(2023-24 暑假III 選秀日) 金州勇士球迷討論區(280)Golden State Warriors

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2024-06-30 14:31:46
活塞不提供QO給James Wiseman,讓他成為非受限自由球員,基本上大概就是不會續留了
2024-06-30 14:43:22
Klay Thompson is set for free agency and — barring a dramatic mood shift — the Warriors and Thompson are more than prepared for his fairly imminent departure from the Bay Area. So prepared, an NBA source indicated this weekend, that some cordial goodbyes have been shared between Klay and high-ranking members of the Warriors’ organization.

And Paul George, the Warriors’ home run target for acquisition this offseason, wiped out the final year of his contract with the LA Clippers and became an unrestricted free agent, which basically cut off any realistic path for the Warriors because they don’t have the cap room to sign him as a free agent.

This came after very serious negotiations among the Warriors, George and the Clippers all the way through Saturday afternoon’s deadline for George’s contract decision and after the Warriors believed — several times — that they were on the verge of landing the 34-year-old small forward, team sources said.

The Warriors had agreed to give George a max, four-year extension upon arrival. They believed they had proposed several variations of a trade that the Clippers could and would accept. Stephen Curry and Draymond Green were 100 percent on board. George gave strong indications he wanted to join the Warriors. But the Clippers never agreed to any version of a trade, and now George is a free agent and essentially beyond the Warriors’ reach.

I’ll just note that, in retrospect, a lot of [Klay's] actions and emotions in the last few months of last season probably were signals he was getting ready to move on, from his repeated snappy news conference moments to his struggles to adapt to his throttled-down significance on court to that last evening after the last regular-season game at Chase Center, when he walked around the locker room asking his teammates to come ride on his boat with him.

CP3 and Moody took him up on it, partly because it’s obviously an honor to ride on that boat with Thompson, but also, I thought, because they knew it was important to him on that night that they did.

Thompson didn’t love his experience last season and said so. Many times. He didn’t love getting moved to the bench for a few games behind Podziemski. He didn’t love the questions we asked about his future. He didn’t love the national attention on his occasional struggles, obviously including his 0-for-10 shooting night in the Play-In loss to the Sacramento Kings. He really didn’t love that the Warriors put a higher priority on figuring out how to upgrade the roster than on bringing him back this offseason.

Largely, I think Thompson didn’t love being compared with himself from another era, before his two major leg injuries, when he could guard anybody and turn any game into a personal piece of NBA shooting history. He wanted a fresh start. He’s going to get one. He’s also going to come to Chase Center with his new team and want to beat the Warriors; maybe not bitterly, maybe a bit bitterly, but it will be fun to watch.

Thompson likely wasn’t going to be a starter if he remained with the Warriors this season. It was going to be Podziemski. Or Moody. Or somebody else. I’m not sure Thompson wanted to go through that again, and I’m guessing the Warriors wouldn’t have loved it, either. It seems like a cold conclusion to this unbelievable tenure, but it was inevitable.
2024-06-30 14:45:05
仲有2年老闆係business 角度可以做好多部處啦
2024-06-30 14:48:55
Klay接受唔到角色定位嘅改變, 仲有同過去自己嘅比較, 轉吓環境對佢對勇士都好
2024-06-30 14:54:08
2024-06-30 14:54:56
2024-06-30 15:00:33
2024-06-30 15:01:26

2024-06-30 15:07:25
Any possible PG13 trade between the Warriors and Clippers was always going to be complicated, but Warriors executives thought they’d solved the puzzle. From what I’ve heard, some combination (but definitely not all) of Wiggins, CP3, Jonathan Kuminga or Moses Moody plus one future first-round pick were put into discussions with the Clippers.
There were versions that would’ve limited the Clippers’ long-term money liability; there were versions that would’ve increased the future benefits. I’m told the Warriors likely would not have put Wiggins and Kuminga together into any offer, but also that it never got that far, anyway. If that’s what would’ve closed the deal … who knows.
My understanding is that the money concerns weighed heavily on the Clippers’ side. If PG13 leaves as a free agent, they get nothing back … but they also get out from the second apron and have more roster maneuverability.
If the Warriors had put Kuminga into a package for George, that would’ve been a risk all itself. The Warriors would’ve given up their most valuable young player for an older player who has had injury issues and would’ve been owed more than $260 million through the next five years, which would’ve essentially locked the Warriors into the luxury tax.
2024-06-30 15:13:53
Trade 唔到就 curry+古仔+頂+green+tjd開季吧啦
2024-06-30 15:41:16

但係第二季同第三季既上半季,十五大都係當古係一個工具人咁用,基本上古係無球權,古打既只係企角落頭射定點空位三分,同手感打pnr 做空切,係打傳切時做空切接應點,係無點比佢練過持球進攻,更加唔好講果時古係連上場時間都唔夠

係第三季既下半季古出咗聲之後上場時間先開始穩定,開始有持球進攻既機會,但十五大都少比古做擋拆既持球手(同埋勇士都少打擋拆),所以同JB,Barnes 比,古起步係遲過佢哋,希望古可以加快步伐追返上去
2024-06-30 15:46:13
勇士出嘅package唔同嘅組合有包括古毛頂CP3仲有一個frp, 講真算係有誠意唔受都冇計
2024-06-30 15:48:05
我懷疑最想守住可能係2028個frp 極大機會頭3 pick
2024-06-30 15:51:52
2024-06-30 16:00:54
2024-06-30 16:01:35
2024-06-30 16:06:31
2024-06-30 16:08:42
離開反而可以move on
2024-06-30 16:10:04
加上同區 一定大咬
2024-06-30 16:12:54
認同,佢繼續喺勇士的確唔係咁易接受自己已經唔係game 6 klay呢個事實嘅
2024-06-30 16:25:46
緊係 佢唔care比76人free簽total loss 咁其實已經唔洗傾
2024-06-30 17:04:07
2024-06-30 17:26:42
你哋唔係話唔使出古先接受㗎咩, 而家又變咗出埋古比快艇咁有誠意都唔接受都冇計
2024-06-30 17:37:46
打少啲稻草人啦, 成條怨婦咁乜都搵嚟屌一餐
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞