但風險係會有寄失,雖然比率低,剛有case訊息話去到英國,之後無新消息,懷疑失件,亦有speed post 失件接近一個月後,hmpo表示收到郵件。所以風險自己衡量。我寄嘅除咗bno同地址證明,全部副本,就算失咗都唔怕,bno亦影低資料頁偏用,如果我唔係同家人一齊寄,直接空郵算,反正唔急,正常比掛號快一日,因為掛號要另行登記,咁就遲一日。
遊日無料案內所2019-08-16 22:14:52
最長最型棍2019-08-16 22:15:25
Applicant’s documents
Send the following:
old passport
full birth (civil and hospital) or adoption certificate showing both the child’s and parents’ details the passport used to enter the country from which you are applying (if this applies)
full colour copy (every page including blank pages) of any current or expired passports from other countries that haven’t been cancelled