[City] 又一城大討論區(3)開 sem 時間到

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2017-01-19 19:58:22
大家好好珍惜AIMS 咁多間u AIMS真係好好用

Btw試過用bu 真係垃鳩圾
2017-01-19 19:59:13
大家好好珍惜AIMS 咁多間u AIMS真係好好用

Btw試過用bu 真係垃鳩圾

2017-01-19 20:33:27
屌 ma1201 cancel左6堂lecture
點知琴日咁岩問起fd 先知得我個session係咁

係咪MA1201 CA1 或者 CE1 ?
如果係就好正常,因為呢兩班人全部有M2 底同MA1200 A range,佢 expect 會教得快啲

2017-01-19 20:34:01

(因為 i j k 係unit vector,個magnitude 係1?)

你講頭2個 仲有個係用粗體
用邊個都得因為prof一定睇得明 我就用慣向右嘅箭咀

ok 唔該哂
2017-01-19 20:38:27
大家好好珍惜AIMS 咁多間u AIMS真係好好用

我反而覺得Poly eStudent user friendly少少
2017-01-19 21:07:07
屌 ma1201 cancel左6堂lecture
點知琴日咁岩問起fd 先知得我個session係咁

係咪MA1201 CA1 或者 CE1 ?
如果係就好正常,因為呢兩班人全部有M2 底同MA1200 A range,佢 expect 會教得快啲


MA 靠自己算啦
2017-01-19 22:15:41
2017年1月8日 17:54
Xiang ZHOU
Dear students,

I am Dr. Zhou, your instructor for Session F. We have totally 13 weeks in semester B. But for our session F, the total teaching time is only 39 hours.
Most of the time we shall run the class four hours per week (2+2 hours onThursday and Friday). For the arrangement around Chinese New Year and other issues, we shall cancel the following classes:
Week 2: 19 and 20 January.
Week 3: 26 January and 3 Feb.
Friday of Week 7: 3 March. ( not the first midterm is on 2 March)
Thursday of Week 9: 16 March.
In total: 12 hours cancelation

So, after the four hours' teaching in Week 1, the next class is on 9 Feb. , Thursday of Week 4.

The tutorial session is NOT affected by this teaching schedule. Please follow the regular schedule of the tutorial.

Bes wishes,
Xiang Zhou

2017-01-19 22:16:13
屌 ma1201 cancel左6堂lecture
點知琴日咁岩問起fd 先知得我個session係咁

係咪MA1201 CA1 或者 CE1 ?
如果係就好正常,因為呢兩班人全部有M2 底同MA1200 A range,佢 expect 會教得快啲


MA 靠自己算啦

剩係操熟啲tutorial已經夠拎A range
2017-01-19 22:19:03


自己嗰班剩係mid term先返去
2017-01-19 22:29:21
屌 ma1201 cancel左6堂lecture
點知琴日咁岩問起fd 先知得我個session係咁

係咪MA1201 CA1 或者 CE1 ?
如果係就好正常,因為呢兩班人全部有M2 底同MA1200 A range,佢 expect 會教得快啲


MA 靠自己算啦

we miss emily!
2017-01-19 22:42:15
2017年1月8日 17:54
Xiang ZHOU
Dear students,

I am Dr. Zhou, your instructor for Session F. We have totally 13 weeks in semester B. But for our session F, the total teaching time is only 39 hours.
Most of the time we shall run the class four hours per week (2+2 hours onThursday and Friday). For the arrangement around Chinese New Year and other issues, we shall cancel the following classes:
Week 2: 19 and 20 January.
Week 3: 26 January and 3 Feb.
Friday of Week 7: 3 March. ( not the first midterm is on 2 March)
Thursday of Week 9: 16 March.
In total: 12 hours cancelation

So, after the four hours' teaching in Week 1, the next class is on 9 Feb. , Thursday of Week 4.

The tutorial session is NOT affected by this teaching schedule. Please follow the regular schedule of the tutorial.

Bes wishes,
Xiang Zhou


唔得,因為寫明Section A, B, E & F 個lesson time 少過 C, D, G & H

2017-01-20 01:57:54
2017年1月8日 17:54
Xiang ZHOU
Dear students,

I am Dr. Zhou, your instructor for Session F. We have totally 13 weeks in semester B. But for our session F, the total teaching time is only 39 hours.
Most of the time we shall run the class four hours per week (2+2 hours onThursday and Friday). For the arrangement around Chinese New Year and other issues, we shall cancel the following classes:
Week 2: 19 and 20 January.
Week 3: 26 January and 3 Feb.
Friday of Week 7: 3 March. ( not the first midterm is on 2 March)
Thursday of Week 9: 16 March.
In total: 12 hours cancelation

So, after the four hours' teaching in Week 1, the next class is on 9 Feb. , Thursday of Week 4.

The tutorial session is NOT affected by this teaching schedule. Please follow the regular schedule of the tutorial.

Bes wishes,
Xiang Zhou


依條on9佬成日上堂自己講自己笑 仲要笑到哮喘咁款
2017-01-20 02:05:26
2017年1月8日 17:54
Xiang ZHOU
Dear students,

I am Dr. Zhou, your instructor for Session F. We have totally 13 weeks in semester B. But for our session F, the total teaching time is only 39 hours.
Most of the time we shall run the class four hours per week (2+2 hours onThursday and Friday). For the arrangement around Chinese New Year and other issues, we shall cancel the following classes:
Week 2: 19 and 20 January.
Week 3: 26 January and 3 Feb.
Friday of Week 7: 3 March. ( not the first midterm is on 2 March)
Thursday of Week 9: 16 March.
In total: 12 hours cancelation

So, after the four hours' teaching in Week 1, the next class is on 9 Feb. , Thursday of Week 4.

The tutorial session is NOT affected by this teaching schedule. Please follow the regular schedule of the tutorial.

Bes wishes,
Xiang Zhou


2017-01-20 03:29:22
2017年1月8日 17:54
Xiang ZHOU
Dear students,

I am Dr. Zhou, your instructor for Session F. We have totally 13 weeks in semester B. But for our session F, the total teaching time is only 39 hours.
Most of the time we shall run the class four hours per week (2+2 hours onThursday and Friday). For the arrangement around Chinese New Year and other issues, we shall cancel the following classes:
Week 2: 19 and 20 January.
Week 3: 26 January and 3 Feb.
Friday of Week 7: 3 March. ( not the first midterm is on 2 March)
Thursday of Week 9: 16 March.
In total: 12 hours cancelation

So, after the four hours' teaching in Week 1, the next class is on 9 Feb. , Thursday of Week 4.

The tutorial session is NOT affected by this teaching schedule. Please follow the regular schedule of the tutorial.

Bes wishes,
Xiang Zhou


唔得,因為寫明Section A, B, E & F 個lesson time 少過 C, D, G & H

就算寫明少過都冇咁離譜,我讀個陣section a都唔止39hrs仲邊會夠膽死wk1下堂就等到wk4?

Sit人地堂,再email course leader port佢,唔理就 email ma department head
2017-01-20 09:34:53
2017年1月8日 17:54
Xiang ZHOU
Dear students,

I am Dr. Zhou, your instructor for Session F. We have totally 13 weeks in semester B. But for our session F, the total teaching time is only 39 hours.
Most of the time we shall run the class four hours per week (2+2 hours onThursday and Friday). For the arrangement around Chinese New Year and other issues, we shall cancel the following classes:
Week 2: 19 and 20 January.
Week 3: 26 January and 3 Feb.
Friday of Week 7: 3 March. ( not the first midterm is on 2 March)
Thursday of Week 9: 16 March.
In total: 12 hours cancelation

So, after the four hours' teaching in Week 1, the next class is on 9 Feb. , Thursday of Week 4.

The tutorial session is NOT affected by this teaching schedule. Please follow the regular schedule of the tutorial.

Bes wishes,
Xiang Zhou


唔得,因為寫明Section A, B, E & F 個lesson time 少過 C, D, G & H

就算寫明少過都冇咁離譜,我讀個陣section a都唔止39hrs仲邊會夠膽死wk1下堂就等到wk4?

Sit人地堂,再email course leader port佢,唔理就 email ma department head

2017-01-20 13:43:00
2017年1月8日 17:54
Xiang ZHOU
Dear students,

I am Dr. Zhou, your instructor for Session F. We have totally 13 weeks in semester B. But for our session F, the total teaching time is only 39 hours.
Most of the time we shall run the class four hours per week (2+2 hours onThursday and Friday). For the arrangement around Chinese New Year and other issues, we shall cancel the following classes:
Week 2: 19 and 20 January.
Week 3: 26 January and 3 Feb.
Friday of Week 7: 3 March. ( not the first midterm is on 2 March)
Thursday of Week 9: 16 March.
In total: 12 hours cancelation

So, after the four hours' teaching in Week 1, the next class is on 9 Feb. , Thursday of Week 4.

The tutorial session is NOT affected by this teaching schedule. Please follow the regular schedule of the tutorial.

Bes wishes,
Xiang Zhou


2017-01-21 08:30:25
其實business啲人dean list係點做到
2017-01-21 15:50:27
其實business啲人dean list係點做到


2017-01-21 17:00:10
其實business啲人dean list係點做到




有冇巴絲識啲business dean list嘅朋友,過吓我兩招。我知有個我同year嘅女仔尻玩都有dean list
2017-01-21 17:40:20




有冇巴絲識啲business dean list嘅朋友,過吓我兩招。我知有個我同year嘅女仔尻玩都有dean list


同問,banl點dean list
2017-01-21 18:22:25

都係政政一個人坐又係想死 不如做個frd?

我都係啊 升上黎唔識人又冇玩ocamp
2017-01-21 18:40:57

好驚無得後補 我想報果間又睇唔到department quota 好驚多人爭


我department 最好係德國 但我對college level果間有興趣啲 但好似三個lv都要填哂?

我上次淨係報左institution同college 最尾出institutional offer 不過果陣我dept已經過晒second round

Second round 既quota
係咪多數比first round 攞曬

想報人院college level 下年semB
2017-01-21 20:19:53
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞