[DC綜合#23] SDCC 2023, Blue Beetle

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2023-08-22 23:31:39
2023-08-22 23:37:08
姐係佢做訪問話好想繼續做zack snyder既superman都係=佢想踢走zack snyder你要唔要睇下自己講緊乜 依家係邊個9up呀on9仔
2023-08-22 23:37:57
2023-08-22 23:42:58
條片係講佢既iconic character 前面都講左mos superman 後面仲講superman? 佢自己訪問講左自己會想拍zack jl23 其實已經係最大既證據證明佢係支持zack 反而一路ff果個都係你咩避而不談 一係你直接搵佢有冇講過話佢好撚憎zack snyder superman咁我就信你啦
2023-08-22 23:44:14
Disney炒James gunn
dave bautista支持佢支持到叫Disney 炒埋自己

WB炒 Zack Snyder
Henry 支持佢支持到搵埋導演代替佢

2023-08-22 23:48:43
好撚憎憎就唔會既,但Zack Snyder 未炒果陣,Henry 自己都都提過Zack Snyder style唔work。
想拍ww style

There was a style they were going for, an attempt to be different and look at things from a slightly different perspective, which hasn’t necessarily worked. Yes, it has made money but it has not been a critical success.

不過你又會spin到支持Zack 㗎啦
2023-08-22 23:53:21

I have not seen any Snyder Cut. I don't know if there's anything that exists that is a Snyder Cut. I'm sure there's footage out there which has probably been pieced together over the years. I'm always interested to see how stuff like that turns out, but that is very much a chapter of my past. I'd rather talk about what is gonna happen in the future. The future of Superman, how I can express that character from the comic books.

2023-08-22 23:53:32
Work唔work 同支唔支持係兩回事黎 你答返我先 佢想踢走佢點解要講話會繼續拍jl2? 你始終都係駁唔到呢樣
2023-08-22 23:56:26

I don't know if [a Snyder cut] actually exists so the only way I can look at it is as a business model, and I don't know what difference it's going to make,

喂dick仔,原來佢2017-2019都講左好多野spin走Snydercut 注意力

2023-08-22 23:56:58
When asked about the Snyder Cut previously, Henry Cavill has said the whole thing reminded him of past unpleasantness. Not the fight between artistic visions, however; he just missed his mustache. "I miss my mustache — which is the most important thing," Cavill told entertainment reporter Jake Hamilton. "And for me, it was just a harrowing reminder that I didn't have it anymore. And so I just didn't want to dig that wound any deeper." 

Read More: https://www.looper.com/361768/henry-cavill-reveals-how-he-really-feels-about-the-snyder-cut/

2023-08-22 23:58:21
"I really enjoyed it," Cavill recently told Fox 5 Washington DC. "I thought it was a wonderful way of Zack getting his version of the story out, and important to do too.

"I thought there was a wonderful tenderness to the movie which existed and that was essential for the representation of Superman."

喂on9仔 唔work喎 邊撚到覺得佢話唔work
2023-08-23 00:00:23
Before zsjl態度=搵人代替Zack Snyder/ 關於無Snydercut言論

俾wb 拒絕完又知道 zsjl必出,轉立場令自己有Superman 做
2023-08-23 00:01:35
2023-08-23 00:02:44
There was a style they were going for, an attempt to be different and look at things from a slightly different perspective, which hasn’t necessarily worked. Yes, it has made money but it has not been a critical success.
2023-08-23 00:04:16

2023-08-23 00:14:40
唉屌你條on9仔 有病就睇醫生 最大果樣證據你又駁唔到 又自己ff一大餐當自己好有根據同你討論落去真係曬時間 繼續奶賤根袋底啦
2023-08-23 00:20:28

Nice job dick
2023-08-23 00:31:05
我有source 你咪一樣話係我ff 驗下智商啦150
2023-08-23 00:34:45
我不嬲都話你講既係2020 snydercut 已成定局後既態度,2017-2019佢係咩態度你自己唔敢提,我果陣支持release Snydercut 都屌過佢消極處理。
2023-08-23 01:13:36
lex luthor plan 好哂點引超人打batman
batman 就純粹想打7超人 咁洗咩查身世
同埋個時間短過lex 準備嘅時間咁多

唔夠人玩就等於廢柴 唔可以2邊都勁
2023-08-23 01:15:23
2023-08-23 01:24:58
2023-08-23 01:27:54
Lex:我兩三招就將Batman 當狗咁撚,嘻嘻
2023-08-23 01:28:20
有時唔想入個Post 就係
好似睇LIHKG Don't look up 版咁
2023-08-23 01:36:51
咁lex 係食腦㗎喎
一次撚哂超人 batman 仲起哂d meta human 出嚟
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