早排唔知自己有冇BNO, 6月4號上網見到HMPO有個webchat就走去問
”If you wish to know if you have had any passport in the past, you will need to send a
SAR (Subject access request). This will give you information you require.”
“Please send your request to the following email address:
“Please provide
your full name and date of birth, also your country of birth. You will need to state exactly what information it is you are required to provide.”
"Before I can consider your request further I would be grateful if you could provide the following as required under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018:
· A postal address to which our reply may be sent. If you’d prefer an emailed response please confirm so in writing.
Evidence of your identity, such as a photocopy of the personal details page of your passport or a photocopy of your driving licence."
咁我scan咗我個HKID 畀佢, 17/6 HMPO send 返email嚟話我有: