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2017-04-29 14:15:23
TG: kit0928
2017-04-30 09:18:20
我自己睇左兩個月書,仲睇緊FAA handbook
1. 點解load factor會increase stall speed?
2. 點解conventional winglet more efficient during climbing?

另外有無人知CX無左FG之後個新test係咪姐係KA既compass test?

I think:

1. Higher load factor can be regarded as plane is "heavier"
2. Higher lift is needed for the plane to keep alt
3. Higher stall speed is needed

1. Winglet reduces wingtip vortices
2. Hence induced drag is lower
3. "Thrust - smaller drag " so efficiency is improved

差唔多 timeline 一齊交流下


" How CG affects stall speed? "

2.其實係想compare raked wingtip vs conventional winglet
一個more efficient during cruising 一個more efficient on climbing
所以用係extra long haul vs mid long haul
3. 我覺得cg愈後,stall speed愈高
因為架機more tendency to pitch up?

睇過係話CG前,Stall speed will be higher, 因為你Fwd CG will need a downward force on the elevator,之後個effective weight increase,之後就影響stall speed(increase)

From PPruNe

I ain't very technical and I'm sure you will get some comprehensive replys on this. But here is a VERY simplistic explanation. There is a down force on the horizontal/ elevator which holds the nose up. If an aircraft weighs 1000 lbs. and the down force is 20 lbs., the aircraft thinks it weighs 1,020 lbs.when airborne. If that same a/c weighs 1,000 lbs but has a 100 lb. downforce then the aircraft thinks it weighs 1,100 lbs. The reason there would be higher down force would be if the CG was forward and it needed more down force to hold the nose up. The heavier aircraft the higher the stall speed. Aircraft with computers actually figure their CG and will fly at a speed with this calculation, such as a L1011. The stall no matter what the weight will always happen at the same angle of attack. . .Now I sincerely hope that someone who knows what they are talking about will set me straight.

Ps. A rear CG loaded a/c will get better fuel economy than a forward loaded CG. Why? Would a 1,020 or 1,100 get better fuel economy? Which weight would require a higher angle of attack? And the higher angle of attack will give more drag and less fuel economy. Might not should like much of a difference but an airline operating 1,000 a/c will save hundreds of thousands of $ loading their a/c with a rearward CG. . .Why do i have that feeling I am about to learn something?

個cg同stall speed 既關係cg move rearward, the down force require in order keep the nose up will be high, hence higher downforce, i.e. Weight. 呢個係槓桿原理
That's why if cg move aft, high stall speed due to high down force applied to maintain the nose up
2017-04-30 09:23:56
我自己睇左兩個月書,仲睇緊FAA handbook
1. 點解load factor會increase stall speed?
2. 點解conventional winglet more efficient during climbing?

另外有無人知CX無左FG之後個新test係咪姐係KA既compass test?

I think:

1. Higher load factor can be regarded as plane is "heavier"
2. Higher lift is needed for the plane to keep alt
3. Higher stall speed is needed

1. Winglet reduces wingtip vortices
2. Hence induced drag is lower
3. "Thrust - smaller drag " so efficiency is improved

差唔多 timeline 一齊交流下


" How CG affects stall speed? "

2.其實係想compare raked wingtip vs conventional winglet
一個more efficient during cruising 一個more efficient on climbing
所以用係extra long haul vs mid long haul
3. 我覺得cg愈後,stall speed愈高
因為架機more tendency to pitch up?

睇過係話CG前,Stall speed will be higher, 因為你Fwd CG will need a downward force on the elevator,之後個effective weight increase,之後就影響stall speed(increase)

From PPruNe

I ain't very technical and I'm sure you will get some comprehensive replys on this. But here is a VERY simplistic explanation. There is a down force on the horizontal/ elevator which holds the nose up. If an aircraft weighs 1000 lbs. and the down force is 20 lbs., the aircraft thinks it weighs 1,020 lbs.when airborne. If that same a/c weighs 1,000 lbs but has a 100 lb. downforce then the aircraft thinks it weighs 1,100 lbs. The reason there would be higher down force would be if the CG was forward and it needed more down force to hold the nose up. The heavier aircraft the higher the stall speed. Aircraft with computers actually figure their CG and will fly at a speed with this calculation, such as a L1011. The stall no matter what the weight will always happen at the same angle of attack. . .Now I sincerely hope that someone who knows what they are talking about will set me straight.

Ps. A rear CG loaded a/c will get better fuel economy than a forward loaded CG. Why? Would a 1,020 or 1,100 get better fuel economy? Which weight would require a higher angle of attack? And the higher angle of attack will give more drag and less fuel economy. Might not should like much of a difference but an airline operating 1,000 a/c will save hundreds of thousands of $ loading their a/c with a rearward CG. . .Why do i have that feeling I am about to learn something?

個cg同stall speed 既關係cg move rearward, the down force require in order keep the nose up will be high, hence higher downforce, i.e. Weight. 呢個係槓桿原理
That's why if cg move aft, high stall speed due to high down force applied to maintain the nose up

題外話,commercial airline多數放econ class係機尾,會唔會出於同一個原因呢?用乘客重量作為其中一個down force for holding the nose up instead of elevator. So it can reduce the drag arising from the elevator.
2017-04-30 10:36:22
我自己睇左兩個月書,仲睇緊FAA handbook
1. 點解load factor會increase stall speed?
2. 點解conventional winglet more efficient during climbing?

另外有無人知CX無左FG之後個新test係咪姐係KA既compass test?

I think:

1. Higher load factor can be regarded as plane is "heavier"
2. Higher lift is needed for the plane to keep alt
3. Higher stall speed is needed

1. Winglet reduces wingtip vortices
2. Hence induced drag is lower
3. "Thrust - smaller drag " so efficiency is improved

差唔多 timeline 一齊交流下


" How CG affects stall speed? "

2.其實係想compare raked wingtip vs conventional winglet
一個more efficient during cruising 一個more efficient on climbing
所以用係extra long haul vs mid long haul
3. 我覺得cg愈後,stall speed愈高
因為架機more tendency to pitch up?

睇過係話CG前,Stall speed will be higher, 因為你Fwd CG will need a downward force on the elevator,之後個effective weight increase,之後就影響stall speed(increase)

個cg同stall speed 既關係cg move rearward, the down force require in order keep the nose up will be high, hence higher downforce, i.e. Weight. 呢個係槓桿原理
That's why if cg move aft, high stall speed due to high down force applied to maintain the nose up

好似係cg越前,stall at higher airspeed喎
Higher pitch down tendency if forward CG, it requires a nose up trim to maintain level flight. Therefore higher AoA and more drag. The critical AoA can be reached in a higher airspeed
2017-04-30 10:50:46
我自己睇左兩個月書,仲睇緊FAA handbook
1. 點解load factor會increase stall speed?
2. 點解conventional winglet more efficient during climbing?

另外有無人知CX無左FG之後個新test係咪姐係KA既compass test?

I think:

1. Higher load factor can be regarded as plane is "heavier"
2. Higher lift is needed for the plane to keep alt
3. Higher stall speed is needed

1. Winglet reduces wingtip vortices
2. Hence induced drag is lower
3. "Thrust - smaller drag " so efficiency is improved

差唔多 timeline 一齊交流下


" How CG affects stall speed? "

2.其實係想compare raked wingtip vs conventional winglet
一個more efficient during cruising 一個more efficient on climbing
所以用係extra long haul vs mid long haul
3. 我覺得cg愈後,stall speed愈高
因為架機more tendency to pitch up?

睇過係話CG前,Stall speed will be higher, 因為你Fwd CG will need a downward force on the elevator,之後個effective weight increase,之後就影響stall speed(increase)

個cg同stall speed 既關係cg move rearward, the down force require in order keep the nose up will be high, hence higher downforce, i.e. Weight. 呢個係槓桿原理
That's why if cg move aft, high stall speed due to high down force applied to maintain the nose up

好似係cg越前,stall at higher airspeed喎
Higher pitch down tendency if forward CG, it requires a nose up trim to maintain level flight. Therefore higher AoA and more drag. The critical AoA can be reached in a higher airspeed

2017-05-03 18:21:11
其實有冇telegram group
2017-05-03 19:48:09
太多人 冇人會講野
study group上pprune搵
2017-05-03 19:51:44
其實有冇telegram group

2017-05-03 20:11:27
有無人可以簡單講一講咩係fly by wire

Google 都唔識?

咁個post del撚得啦
2017-05-03 20:17:58
有無人可以簡單講一講咩係fly by wire

Google 都唔識?

咁個post del撚得啦

如果你真係google 完都唔知咩叫fly by wire 建議閣下去驗下智商
2017-05-03 23:32:12
有無人可以簡單講一講咩係fly by wire

Google 都唔識?

咁個post del撚得啦

想學野就虛心啲 而家老奉答你架
2017-05-03 23:43:47
有無人可以簡單講一講咩係fly by wire

Google 都唔識?

咁個post del撚得啦

深或者confusing concept 就話有討論價值,你老母伸手黨仲咁大聲
2017-05-03 23:51:48
有無人可以簡單講一講咩係fly by wire

Google 都唔識?

咁個post del撚得啦

深或者confusing concept 就話有討論價值,你老母伸手黨仲咁大聲

2017-05-09 19:18:41
2017-05-09 19:23:56
因為老闆唔捉佢佢去左cathy pacific training (假都唔請 人工照袋)
2017-05-09 20:22:14
因為老闆唔捉佢佢去左cathy pacific training (假都唔請 人工照袋)

Training 成年wo 點樣唔請假...
2017-05-09 21:09:17
2017-05-10 18:29:41
就考筆試~有沒心得分享又或者 Group 入
2017-05-14 00:48:16
2017-05-14 00:57:39
因為老闆唔捉佢佢去左cathy pacific training (假都唔請 人工照袋)

Training 成年wo 點樣唔請假...

2017-05-14 21:57:31
Fly by wire means the any input by the pilots is first converted to electronic signal and then transmitted to corresponding parts eg flight control surfaces through electric circuit. It is an alternative to conventional mechanical linkage.
2017-05-15 15:29:22
what are the advantages and disadvantages of FBW?
2017-05-15 17:48:20
what are the advantages and disadvantages of FBW?

Advantage: Reduce the weight of aircraft, since most of the mechanical components connecting the control column and actuator are replaced by the computer and electric wire, thus reduce the cost.
Reduce the cost of maintaining mechanical components.
Smoother control in adverse weather for pilots.
Disadvantage: Less control feedback.
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