JPS Lab digital optimized 同analog optimized 電源線

"Some years ago, JPS Labs was selling a line of power cords. One "optimized" for use on analog gear and one "optimized" for use on digital gear. JPS Labs claimed that the "magic" behind these power cords was their own technology. They sold for something like $300 each or thereabouts.
A friend of mine owned one. I can't remember offhand if it was the "analog" or the "digital" version, but no matter.
One day out of sheer boredom and idle curiosity, my friend decided to cut off the heatshrink and Tecflex to see what was underneath. What did he find? A stock Eupen power cord that normally sold for like $10 or something. That's it. No magic pixie dust or anything. Just a stock Eupen power cord hidden by some heatshrink and Techflex.
When this scam was exposed over on The Audio Asylum forum, Joe tried to "defend" himself by saying that yes, the power cord was made by Eupen, but these Eupen power cords were made custom just for JPS Labs.
The Eupen power cord was a decent power cord. It used a conductive polymer jacketing beneath the PVC outer jacket, and they had a little RLC line filter molded into one of the plug ends. It was these filters that Joe claimed were optimized for analog and digital explaining why he sold two versions of the cable.
I contacted Eupen at their headquarters in Belguim and ended up speaking to one of their lead engineers in charge of design and production. He assured be that Eupen was not making any custom versions of these cables for JPS Labs or anyone else. He further assured me that these power cords were made using just the one line filter and even gave me the values of the components used for the filter. He got a big laugh when I told him that someone over here in the States was taking their power cord, hiding it under some heatshrink and Techflex and slapping a $300 price tag on it.
I reported this on The Audio Asylum and poor Joe was simply unable to defend himself any further.
This eventually came out over on HeadFi, when someone ask about Joe being involved in some scandal about a power cord some years ago. I replied confirming the truth of the story. Joe replied attacking me, calling me a liar, etc.
He made one last attemp at defending his criminal fraud by pointing to an old post of mine over on The Audio Asylum. It was a post where I was explaining the nomenclature printed on the cable such as model number, agency approvals, etc. There was just one thing I wasn't able to identify, and it was a simple numeral 1. Joe pointed to that numeral 1 and said that was the marking that proved that the power cords were being custom made for JPS Labs.
But Joe wasn't aware of one vitally important bit of information. That very same numeral 1 was printed on the STOCK Eupen power cords that my friend had bought from Eupen's US distributor once he had uncovered Joe's scam.
Of course Jude came swooping down and deleted all of those posts within a couple of days so there would be no record of it on HeadFi.
So there you have it. The truth behind the crook who is responsible for those $6,000 headphones."