Momentous Shift
Value: 3
During combat: If your fighter started this turn in a different space, this card's value is 5 instead.
由於佢係紫卡, 所以係可以用黎打人或者防守嘅
但要發到During combat個效果,
就要你打人個下同你開Turn個下嘅位置唔同, 即係要郁完再打先可以係5,
咁所以理論上人地打你, 都有可能變到5,
就係對方用左啲卡嘅效果郁過你隻人仔嘅位置, 再打你, 你就可以打出黎變5
另外再解釋埋Space同Zone先, Space係指地圖上一格格嘅位, Zone係指同一個顏色, 所以根據返英文原卡, 要滿足條件係要由一個格郁到去另一個格就可以, 而唔需要考慮個格嘅顏色
Bloody Mary就有一張係關Zone事可以變數值嘅卡:
Jump Scare
Value: 3
During combat: If Bloody Mary shares no zones with the space she started in this turn, this card's value is 6 instead.