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2018-07-12 09:53:23
Trump urges Nato members to double military funding target


US President Donald Trump has urged Nato allies to commit 4% of their annual output (GDP) to military spending - double the current target.

The White House confirmed he had made the remarks during the Western military alliance's summit in Brussels.

The meeting also saw Mr Trump single out Germany for criticism over its defence spending.

Nato's secretary-general said the main focus should be on all members reaching the current target of 2% of GDP.

Jens Stoltenberg declined to answer a specific question about Mr Trump's remarks, but told reporters: "I think we should first get to 2%, focus on that now... the good thing is that we are moving to that."
2018-07-12 10:56:08
Pacific leaders sign on to Australian internet cabling scheme, shutting out China


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Pacific nations Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands have signed on to a joint undersea internet cable project, funded mostly by Australia, that forestalls plans by Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd to lay the links itself.

Wednesday’s pact comes as China pushes for influence in a region Australia views as its backyard, amid souring ties after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last year accused Beijing of meddling in Canberra’s affairs.

Australia will pay two-thirds of the project cost of A$136.6 million ($100 million) under the deal, signed on a visit to Brisbane by Solomon Islands Prime Minister Rick Houenipwela and Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.
2018-07-12 10:57:20
China's ZTE clears hurdle to lifting U.S. ban


(Reuters) - The United States said on Wednesday that it signed an agreement with ZTE Corp (000063.SZ) that paves the way for the Chinese tech company to resume operations after a nearly three-month ban on doing business with American suppliers.

The ban on China’s No. 2 telecommunications equipment maker will be removed once the company deposits $400 million in an escrow account, the U.S. Commerce Department said in a statement announcing that an escrow agreement had been signed.

The ban, which was imposed in April and caused ZTE to cease major operations, has been a source of friction between Washington and Beijing, which are engaged in an escalating trade dispute.
2018-07-12 10:58:36
Czech PM Babis wins cabinet's backing, ends nine-month struggle to form majority

PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech parliament gave its backing early on Thursday to a new, center-left minority cabinet led by billionaire Andrej Babis, ending his nearly nine-month effort to secure a parliamentary majority.

The new government, which pairs Babis’s ANO party with the Social Democrats, relied on the support on the Communist Party, giving it a political say for the first time since the fall of communism in the former Czechoslovakia in 1989.

Most parties have rejected working with Babis, whose ANO won an election last October, because he faces fraud charges related to a 2 million euro ($2.34 million) European Union subsidy a decade ago. He has denied any wrongdoing.

Under a deal that has been criticized by opposition parties, ANO and the center-left Social Democrats together hold 93 seats in the 200-seat lower house of parliament, with the pro-Moscow, anti-NATO Communists agreeing to lend another 15 votes.
2018-07-12 11:18:54
2018-07-12 11:34:13
都係得個屌字,2% of GDP由Obama時代起訂立,到今日都meet唔到,更何況 4%,而且如果用NATO figure,美國都係3.5%而已

反而,侵侵屌德國同普京起Nord Stream 2 pipeline,就相當合理,完全係對烏克蘭不利同令歐洲過份依賴俄國天然氣,而且北歐各國同英國,而且係連European commission都反對

另外,真係開會時侵侵似乎唔算太過aggressive,不過好似同Conte 講講吓走鬼咗。會後又指同德國有 tremendous relationship 
2018-07-12 11:36:13
2018-07-12 11:38:43
2018-07-12 11:45:49
唔計中東,全世界軍費過gdp 4%好似得俄佬同剛果,美國都要再加幾成軍費先夠
下個應該到日本比trump 鬧,得1%唔夠
2018-07-12 12:12:15
2018-07-12 12:18:13
nato 數據2017年係3.57%, world bank 數據計仲會低啲
2018-07-12 12:23:07
2018-07-12 12:25:23
2018-07-12 12:26:02
依幅old news 嚟,2012年數據。latvia Lithuania 都係今年predict 2%gdp defence spending. 另外hungary 係eu 入面俄佬最大支持國
2018-07-12 12:28:31
good post
2018-07-12 12:46:58
德法二國一日唔係極右(Le Pen、AFD)當政 歐盟都係會同侵侵作對
2018-07-12 12:47:22
一定要德法兩國推動先得 其他歐洲國家太弱
2018-07-12 12:52:38
講起Le Pen post 翻出嚟先,唔記得咗

France's Marine Le Pen condemns €2m party funding block


French far-right leader Marine Le Pen says her National Rally (RN) party is being "assassinated" by judges who blocked €2m (£1.7m) of public funding for it.

The RN - formerly the National Front (FN) - is accused of misusing €7m of European Parliament funds intended to pay MEPs' assistants in Brussels.

French prosecutors suspect that the RN used EU funds to pay staff in France.

Ms Le Pen and seven RN colleagues are members of the French parliament.

In a tweet (in French) on Monday Ms Le Pen said: "Two judges have decided, in violation of the presumption of innocence, without any court ruling, to assassinate France's leading opposition party." Ms Le Pen said seizing the RN's public subsidy "puts democracy at risk - it's also a matter for all the parties". French banks have previously refused to lend to her party.

An opinion poll conducted by Ifop-Fiducial among 1,374 potential voters on 25-27 June gave LREM 23%, followed by RN on 19%, the centre-right Les Républicains (LR) on 15% and socialist La France Insoumise on 11%.
2018-07-12 12:56:12
2018-07-12 12:58:55
2018-07-12 17:30:01
2018-07-12 17:45:45
German court allows extradition of former Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont


A court in Germany ruled on Thursday that deposed Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont can be extradited to Spain only on the charge of misusing public funds and not on the more serious charge of rebellion.

Puigdemont went into self-imposed exile in Belgium after Madrid fired him and his government for "illegally" declaring independence for Catalonia. In March, he was detained in Germany on a European arrest warrant while traveling through the country.
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