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2018-08-25 11:05:16
Ebola: medics brace for new cases as DRC outbreak spreads


An outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has reached a pivotal moment and now endangers medical teams fighting to stop the spread of the disease, health workers have said.

Dr Peter Salama, the World Health Organisation’s emergencies chief, said there were 103 confirmed and probable cases in the outbreak, which is centred in the eastern province of North Kivu, and that another wave of cases was expected.

The DRC’s Health Ministry 36 deaths. Another 27 deaths were suspected to be from Ebola, it said. Salama said 14 healthcare workers had been infected so far, one of whom had died.

Several cases of Ebola have already been identified in the city of Beni, raising fears of further infection in a crowded urban centre.

A significant problem is the belief among many local communities in and around Beni that the outbreak has been caused by sorcery, local civil society activists said.
2018-08-25 11:05:46
Donald Trump cancels Mike Pompeo's North Korea trip, citing lack of progress


US President Donald Trump called off Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's planned trip to North Korea on Friday, just a day after Pompeo announced he was going.

Announcing the move on Twitter, Trump wrote that he'd asked Pompeo not to go "because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."

Trump then took aim at China, accusing Beijing of not helping with the disarmament process, without elaborating. He also hinted that his decision to cancel the trip was tied to a trade dispute with China.

"Secretary Pompeo looks forward to going to North Korea in the near future, most likely after our trading relationship with China is resolved," Trump.

Trump concluded his announcement by saying: "In the meantime I would like to send my warmest regards and respect to Chairman Kim [Jong Un]. I look forward to seeing him soon!"
2018-08-25 16:30:50
Maersk sends first container ship through Arctic route


COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A Maersk vessel loaded with Russian fish and South Korean electronics will next week become the first container ship to navigate an Arctic sea route that Russia hopes will become a new shipping highway.

The Arctic voyage by the 3,600 20-foot container capacity Venta Maersk is the latest step in the expansion of the so-called Northern Sea Route which is becoming more accessible to ships as climate change reduces the amount of sea ice.

The brand new Venta Maersk, one of the world’s largest ice-class vessels, will also collect scientific data, said Maersk, underlining that the voyage is a one-off trial for now.

The decision by Maersk, the world’s biggest container shipping group, to test out the route is a positive sign for Russia, which hopes this could become a mini Suez Canal, cutting sea transport times from Asia to Europe.

Russia is building new roads and a railway and overhauling its ports in an expansion of its freight capacity to prepare for a potential increase in shipping traffic along its Arctic coast.

2018-08-25 22:56:22
Papal visit: Pope shamed by Church's abuse failures


Pope Francis has said he is ashamed of the Catholic Church's failure to adequately address the "repellent crimes" of sex abuse by clergy.

The Pope was addressing political leaders and diplomats at Dublin Castle during the first papal visit to the Republic of Ireland for 40 years.

He is expected to meet victims of clerical sex abuse later on Saturday.

The visit coincides with the World Meeting of Families - a global Catholic gathering held every three years.

"I cannot fail to acknowledge the grave scandal caused in Ireland by the abuse of young people by members of the Church charged with responsibility for their protection and education," he told the Dublin Castle audience.

"The failure of ecclesiastical authorities - bishops, religious superiors, priests and others - adequately to address these repellent crimes has rightly given rise to outrage, and remains a source of pain and shame for the Catholic community.

"I myself share those sentiments."
2018-08-26 09:09:58
John McCain, war hero and giant of the Senate, dies at 81


John McCain, a giant of the Senate who survived years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam to become a leading actor on the political stage for decades, died Saturday at the age of 81.

In a statement, McCain's office wrote that the Arizona senator died at 4:28 p.m., where he was accompanied by his wife, Cindy, and their family.

"At his death, he had served the United States of America faithfully for sixty years,” McCain's office wrote.

The news prompted an outpouring of tribute and sympathy from Republicans and Democrats alike, a testament to the respect McCain built among colleagues in both parties despite his habit of calling them out during clashes over politics and policy.
2018-08-26 10:46:32
Chinese Communist Party is stepping up efforts to stifle dissent abroad, US officials are told


China’s ruling Communist Party is pursuing an aggressive, covert infiltration of US educational and social institutions to quell dissenting voices and strengthen its soft power overseas, according to a report written for an influential US congressional body.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is seeking “to co-opt ethnic Chinese individuals and communities living outside China”, said the report, published on Friday by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

Chinese analysts said it indicated that Beijing and Washington were clashing on a new front – over ideology – as well as on trade and security.

Methods to co-opt ethnic Chinese include threatening to imprison family members of Uygur people living in the US unless they agree to spy for the party, the report said.

At the same time, “a number of other key affiliated organisations guided by China’s broader United Front strategy conduct influence operations targeting foreign actors and states”, said the paper, referring to the United Front Work Department, a government body charged with strengthening adherence to the ruling party both within and outside China.

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission


China uses “United Front” work to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD)—the agency responsible for coordinating these kinds of influence operations—mostly focuses on the management of potential opposition groups inside China, but it also has an important foreign influence mission.

To carry out its influence activities abroad, the UFWD directs “overseas Chinese work,” which seeks to co-opt ethnic Chinese individuals and communities living outside China, while a number of other key affiliated organizations guided by China’s broader United Front strategy conduct influence operations targeting foreign actors and states. Some of these entities have clear connections to the CCP’s United Front strategy, while others’ linkage is less explicit.

Today, United Front-related organizations are playing an increasingly important role in China’s broader foreign policy under Chinese President and General Secretary of the CCP Xi Jinping.

It is precisely the nature of United Front work to seek influence through connections that are difficult to publically prove and to gain influence that is interwoven with sensitive issues such as ethnic, political, and national identity, making those who seek to identify the negative effects of such influence vulnerable to accusations of prejudice. Because of the complexities of this issue, it is crucial for the U.S. government to better understand Beijing’s United Front strategy, its goals, and the actors responsible for achieving them if it is to formulate an effective and comprehensive response.

China’s Overseas United Front Work Background and Implications for the United States

2018-08-26 18:37:33
2018-08-26 22:49:45

2018-08-26 23:08:12
2018-08-27 07:51:05
2018-08-27 17:05:51
Iran and Syria sign deal for military cooperation


(Reuters) - Iran and Syria signed a deal for military cooperation in a meeting between the defense ministers of the two countries in Damascus, the Tasnim news agency reported on Monday.

Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami traveled to Damascus on Sunday for a two-day visit, meeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and senior military officials, Tasnim reported.

Iranian forces have backed Assad in the country’s civil war.

Tasnim did not provide any details about the military cooperation deal.

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said last week that Iran should remove its forces from Syria.

Senior Iranian officials have said their military presence in Syria is at the invitation of the Assad government and they have no immediate plans to withdraw.
2018-08-27 20:19:56
Myanmar generals had 'genocidal intent' against Rohingya, must face justice: U.N.


GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings and gang rapes of Muslim Rohingya with “genocidal intent” and the commander-in-chief and five generals should be prosecuted for orchestrating the gravest crimes under law, U.N. investigators said on Monday.

The civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi has allowed hate speech to thrive, destroyed documents and failed to protect minorities from crimes against humanity and war crimes by the army in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan states, they said in a report.

In doing so, it “contributed to the commission of atrocity crimes”, the report said.

The U.N. report said the military action, which included the scorching of villages, was “grossly disproportionate to actual security threats”.

“The crimes in Rakhine State, and the manner in which they were perpetrated, are similar in nature, gravity and scope to those that have allowed genocidal intent to be established in other contexts,” said the U.N. Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar.

Report of the Independent International Fact-finding Mission on Myanmar - A/HRC/39/64 (Release date 27 August 2018)

2018-08-27 20:44:17
未必。搞到咁既屎樣支持率都係跌幾個 %
加上 bill shorten 真係好唔受中產對上歡迎
2018-08-27 21:44:06
Malaysia says no to foreign homeowners in Forest City project


KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said on Monday he wanted to prevent foreigners from buying residential units in the $100 billion Forest City project, a setback for the Chinese developer as it tries to revive faltering demand for the site.

The project by developer Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd to build a city for 700,000 people in the state of Johor bordering Singapore has faced uncertainty since Mahathir’s coalition won a shock victory at a May general election.

“One thing is certain, that city that is going to be built cannot be sold to foreigners,” Mahathir told a news conference in Kuala Lumpur, the capital.

“We are not going to give visas for people to come and live here,” he added. “Our objection is because it was built for foreigners, not built for Malaysians. Most Malaysians are unable to buy those flats.”

Mahathir takes aim at Country Garden's giant development in southern Malaysia


FOREST CITY/KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on Monday declared that foreigners will not be granted visas to live in the giant Forest City real estate project on the country’s southern tip, a major threat to the marketing strategy for the development.

Country Garden Pacificview Sdn Bhd, the joint venture between Country Garden and the Johor state government that is developing Forest City, said in a statement it is in touch with Mahathir’s office as it seeks clarification. It said it believed Mahathir’s comments “may have been taken out of context in certain media reports” as they do not correspond with the content of a meeting between the prime minister and Country Garden Holdings Chairman Yeung Kwok Keung.

In that meeting on August 16, Mahathir “reiterated that he welcomes foreign investments which could create employment opportunities, promote technology transfer and innovations that could benefit Malaysia’s economic growth and job creation,” Country Garden Pacificview said.

It also said that it has complied with all Malaysian laws and regulations concerning approvals to sell to foreign purchasers.
2018-08-27 21:44:49
Erdogan, May discuss economic, trade ties and investments: CNN Turk


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and British Prime Minister Theresa May discussed bilateral economic and trade ties and investments in a telephone call, private broadcaster CNN Turk said on Monday.

The two leaders agreed that Turkish Treasury Minister Berat Albayrak should meet his UK counterpart as soon as possible, it said.

Turkey's Erdogan to visit Iran on Sept. 7


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will visit Iran on Sept 7, his office said on Monday, on a trip expected to include a three-way summit with Russian and Iranian leaders.

The Kremlin said nearly two weeks ago that Russian President Vladimir Putin may take part in a meeting with Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the beginning of September. The three leaders met in April in Ankara, where they discussed developments in Syria.
2018-08-27 21:45:18
Putin, Xi to hold talks next month in Russia's Vladivostok - Kremlin


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping during an economic forum in the eastern Russian city of Vladivostok next month, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

Russia is expecting some Asian leaders and companies to attend to the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok from September 11-13.
2018-08-27 21:46:56
Malcolm Turnbull to trigger byelection by quitting parliament on Friday


Malcolm Turnbull will resign from parliament on Friday.

His departure will trigger a byelection in his Sydney seat of Wentworth, with suggestions it may occur in October.

The former prime minister informed his federal electorate conference of his decision on Monday evening, and said he would send a letter to his local constituents this week.

He told them he did not want to dwell on the events of last week, “a pointless week of madness” that disgraced the parliament and appalled the nation, and repeated his belief that the best place for former PMs was out of parliament.

“Your support has enabled me to be a minister and, for the past three years, prime minister,” it is understood he told the conference.

“Everything I have achieved for Australia in public life has been due to you – built on the foundation of this community, which Lucy and I love and where we have always lived.”

“Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
2018-08-27 21:49:08


// 教宗方濟各在25和26日訪問愛爾蘭,是39年來第一個訪愛的教宗,他在26日出席了一場彌撒,就神父性侵兒童的問題道歉,並請求天主和大家寬恕。愛爾蘭國營廣播機構RTE這篇分析形容,方濟各訪問期間為性侵醜聞道歉,並不令人意外,因為很多人早已預期,但他同時就教會在愛爾蘭的「機構性濫權虐待」也作出道歉,則很少人預計得到。



1. 在愛爾蘭的濫權虐待,包括濫用權力、辜負良心、教會內一些重要人物進行性侵,尤其是一些教徒及教會神職人員營運的機構出現濫權虐待行為;
2. 很多年輕人被剝削,要進行艱苦勞動;
3. 教會未能向受害者表達同情之心,未有透過實質行動伸張公義,尋求真相;
4. 教會內一些人未有及時處理問題,保持緘默;
5. 教會向單親媽媽及被逼與這些母親分離的兒女說,他們若要找回對方相認,是不赦之罪,教宗明確強調,他們相認不是罪。

2018-08-28 15:01:24
Germany migrants: Protesters face off in Chemnitz


Rival protests over a murder in the east German city of Chemnitz have ended with several people injured as objects were hurled by both sides, police say.

Far-right activists had gathered in the centre for a second day as a Syrian and an Iraqi remained under arrest on suspicion of Sunday's deadly stabbing.

Anti-Nazi activists rallied just metres away, accusing the far right of using the death for political ends.

Injuries were caused when protesters on both sides threw objects, police say.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel had warned that "vigilante justice" would not be tolerated.

Police warned masked demonstrators who were picking up stones in the city 190km (118 miles) south of Berlin that their actions were being filmed.

Earlier, the authorities said police were investigating alleged assaults on an Afghan, a Syrian and a Bulgarian during the unrest that broke out on Sunday.

Reports have included mentions of protesters chasing foreigners, though there are few details, and police have appealed for witnesses to the assaults to hand over any video they may have recorded.

It is unclear what triggered a fight which reportedly preceded the stabbing, at about 03:15 (01:15 GMT) on Sunday, on the sidelines of a street festival, which has now been cancelled.

The victim, a carpenter aged 35, was mortally wounded and died in hospital. He has been named locally as Daniel H, who had a German mother and a Cuban father.

Two other German men with him, aged 33 and 38, were seriously hurt, police say.

The Syrian detainee is 23 and the Iraqi 22.

Police have denied rumours on social media that the fight was linked to the sexual harassment of a woman.
2018-08-28 15:02:41
Trump announces 'incredible' trade deal with Mexico


The US and Mexico have reached common ground on key trade terms as pressure mounts to complete renegotiation of the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement.

US President Donald Trump, a frequent critic of the existing deal, announced the apparent breakthrough on Monday.

The final outcome remains in doubt with Canada, the third country in the pact, due to rejoin talks on Tuesday.

Mr Trump has triggered a year of talks, after threatening to pull out of Nafta.

He demanded renegotiation of the 1994 trade agreement, which he blames for a decline in US manufacturing jobs, especially in the auto industry.

Nafta covers more than $1tr (£780bn) in annual trade.

The update is to include provisions to govern intellectual property, digital trade and investor disputes, among other issues.

In the preliminary agreement announced on Monday, the US and Mexico agreed that 75% of a product must be made in the two countries to receive tax-free treatment, which is more than in the existing deal, the US said.
2018-08-28 15:09:31
French environment minister resigns, citing lack of policy progress


PARIS (Reuters) - French Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot announced his resignation on Tuesday, citing disappointment with the lack of progress on climate and other environmental goals.

Hulot said his decision, taken on Monday night, was the result of an “accumulation of disappointments” over the inadequacy of steps to tackle climate change, defend biodiversity and address other environmental threats.

Hulot, a former TV presenter and green activist, said on France Inter radio that he had not yet informed President Emmanuel Macron of his decision to resign.
2018-08-28 15:10:16
Trump called off Pompeo's North Korea visit after belligerent letter: report


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called off a visit to North Korea by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after the latter received a belligerent letter from a senior North Korean official just hours after the trip was announced last week, the Washington Post reported on Monday.

The Post quoted two unnamed senior U.S. administration officials as saying the letter came on Friday from Kim Yong Chol, vice chairman of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party Central Committee, who led previous rounds of talks with Pompeo.

The newspaper said the exact contents of the message were unclear, but it was sufficiently belligerent that Trump and Pompeo decided to call off the journey.

The planned trip had been announced the previous day for this week and Pompeo had intended to introduce a newly named special envoy, Stephen Biegun, to his North Korean counterparts.
2018-08-29 10:31:56
South Sudan rebel leader Riek Machar agrees to sign final peace deal


President Salva Kiir had been in talks with his former, and returning vice president Riek Machar for several weeks in Khartoum, under the Sudanese government's mediation, trying to find a comprehensive peace deal to end the civil war.

Tens of thousands of people have died and millions have been displaced since Kiir and Machar fell out in 2013 and fighting between state troops and fighters loyal to Machar broke out.

A series of draft agreements around a ceasefire had been drawn up and some were signed but the comprehensive end to fighting and power-sharing accord still eluded them.

On Tuesday, Machar balked again as his SPLM-IO and another rebel group said that issues over power sharing and a new constitution had been left out of the text.

However, later on Tuesday, Sudanese Foreign Minister Al-Dirdiri Mohamed said intensive negotiations with Machar had led to him "agreeing to initial the final peace agreement the day after tomorrow, on Thursday, August 30."
2018-08-29 10:36:11
Theresa May indicates she would fight a Boris Johnson leadership bid


Theresa May indicated she would seek to fight off any leadership challenge from Boris Johnson and suggested she would lead the Conservatives into the next general election as she repeated a promise to lead the party “for the long term”.

The prime minister said she was in politics “to deliver for the British people” and told journalists on a trip to Africa she would highlight housing, healthcare and other non-Brexit domestic issues in a relaunch at next month’s party conference in Birmingham.

When asked specifically if she would contest a leadership challenge from Johnson, the former foreign secretary, May said she hoped to fight on as prime minister: “I am in this for the long term. I am in this for delivering for the British people, and that’s what I’m focused on.”

Johnson remains a serious threat to May at a time when much of the party’s grassroots is unhappy with her Chequers Brexit proposals, a negotiating plan that led to him quitting the cabinet, claiming that Britain would be “reduced to the status of a colony” if it was adopted.
2018-08-29 10:39:53
Trump warns Google, Facebook and Twitter in row over bias


US President Donald Trump has warned Google, Twitter and Facebook they are "treading on troubled territory" amid a row over perceived bias.

He said they had to be "very careful", after earlier accusing Google of rigging the search results for the phrase "Trump news".

An aide said the administration was "looking into" the issue of regulation.

Google said its search engine set no political agenda and was not biased towards any political ideology.

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Mr Trump said Google had "really taken a lot of advantage of a lot of people, it's a very serious thing".
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