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2018-05-25 14:16:28
Close result expected in Ireland's abortion referendum


The people of Ireland will vote on Friday in a historic referendum on whether to repeal or retain a constitutional clause protecting the rights of the unborn that has produced one of the most restrictive abortion regimes in the world.

The outcome of the vote, expected to be close following a polarised and often acrimonious campaign, will either confirm Ireland on its journey from a conservative Catholic country to a socially liberal one, or indicate that social reforms over recent decades have reached their limit.

If the vote is in favour of repeal, the government plans to introduce legislation permitting unrestricted abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Abortions up to the 23rd week will be permitted when a woman’s health is threatened and in cases of a fatal foetal abnormality.

Polling stations across Ireland open at 7am and close at 10pm. Counting will begin on Saturday morning, with the final result expected to be formally announced in the late afternoon. However, the outcome may be clear earlier as results come in from key constituencies. Dublin is expected to be strongly yes-voting, and rural areas more inclined to vote no.
2018-05-25 18:45:35

What the 1990 election can - and can't - tell us about the Ontario NDP's chances today

Andrea Horwath's New Democrats have made significant gains in the polls since the Ontario election campaign kicked off a little more than two weeks ago. Though Doug Ford's Progressive Conservatives are still in a better spot to win the most seats, the possibility that the NDP will form the next government in Ontario is quite real.

It's like 1990 all over again. Or is it?

In 1990, the Ontario New Democrats formed government for the first and only time in their history. But the campaign did not start out with Bob Rae's party as the favourite.

Far from it — the incumbent Liberals under David Peterson had a 24-point lead over the NDP in a June 1990 poll conducted by Environics.
2018-05-26 08:35:51
Exit polls point to landslide vote to relax Irish abortion laws


Ireland has voted by a landslide to lift the ban on abortion that had been enshrined in its constitution for three decades, the first exit polls from a historic referendum suggest.

If confirmed at Saturday’s count, the shock result – three years after Ireland became the first country in the world to approve same-sex marriage by a popular vote – would underline the speed and scale of change in a country that is still majority Catholic.

The Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll late on Friday suggested a 68% to 32% vote in favour of yes. The RTE exit poll of 3,000 voters suggested that 69.4% voted yes in the referendum compared to 30.6% who said no.
2018-05-26 10:00:03
2018-05-26 19:15:11
Korean leaders meet in surprise summit


Leaders of both Koreas meet in border zone as efforts continue to reschedule Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong-un
2018-05-26 19:16:26
2018-05-26 19:31:53
2018-05-26 19:34:18
2018-05-26 19:34:30
2018-05-26 19:39:19
2018-05-26 21:31:37
Irish abortion referendum: first official results show lead for yes – live


2018-05-27 01:36:17
Legalises abortion
2018-05-27 10:27:19



1. 北韓領袖金正恩在25日下午首先向文總統提議,希望兩人能不拘任何形式會面,文總統爽快答應。

2. 文總統向金正恩傳達川普總統希望正向發展美朝關係的堅定意志,表示落北韓落實非核化,美國將終結與北韓的敵對關係;但金正恩對美國能否給予體制保障,感到懷疑。

3. 金正恩向總統再次傳達非核化的意志,但剛才青瓦台採訪記者進一步詢問文總統有關北韓棄核的方式,文總統則回應,這得等到金正恩與川普總統直接會面討論,由自己來說明並不恰當。

4. 而文總統與金正恩達成共識,在川金會舉行前,美朝雙方有必再舉行實務協商,先前遭北韓片面宣布終止的南北實務協商,也將於6月1日舉行,

5. 韓朝再次確定6月12日美朝峰會如期舉行的必要性,而南北首腦為讓美朝會談成功而緊密合作中。

6. 文總統強調,必要時,韓朝雙方在任何時即都可互相通訊溝通,而完全非核化與實踐和平之路不會很順利,但「必將成功」。


2018-05-28 06:47:02
2018-05-28 11:00:49
Colombia election: Run-off expected in first vote since Farc deal


Colombia is heading for a run-off in its presidential election after no candidate achieved 50% of the vote in Sunday's first round.

With nearly all ballots counted in Sunday's first round, conservative Ivan Duque was leading with 39.7% ahead of left-wing rival Gustavo Petro on 24.8%.

It is the first election since the government signed a peace agreement with the Farc rebel group in 2016.

The deal has polarised political opinion across the country.

Mr Duque has opposed the peace deal, saying it is too lenient on the Farc. But Mr Petro, an ex-guerrilla and former Bogota mayor, supports the accord.
2018-05-28 11:06:15
Italy’s president scotches populist governing alliance


ROME — Italy’s messy post-election drama on Sunday night took another stunning turn.

The country’s president rejected a proposed populist 5Star-League alliance that included a Euroskeptic as economy minister and looked poised to appoint a “technocratic” government as early as Monday.

The collapse of the proposed coalition leaves Italy on an uncertain path in the days ahead, veering between the possibility of early elections or a technocratic government of longer duration. It also threatens a constitutional crisis, as the leaders of the 5Stars Movement and the League condemned the president and one even called for his impeachment. And it’s sure to further rattle already nervous international financial markets.

The coalition unraveled after President Sergio Mattarella refused to accept 81-year-old economist Paolo Savona, citing his opposition to the single currency. The move wasn’t wholly unprecedented: Previous presidents had used their powers to refuse to appoint a minister, though never because of their views on the euro.

After both parties refused to switch Savona out, the prime minister-designate — a little-known lawyer called Giuseppe Conte — on Sunday rejected the mandate to form a new government. The president can now call early elections or appoint a technocratic, or “presidential,” government to lead Italy until the next election.
2018-05-28 11:07:02
Poland offers US up to $2B for permanent military base


Poland wants a permanent U.S. military presence — and is willing to pony up as much as $2 billion to get it, according to a defense ministry proposal obtained by Polish news portal Onet.

The Polish offer reflects a long-standing desire in Warsaw to build closer security relations with the U.S. and put American boots on the ground. The push dates back to Poland’s entry into NATO in 1999, but has taken on added urgency in the wake of Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region four years ago and aggressive posture toward the alliance.

Coming just over a month before NATO leaders gather in Brussels for a summit, the Polish initiative is bound to anger Russia, and will be looked at with skepticism by European allies that want to improve relations with Moscow, such as Italy and at times Germany.
2018-05-28 11:09:22
歐洲動態: 愛爾蘭放寬墮胎限制了,北愛呢?






2018-05-28 13:13:19
2018-05-28 13:25:05
can now call early elections or appoint a technocratic, or “presidential,” government
2018-05-28 14:29:53
Technocratic government會大約出年咁上下時間選,如Technocratic government 過唔到(好大機會),就幾個月內選
2018-05-28 14:31:53
我見有提議國會 impeach 個總統
2018-05-28 15:09:52
Giuliani Admits ‘Spygate’ Is PR in Anticipation of Impeachment


Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani confirmed on Sunday that the president and his allies’ attempts to discredit the Mueller investigation — including the most recent so-called Spygate controversy — are part of a public relations campaign aimed at staving off impeachment. “It is for public opinion,” the former New York mayor admitted during an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union. And while trying to shape public opinion is the rarely acknowledged goal of any presidential administration, what Giuliani said next was unique to Trump’s: “Because eventually the decision here is going to be impeach or not impeach.”

Giuliani’s comment came amid pressure from host Dana Bash to acknowledge that he and Trump were using a “very specific, very political strategy to undermine [the Mueller] investigation,” highlighting how a recent poll revealed a 15 percent drop in the number of Republicans who wanted Trump to testify in the probe. Bash and Giuliani had already talked about the unfounded Spygate allegation by Trump and his allies that the FBI had installed a spy in the Trump campaign to set up for collusion charges. (The FBI had actually warned Trump that Russia was trying to infiltrate his campaign.)


1. 指控FBI放間諜入Trump競選團隊係PR舉動

2. 佢似乎相當肯定國會將會彈劾Trump, 所以已經做定嘢影響輿論

2018-05-28 15:13:14
2018-05-28 15:15:33
漏左講, 以上資訊由Trump代表律師Giuliani提供
由Trump請佢以黎, 佢受訪成日都食誠實豆沙包/鳩up, 我真係睇唔明佢想點
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞