『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(8) 強烈建議先睇DOC後問問題


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白戸沙良 2017-06-02 12:24:35

From 1 June, all customer enquiries will be handled by a new commercial partner Sitel UK.

The new contract will see a number of changes for customers. These changes help the government reduce costs and ensure those who benefit directly from the UK immigration system make an appropriate contribution.

The main changes for customers applying from outside the UK are:

- all phone numbers and opening hours will change

- the number of languages offered is reducing to 8 including English

- customers who contact UK Visas and Immigration by email will be charged £5.48

You will need to pay using a credit or debit card for contacting us by email. The charge includes the first email enquiry you send and any follow-up emails to and from the contact centre relating to the same enquiry.

The way you pay to use the telephone service will remain the same using a credit or debit card.

If you do not have access to a credit or debit card, you may choose to use a trusted 3rd party such as an agent or sponsor.

There are no changes to services if you are contacting us from inside the UK.


咁以後send email都要用錢,Sam巴點算?
HKG3 2017-06-02 15:28:00

From 1 June, all customer enquiries will be handled by a new commercial partner Sitel UK.

The new contract will see a number of changes for customers. These changes help the government reduce costs and ensure those who benefit directly from the UK immigration system make an appropriate contribution.

The main changes for customers applying from outside the UK are:

- all phone numbers and opening hours will change

- the number of languages offered is reducing to 8 including English

- customers who contact UK Visas and Immigration by email will be charged £5.48

You will need to pay using a credit or debit card for contacting us by email. The charge includes the first email enquiry you send and any follow-up emails to and from the contact centre relating to the same enquiry.

The way you pay to use the telephone service will remain the same using a credit or debit card.

If you do not have access to a credit or debit card, you may choose to use a trusted 3rd party such as an agent or sponsor.

There are no changes to services if you are contacting us from inside the UK.


咁以後send email都要用錢,Sam巴點算?

The £5.48 e-mail charge does not apply to British passport application. These changes are for UK visa applications only.

Her Majesty's Passport Office (HMPO) deals with British passport applications while UK Visas and Immigration deals with visas to the UK (including Working Holiday and student visas). They are two different organisations within the Home Office.
傻西瓜Hi 2017-06-02 16:55:03
鳴子章吉 2017-06-02 16:56:03

傻西瓜Hi 2017-06-02 17:29:36
麥旋風管家 2017-06-02 18:11:56



哈力馬龍 2017-06-02 20:57:59

我唔會覺得咁做可以五年就攞得到 ILR 囉
係都要十年 long residence
哈力馬龍 2017-06-02 21:07:52
啲 immigration law 好亂呀,冇讀過 law 解唔清
呀電炮4455 2017-06-02 21:36:10
用香港郵局31/5 speedpost寄 今日2/6 Parcelforce 已經話有條友簽收左 但係HMPO 仲 awating applicant 有冇巴絲知道要等幾耐先process 唔該巴打
時空旅行者 2017-06-02 21:47:11
用香港郵局31/5 speedpost寄 今日2/6 Parcelforce 已經話有條友簽收左 但係HMPO 仲 awating applicant 有冇巴絲知道要等幾耐先process 唔該巴打

病態三部曲 2017-06-02 22:12:00
我自己果bno 唔見左 但搵到我老豆果本 send 唔send 埋副本過去

勞動帶來自由 2017-06-02 22:39:52

From 1 June, all customer enquiries will be handled by a new commercial partner Sitel UK.

The new contract will see a number of changes for customers. These changes help the government reduce costs and ensure those who benefit directly from the UK immigration system make an appropriate contribution.

The main changes for customers applying from outside the UK are:

- all phone numbers and opening hours will change

- the number of languages offered is reducing to 8 including English

- customers who contact UK Visas and Immigration by email will be charged £5.48

You will need to pay using a credit or debit card for contacting us by email. The charge includes the first email enquiry you send and any follow-up emails to and from the contact centre relating to the same enquiry.

The way you pay to use the telephone service will remain the same using a credit or debit card.

If you do not have access to a credit or debit card, you may choose to use a trusted 3rd party such as an agent or sponsor.

There are no changes to services if you are contacting us from inside the UK.


咁以後send email都要用錢,Sam巴點算?

The £5.48 e-mail charge does not apply to British passport application. These changes are for UK visa applications only.

Her Majesty's Passport Office (HMPO) deals with British passport applications while UK Visas and Immigration deals with visas to the UK (including Working Holiday and student visas). They are two different organisations within the Home Office.

艾爾 2017-06-02 22:49:28


3. 最最最惱人的部分 - Invitation 要正本還是 email copy 就好? 好不容易跟簽證中心確認過,如果持中國發出的護照 (包括香港特區護照),那就預備好六、七百大元吧 - 你需要從俄羅斯快遞過來的正本;如果持英國發出的護照 (包括 BNO),那只需列印 email copy 就好了! 其他護照,請先致電俄羅斯簽證中心確認 (不要打給使館,使館不會回答任何簽證問題查詢)。

-April, 2017

姐打羅夫 2017-06-02 23:40:21
我自己果bno 唔見左 但搵到我老豆果本 send 唔send 埋副本過去

az-687 2017-06-02 23:47:11
我自己果bno 唔見左 但搵到我老豆果本 send 唔send 埋副本過去


呀電炮4455 2017-06-03 00:39:33
用香港郵局31/5 speedpost寄 今日2/6 Parcelforce 已經話有條友簽收左 但係HMPO 仲 awating applicant 有冇巴絲知道要等幾耐先process 唔該巴打


求先check已經 processing 18號去日本你估趕唔趕得切寄翻來 btw冇搞錯我應該交齊文件
🍼乳甜藥稀💊 2017-06-03 01:23:00
姐打羅夫 2017-06-03 11:12:28

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞