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2018-07-18 03:54:33
侵侵純粹係想搞散歐盟 最緊要就係勾結俄佬
歐盟消失左 bargaining power無曬 法國德國只能夠單獨同美國簽agreement 條件一定harsh好多
2018-07-18 07:05:21
2018-07-18 08:35:18
2018-07-18 10:49:33
2018-07-18 10:56:38

2018-07-18 17:25:18
May sees off rebellion on customs union as amendment is defeated


Theresa May saw off a damaging Commons rebellion on Tuesday as Conservative remainers lost a high-stakes vote on the customs union, giving the prime minister some much-needed breathing space on Brexit before the summer break.

She avoided all-out Tory civil war and the wrath of the Eurosceptic wing of her party, which had threatened to launch a leadership challenge, when MPs defeated the proposal by six votes.

However, minutes earlier, May suffered her second ever Brexit defeat when the Commons, in an unexpected move, backed calls for the UK to remain under EU medicines regulation.

MPs voted 307 to 301 to overturn the rebel amendment to the trade bill under which Britain would be forced to join a customs union with the EU if no agreement were reached on frictionless trade by 21 January 2019.

Although the defeat on the medicines amendment, with MPs voting 305 to 301 in favour, was both humiliating and unexpected, it does not impact on the central proposals in May’s Brexit plan.
2018-07-18 17:26:40
Trump now says he accepts that Russia meddled in 2016 election


President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he accepts the assessment of the U.S. intelligence community that Russia was behind a campaign of cyberattacks intended to impact the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, reversing course from a day earlier, when he said he saw no reason why the Kremlin might have launched such an attack.

"Let me begin by saying that, once again, the full faith and support for America's intelligence agencies, I have a full faith in our intelligence agencies," Trump told reporters at the top of a White House meeting on Tuesday. "Let me be totally clear in saying that — and I've said this many times, I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also."

The president’s reversal — one of several he has had on the issue of Russian interference since his 2016 election victory — follows Monday’s bilateral news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, one that critics said marked a foreign policy nadir of Trump’s first 16 months in office.

“I actually went out and reviewed a clip of an answer that I gave, and I realize that there is need for some clarification. It should have been obvious, I thought it would be obvious, but I would like to clarify just in case it wasn't,” Trump said. “In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word 'would' instead of 'wouldn't.' The sentence should have been, ‘I don't see any reason why I wouldn't’ or ‘why it wouldn't be Russia.’”

“So just to repeat it, I said the word 'would' instead of 'wouldn't,' and the sentence should have been — and I thought I would be maybe a little bit unclear on the transcript or unclear on the actual video,” he continued. “The sentence should have been, ‘I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia.’ Sort of a double negative. So you can put that in, and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good by itself.”
2018-07-18 19:21:33
German Cabinet declares Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria 'safe'


The German government will put forward legislation declaring Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Georgia "safe countries of origin." The decision was reached after the weekly meeting of Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet on Wednesday in Berlin.

If enacted, the change in the law would make it easier for Germany to turn back people from and deport them back to the countries in question, which have been frequently accused of human-rights violations.

Seehofer said that asylum applicants from the countries concerned had a success rate of less than five percent. But he also said that individual appeals to the rules would be possible and that people from the four countries in question who were already studying or working legally in Germany would be exempt from deportations.
2018-07-18 19:22:32
Google fined €4.3 billion by EU regulator


After a three year investigation, the European Union on Wednesday imposed a €4.3 billion ($5 billion) fine on Google for breaching the bloc's competition rules with its Android operating system.

The company stands accused of abusing its dominant position in the market by making tie-ups with phone makers like South Korea's Samsung and China's Huawei, therefore blocking rivals and hindering competition. The company has been given 90 days to end this practice or face more fines.

The European Commission has long complained that Google requires manufacturers to pre-install its search engine and Google Chrome browser on phones, and set Google Search as the default, as a condition of licensing some Google apps like Google Play.
2018-07-19 00:33:28

世界盃頒獎, 法國國家隊第一個人, 仲要係黑人, 直接skip咗普京
2018-07-19 22:20:45
Israel passes controversial Jewish nation-state bill


srael's parliament passed a controversial law early Thursday that declares only Jews have a right to national self-determination in Israel, drawing criticism from human rights organizations and Arabs who called it racist and said it amounted to apartheid.

The "nation-state" law, backed by the right-wing government, passed 62-55 with two abstentions in the 120-seat Knesset after months of political debate and after some parts were softened over concerns it would damage Israel's international image.

The bill states that "Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people" and "the right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people." It also downgrades Arabic from an official language alongside Hebrew to a "special" one, and declares Jerusalem the united capital of Israel.

The law also instructs the state to preserve the Jewish heritage within the diaspora, and contains passages about national holidays, the flag, the anthem and making the Hebrew calendar the official calendar.
2018-07-19 22:22:03
EU steels itself with new tariffs aimed at protecting domestic industry


The European Union has announced that it will impose tariffs on steel imports into the bloc as part of its response to the US imposition of tariffs on steel and aluminum products. The measures are not just retaliatory, but a way to help shield the EU's market from a glut of steel heading to the continent after the US imposed its tariffs on imports of the metal.

The 25 percent tariffs will not be levied on all steel imports but rather will come into effect once import levels across a range of steel categories exceed a certain quota, set at the average import level of the past three years.

This system, known as a tariff rate quota, is designed to guard against a surge of steel imports into the bloc that would otherwise have been headed for the US market were it not for the recent imposition of tariffs by US President Donald Trump.

The European Commission says the EU has seen an increase in steel products reaching its market since the Trump tariffs came into effect in the United States. The 28-member bloc wants to protect its own manufacturers from cheaper steel flooding in from other global markets.

The main exporters of steel to the EU currently are China, India, Russia, South Korea, Turkey and Ukraine. Cheap Chinese steel has in particular caused turbulence within the EU steel market, leading to consolidating mergers such as that which recently took place between Thyssenkrupp and Indian steel giant Tata.
2018-07-19 22:25:35
Spain drops extradition requests for Carles Puigdemont, other Catalan separatists


A Spanish Supreme Court judge dropped international and European arrest warrants on Thursday for former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont and five other separatist leaders who fled abroad.

Last week, a German court approved Puigdemont's extradition, but ruled that he couldn't be sent back to Spain on rebellion charges, only for misuse of public funds.

In a decision published Thursday, Spanish Judge Pablo Llarena revoked the arrest warrants against the six Catalan leaders and declined to extradite Puigdemont on charges of misusing public funds. However, Llarena criticized the German court's decision, saying it showed "a lack of commitment" in pursuing the fugitives.

If Puigdemont and the other separatist leaders had been extradited for charges of misusing public funds, they would have only been allowed to be tried in Spain on those charges.

In Spain, rebellion carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison, while misuse of public funds has a maximum sentence of 12 years.
2018-07-19 22:26:19
Too long to fit: launch of new Spanish sub runs aground


First it was too heavy, then it was too long. Either way Spain’s expensive attempt to modernise its submarine fleet has gone awry – and left Russian diplomats amused.

The Spanish navy has now been forced to dredge and expand its main submarine base to accommodate the latest version of its S-80 Plus flagship vessel.

Problems with the submarine first became apparent in 2013 when it was discovered it would be too heavy to float, necessitating a redesign to make it lighter and spread the weight over an extra 10 metres.

But that means the vessel is now too long to fit into the submarine dock in the Spanish naval base in Cartagena, south-east Spain. The cost of the infrastructure works needed to adapt the dock to the submarines are estimated at €16m (£14m).

The Spanish government will approve in the next few days raising the total additional cost of the new submarine by €17m and taking the total cost to roughly €1bn for each of the four submersibles, practically twice what was initially forecast.

2018-07-19 22:30:29
2018-07-19 22:31:57
Accused Russian agent ordered held in jail after prosecutors release dramatic allegations


A Russian national arrested on charges of acting as an illegal foreign agent was in contact with Russian intelligence services, federal prosecutors argued Wednesday, offering colorful details about what they say was a wide-ranging and at times salacious covert influence campaign in the U.S.

Mariia Butina, 29, pleaded not guilty and was ordered to remain in jail pending trial after prosecutors said she posed an “extreme” flight risk and that she could get help from Russia in sneaking out of the U.S.

Prosecutors said that she obtained a student visa in the U.S. that was “predicated on deception” and that she was in contact with Russian intelligence services during her nearly two-year stay in the U.S. They told Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson that she dined earlier this year with a Russian diplomat suspected of being a Russian intelligence officer, just before the U.S. government expelled him.

The Justice Department said Butina’s closest tie to the U.S. is a person with whom she was involved in a “personal relationship,” which appears to be long-time Republican operative Paul Erickson. But, in court documents filed Wednesday, prosecutors said they believe Butina views that relationship as “simply a necessary aspect of her activities.”
2018-07-20 01:13:53
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered


Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.


The Jan. 6, 2017, meeting, held at Trump Tower, was a prime example. He was briefed that day by John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director; James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence; and Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency and the commander of United States Cyber Command.

The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, was also there; after the formal briefing, he privately told Mr. Trump about the “Steele dossier.” That report, by a former British intelligence officer, included uncorroborated salacious stories of Mr. Trump’s activities during a visit to Moscow, which he denied.

According to nearly a dozen people who either attended the meeting with the president-elect or were later briefed on it, the four primary intelligence officials described the streams of intelligence that convinced them of Mr. Putin’s role in the election interference.



After the briefings, Mr. Trump issued a statement later that day that sought to spread the blame for the meddling. He said “Russia, China and other countries, outside groups and countries” were launching cyberattacks against American government, businesses and political organizations — including the D.N.C.

個briefing剩係話係俄羅斯攻擊, Trump出黎話好多國家攻擊


In July 2017, just after meeting Mr. Putin for the first time, Mr. Trump told a New York Times reporter that the Russian president had made a persuasive case that Moscow’s cyberskills were so good that the government’s hackers would never have been caught. Therefore, Mr. Trump recounted from his conversation with Mr. Putin, Russia must not have been responsible.

「俄佬hacker太勁, 唔會畀人(我地)捉到, 所以唔會係佢地hack我地」


btw, 唔知點解原文唔連去source, 呢段出處係上年嘅報導:


呢篇個重點, 在於原來Trump係未就任前, 班情報機關就拎晒證據畀佢睇, 話佢知俄羅斯攻擊到美國選舉系統. 而呢兩年嘅公開紀錄亦可知, 去到近日, 情報機關班大粒都一直肯定「俄羅斯介入我地選舉」. 但Trump係履職以黎, 一直花樣百出, 持續否認呢樣嘢
2018-07-20 02:15:28
依家又開始吹捧返second referendum
2018-07-20 02:17:29
2018-07-20 09:12:04
2018-07-20 12:38:50
2018-07-20 12:40:15
大逆轉!美黃豆遭中課稅 各國竟爭相搶購
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

2018-07-20 13:39:21
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞