in July and has already been charged with breach of trust and abusing his position.

The new investigation into 1MDB began after his shock election loss in May.

He has always denied any guilt and had been cleared by Malaysian authorities while in power.
2018-08-08 12:12:05
講到城鄉差異, 下面呢篇分析寫得幾詳盡:



不過仲未有part 2
2018-08-08 12:50:04
Fox news 仲係too close to call, 原來有8千幾票provisional 同absentee ballots
2018-08-08 22:04:06
China to hit US with tariffs on US imports worth $16bn


China's commerce ministry has announced that it will start imposing 25% import duties targeting $16bn (£12.4bn) worth of US goods.

The Chinese counter-move will take effect immediately after the US imposes tariffs on the same amount of Chinese goods on 23 August.

The list of US imports affected by the taxes includes coal, oil, chemicals and some medical equipment.

Last month, the US imposed duties of 25% on Chinese imports worth $34bn.

The US is also considering further tariffs on another $200bn worth of Chinese goods which could come into effect in September.

For its part, China has threatened to ratchet up the tit-for-tat trade war by slapping tariffs on another $60bn of American imports.

At the same time, Beijing reported a $28.1bn trade surplus with the US in July, just below the record $28.9bn seen in June. But it was 11% higher than in the same month last year.

2018-08-09 12:46:07
US to impose sanctions on Russia over Skripal poisoning


The United States will impose sanctions on Russia for using a "lethal" nerve agent against a former Russian double agent and his daughter in Britain, the State Department said Wednesday.

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said Russia used "a 'Novichok' nerve agent in an attempt to assassinate UK citizen Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal" in southern English city of Salisbury in March.

The sanctions will target the Russian government for using "chemical or biological weapons in violation of international law" or against its own nationals, Nauert said in a statement.

The new sanctions target sensitive national security and defense goods, a senior State Department official said in a conference call with reporters. However, there would be case-by-case exceptions for space flight activities and commercial aviation, the official said.

The sanctions go into effect on or around August 22.
2018-08-09 12:51:38
2018-08-10 13:32:31
Space Force: Mike Pence launches plans for sixth military service


Mike Pence has announced plans for a new, separate US Space Force as a sixth military service by 2020.

The US vice-president said the development is needed to ensure America’s dominance in space amid heightened competition and threats from China and Russia.

In a speech at the Pentagon in Washington DC, Pence said that while space was once peaceful and uncontested, it is now crowded and adversarial.

“Previous administrations all but neglected the growing security threats emerging in space,” Pence said. “Our adversaries have transformed space into a war-fighting domain already, and the United States will not shrink from this challenge.”

Space Force: Trump 2020 asks supporters to vote on logo


Trump 2020 re-election campaign manager Brad Parscale emailed supporters on Tuesday asking them to vote on a Space Force logo which will be sold later on.

The email came as Vice President Mike Pence appeared at the Pentagon to hail the proposed Space Force.

"As a way to celebrate President Trump's huge announcement, our campaign will be selling a new line of gear."

Mr Parscale then asked supporters to choose from six logos, one of which includes the phrase: "Mars awaits."
2018-08-10 13:33:16
Argentina abortion vote won't end legalisation fight, activists say: 'It's going to happen'


Women’s rights activists in Argentina have pledged to continue the fight for legal abortion, despite a resounding defeat in the when a majority of men over 50 years of age voted against a bill that would have legalized elective abortion up to the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.

After more than 15 hours of debate, legislators voted 38 to 31 against the bill early on Thursday, although opinion polls showed the reform had strong public support.

Tens of thousands of women have taken to the streets in a string of protests in favour of legal abortion, and campaigners said that Argentina’s newly empowered women’s movement was determined to keep up the pressure for reform.

The senate’s vote leaves in place a law, drawn up nearly a century ago, that penalizes women with up to four years in prison for undergoing an abortion – although statistics show that there is an average of one abortion performed every 90 seconds in Argentina, where as many as 450,000 unsafe illegal abortions are carried out every year.
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