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但無助香港觀眾平心冷靜理性去睇政治。香港觀眾一味KOL9up乜,就乜都信晒,唔自己獨立思考,究竟人哋外國政府係咪真係咁諗,又唔check 下或忘記咗敗登以往個底有幾花,成日齋up stand with you 班KOL 都可以幻想為態度轉硬。
According to the Home Office, from the second quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2022, a total of 249 Hongkongers have sought political asylum in the UK. So far, 18 cases have been approved, 35 rejected, 52 withdrawn, and the 144 others are still pending approval.