有冇跑步撚入嚟吹下水 (66)嘈交要自貼PB

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2023-08-19 21:34:40
藍嗰包有粉版? 淨係食過gel 狀
2023-08-19 21:35:13
我本身都有跑開嘅,本身練到105min LDR
一星期都跑4次,1 Q 3 E 每個E 都10K Q 就睇課表啦
今日見到21K 太吸引我啦,我先勉強上
2023-08-19 22:09:47
近幾年無點做運動,以前有練開5k 同interval
近期跑返5k 既時候發覺腳指尾果部分 (左右腳都係)跑到3-4k 左右會勁痛,好似痺痺地就黎抽筋咁,諗緊腳落地姿勢有問題
2023-08-19 23:09:10
2023-08-19 23:56:54

2023-08-20 00:05:08
請教 超慢跑 對跑步有冇幫助?
例如 姿勢 或者長時間練 步頻會易啲提升?
係咪出街跑 好過超跑慢?
2023-08-20 00:06:01
2023-08-20 00:14:15
2023-08-20 00:16:03

得閒買包金粉試下 平時跑interval 多數食藍色 食晒想唔再買轉買粉算
2023-08-20 00:36:51
藍色我無乜 feel ....
2023-08-20 01:08:51
2023-08-20 01:37:20
2023-08-20 02:01:59
2023-08-20 08:07:48
Running can help cut risk of 9 different cancers in men: study

Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and the incidence of site-specific cancer in men: a cohort study with register linkage

Primary analyses were performed in 1 078 000 men, of whom 84 117 subsequently developed cancer in at least one site during a mean follow-up of 33 years. Higher CRF was linearly associated with a lower hazard ratio (HR) of developing cancer in the head and neck, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, colon, rectum, kidney and lung.
However, higher CRF predicted a higher hazard of being diagnosed with prostate cancer and malignant skin cancer.

Early-morning runners more confident and more engaged in daily tasks, study finds - Early morning exercise may make your workday more productive and less exhausting

Running toward my challenges: Day-level effects of physical activity before work on appraisal of the upcoming workday and employee well-being
2023-08-20 08:09:40
2023-08-20 08:16:09
Why Cardio Recovery Rate Matters for Running and Heart Health—and How to Improve Yours

If after stopping exercise, you rest completely for five to 10 minutes and notice that your heart rate hasn’t budged much from its peak, that’s a sign something concerning might be going on, says Singh. It may be as simple as the fact that you’re low on sleep, overtrained, dehydrated, or just really caffeinated. But it could signal an abnormality in your cardiovascular or autonomic nervous systems, Singh explains, which is why it’s worth flagging to your doctor.


Running in Hot Weather Can Cause Gut Issues—Here's How to Avoid It

Over the past decade, research has pointed to a breadth of functions affected by the beneficial bacteria in your digestive system—a collection known as the gut microbiome. Studies have linked a happy microbiome to lower risk of dementia, depression, insomnia, and even athletic performance.
Research also details how easily the microbiome can tip out of balance, due to factors like stress, poor sleep, antibiotic use, and ultra processed foods. One more to add to that list, according to a new study in the journal Temperature, is exercising in hot weather.

Looking at variables such as duration of outdoor exercise and gastrointestinal symptoms, researcher found that as core body temperature increased, so did the risk of gut damage and inflammation. Once the body reaches 102 degrees Fahrenheit, researchers concluded, it can kick off a condition called exercise-induced gastrointestinal syndrome, which can cause bacteria to leak from the gut into the bloodstream. That may lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Although it’s not always possible to avoid heat and humidity—especially if they occur on a race day—there are some strategies for minimizing their influence on your gut health.


The 3 Best Core Exercises for Runners

1. Side Plank Leg Raise

2. Alternating Arm and Leg Plank

3. Glute Bridge March


How to Execute Long, Slow Distance Training for Serious Endurance Gains

“The goal is twofold: to increase muscular endurance and condition ourselves to be more aerobically efficient.” Running long and slow boosts your cardiovascular system, so delivering blood and oxygen to your muscles becomes less taxing on your heart and lungs.

“The long slow day doesn’t necessarily increase our race pace—it’s what helps us sustain our race pace,” says Wooten. “Ultimately, this keeps a runner from falling-off of pace as the race endures, which, consequently, leads to faster finish times.”

But remember: The main purpose of the long run is to build aerobic efficiency, and that won’t work as well if you veer into anaerobic territory. “A harder effort on the long slow day will likely take a greater physical toll and could have a negative effect on the quality of the following week’s workouts,” warns Wooten. You’ll also be more likely to hit the wall during your long run or suffer an overtraining injury.
If you prefer to gauge effort by RPE, aim for less than 5 on a scale of 1 to 10.
If you’re training by heart rate, think mid to upper zone 2—no more than 60 to 70 percent of your max heart rate—as the sweet spot you should try to settle into for your long runs.
2023-08-20 08:22:31
Can You Outrun a Bad Diet? Experts Share Their Nutrition Advice for Runners

People don’t feel symptoms until the disease is already quite pronounced and progressed.

Still, runners often hear mixed messages about how exercise—particularly high-intensity sessions—can erase the ills of a junk-food habit. A recent study by Christian Duval, Ph.D., a researcher in the department of exercise science at the Université du Québec à Montréal, provides the case in point: Duval fed a small group of men between the ages of 18 and 30 breakfast sandwiches, burgers, fries, dessert, and soft drinks for every meal of the day for two weeks. The subjects ate nary a vegetable, and they were consuming “an enormous amount of saturated fat, a very large amount of sugar, which is even worse than fat, and chemicals found in processed food,” says Duval. But thanks to an additional prescription of interval training, Duval’s subjects didn’t gain weight. What’s more, when he tested their blood for fat buildup and inflammatory processes—main drivers of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases—it didn’t seem like the diet had any effect.

But this study, which was widely reported, was over the course of weeks, not years. The damage from a bad diet can take far longer to register. Take atherosclerosis, a disease that Baggish says festers over many years. “It’s a process that starts when we’re young, and it gradually accelerates over time. People don’t feel symptoms until the disease is already quite pronounced and progressed.”

Bottom line: You can’t outrun bad eating habits. As Baggish puts it, “Even if you exercise like a fiend, if you do other things that are unhealthy, the poor diet choices will catch up with you.”


Duval, C., Rouillier, M. A., Rabasa-Lhoret, R., & Karelis, A. D. (2017). High intensity exercise: Can it protect you from a fast food diet?. Nutrients, 9.


All the Info You Need for Preventing Running Injuries

1. Add Strength to Your Weekly Schedule
2. Incorporating Plyometrics
3. Incorporate Mobility Work
4. Focus on Form
2023-08-20 09:32:30
近視想配太陽眼鏡跑步運動用 講問各位巴打有無推介?
睇過airfly 好似話好難配近視鏡 Oakley 又話甩coating 唔該巴打
2023-08-20 09:37:31
2023-08-20 09:41:14
上網睇過話普通眼鏡唔貼面 會係側邊漏光入去?
2023-08-20 09:50:23
就黎4張野、第一次跑到10k, 雖然成7:00 pace但好感慨,由2-3k都就收檔都捱到去10k, BMI終於合格返

2023-08-20 10:02:20
要小心個expire date....

金色60包約 8500日元
紅色gel 45包約6400日元

2023-08-20 10:17:01
2023-08-20 10:21:27
2023-08-20 10:51:49
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞