For 之前知道我發生過咩事嘅谷友,我搵到呢張野... 唔知採唔採納作為我2000年去過泰國嘅effidence呢
Together with 入境處封信證明我2002先有第一本SAR passport,加埋身分證個first issuance,希望可以夠力要求review多次
就算旅行社冇幫你搞 visa,你都可以係揸 CI 自己去搞,證明唔到一定係 BNO
你連 passport number 都冇...
sam 巴祝你好運
Sam巴會唔會搵入境處証明你無拎過CI / DI ,就算有都証明返你本野既最後有效期?
Sam巴即使搵到香港搵入境處証明你無拎過CI / DI,英國都無義務去查
The Royal Prerogative 皇室特權
Passport entitlement
There is no statute law governing the grant, refusal of British passports, which are issued in the United Kingdom. However, certain principles apply which are as follows:-
United Kingdom passports are issued in the UK at the discretion of the Home Secretary and in overseas posts at the discretion of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
They are issued in exercise of the Royal Prerogative, which is an executive power that doesn’t require legislation.
There is however, no entitlement to a passport and there are circumstances where passport facilities are refused: -
•Minors whose journey is known to be contrary to a Court Order, to the wishes of a parent or other person or authority awarded custody or care and control, under the provisions of the Children Act 1989, or the Children Act (Scotland) 1995, or the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995;
•Where a person is to be arrested under a warrant issued in the United Kingdom or is wanted by the United Kingdom police in suspicion of a serious crime;
•Where a person’s past or proposed activities are so demonstrably undesirable that the grant or continued enjoyment of passport facilities would be contrary to the public interest (these cases are very rare and decisions on this category are made personally by the Home Secretary);
•In the case of UK nationals who have been repatriated from abroad at public expense, until they have repaid their debt.