我上年去首爾都係咁 要去到機場用人手先退到
題外話 我上年去完首爾直接飛去福岡 checkin個陣地勤搞咗勁耐 佢係咁打電話問 最後無記錯佢話BNO Nationality 要入Hong Kong
ぜんぜんだめ2018-01-03 23:07:08
我本係上一個版本 仁川冇問題喎
燒山好嘢2018-01-04 01:04:39
HKG32018-01-04 02:28:41
23日年假 - 23 days of annual leave are not that generous from an UK point of view - every full time UK worker is entitle to 28 days' paid annual leave a year.
英國整都幾快 - you can get your passport on the same day if you are in the UK and willing to pay extra for it. A 1 day premium service is available at a HMPO passport office for £128.