[D505-] 抗俄衛國 167: 烏軍兩線穩定進攻

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2023-07-16 01:09:53
同場加映, 微博居然笑鳩嗰個俄兵.
果然, 連南斯拉夫人都明白俄軍唔掂,
2023-07-16 01:11:11

7月12日的Old news, 局勢暫時穩定落來, 將俄匪推番回starting point.
2023-07-16 01:18:04
2023-07-16 01:27:20
2023-07-16 02:02:17
烏軍TERRA 反攻Bakhmut
TERRA unit: The flank of Bakhmut. Infantry battle in the trenches.
2023-07-16 02:29:25

2023-07-16 02:32:22
#244 係唔係同一單?
2023-07-16 02:34:18
2023-07-16 02:39:10
#252 秒速清佐佢, Old news.

雖然我知道佢哋係唔會理, 一有機會就會再嘗試做propaganda.
2023-07-16 02:46:19

FCDO statement: démarche of Chinese Ambassador on Hong Kong

睇返最近英美加三國既動作, 英國今次似乎係黎真,
呢鋪有可能係BNO平權既第一步. 但平權之後既動蕩,
喺香港既各位未必可以承受. 有得走, 好快啲走.
喺香港既巴打絲打, 自己睇路

2023-07-16 03:16:46
From Martin: démarche 差唔多等同最後通牒. 即係表示UK會動手.

不過我覺得要動手, 首先清理佐英國本土D英奸, 賣英賊如Hunt, Raab, 李貞駒呢類仆街, 仲有FCDO洗一次太平地先. 然後先再平權.
2023-07-16 03:17:41
2023-07-16 05:11:16
ultimatum 真打之前先會出,唔太可能
2023-07-16 05:35:26

2023-07-16 05:36:31
2023-07-16 05:38:01
2023-07-16 05:43:07

Along-awaited program to help Ukrainians fleeing violence at home seek permanent residency in Canada will officially launch this fall, the federal government announced Saturday as advocates continued to raise questions about what exactly would be expected of those who want to take part.

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser issued a news release outlining some details of the initiative Ukrainians have been seeking for months.

He said Ukrainians who have fled Russia’s illegal invasion of their home country and want to stay in Canada will be able to apply for permanent residency as of Oct. 23, as long as they have temporary resident status and at least one family member in Canada. Qualifying relatives include spouses, common-law partners, parents, grandparents, siblings and children or grandchildren of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

"As we continue to witness the devastating impact of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s illegal invasion, we stand resolute in our condemnation of this senseless violence," Fraser said in the statement.

"We continue to extend unwavering support and a lifeline to families separated by this conflict, including through this family reunification pathway that will help Ukrainian families stay together as they rebuild their lives in their new communities in Canada."

The announcement came the same day a program offering temporary emergency visas to Ukrainians fleeing Russian aggression formally closed, though Ukrainians and their family members can still apply for a temporary resident visa to come to Canada under pre-existing immigration measures.

Ottawa said it would continue to process overseas emergency visa applications received before the July 15 deadline free of charge. Fraser had extended the program in March as the war stretched into its second year.

Anyone holding such a visa will have until March 31, 2024 to travel to Canada under the special measures. Emergency visa holders already in Canada will have until that same date to extend or adjust their temporary status, free of charge.

The emergency visa was available to an unlimited number of Ukrainians, allowing them to work and study in Canada for three years as temporary residents rather than refugees.
2023-07-16 05:43:23
More than 1.1 million people have applied and at least 800,000 visas have been approved as of July 1, though only about 166,000 Ukrainians, or 21 per cent of the visa holders, have actually come to Canada.

Families eligible for Ottawa's new pathway to permanent residency will have until Oct. 22, 2024 to submit an application.

Ukrainian Canadian Congress executive director Ihor Michalchyshyn said there are many details yet to be released on the pathway and its eligibility requirements. He said he wrote to the Immigration Department on Saturday morning seeking clarity.

"There's lots of questions for the Ukrainian population who are looking at these programs," Michalchyshyn said.

"We were waiting for a family reunification pathway for a long time, so happy that there's some movement on it. It just seems like they've decided there will be such a thing, but how it will work is to be determined."

The Immigration Department said more detailed information, including how to submit an application, will be made available closer to the launch of the program this fall.

It added the pathway will not affect the number of spaces available through the Parents and Grandparents Program, which allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their parents and grandparents to immigrate to Canada. Ukrainians accepted under the new pathway will come in addition to any family members who move to Canada through the existing program.

The United Nations Refugee Agency estimates more than 6.3 million refugees have fled Ukraine, and more than five million are believed to be displaced within Ukraine itself.

Michalchyshyn said the uncertainty surrounding long-term residency has added to the struggle that Ukrainians fleeing the war continue to face.

"War has thrown them into this situation where they're not sure of how long they're going to be away from home and how long they'll be in Canada and what the next steps are," he said.

"Canadians … have been very welcoming, very generous, given the circumstances, and we hope that will continue. We know that's been invaluable for people to make quick transitions out of a war zone."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 15, 2023.

Sammy Hudes, The Canadian Press
2023-07-16 05:45:12
(Fraser) said Ukrainians who have fled Russia’s illegal invasion of their home country and want to stay in Canada will be able to apply for permanent residency as of Oct. 23, as long as they have temporary resident status and at least one family member in Canada. Qualifying relatives include spouses, common-law partners, parents, grandparents, siblings and children or grandchildren of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

(其實伊朗, 敘利亞, 阿富汗都有, 不贅)
2023-07-16 06:07:18
我一出POST, 秋意龍即刻咬住唔放.

(英國終於做野) FCDO聲明:向中國駐香港大使外交照會 (有關香港)
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

大家當笑話睇就算, 唔好覆佢地, 同正常人討論就得.
2023-07-16 06:44:51
2023-07-16 06:45:05
2023-07-16 06:45:46

佢講佐直接向FB同Cloudflare採取行動都差唔多半年, 但似乎未有乜嘢進展, 應該係卡喺美國律師點打官司個位, 技術上用誹謗, 以民事訴訟告得入FB或者Cloudflare非常有難度, 1st Amendment太惡.
2023-07-16 06:47:22
慢慢黎, 唔急.
我反而係想佢拎左資料先, 唔洗急住告.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞