“Interesting. It was definitely coincidental on our side. We were in post [production] basically when WandaVision went on television, so I think it is probably coincidental," Herron told the YouTuber. "I wouldn't want to shut down any theories though, it's kind of fun.”
機2021-07-24 21:42:54
不該出生的人2021-07-25 11:41:15
點解擺咁多fallout style 落去
Damian_W2021-07-25 11:57:11
妖治時代2021-07-25 12:34:25
Jisoo的老公2021-07-25 13:18:45
勿通膠類2021-07-25 13:30:00
乜唔係黑婆喺學校『串』煲,TVA 嘅人知道真相
我睇個到覺得好似martix第二集尾咁,又係兩個選擇。其實個kang咪講咗殺佢,只係重覆再發生已發生嘅野;佢地接手先唔會重複;個到係分水領,free will 來,所以kang冇得寫定劇。其實現實係不斷重複。