加拿大Stream A - 課金揮手交流區

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2021-10-23 19:39:46
有com sec就最好
網上係咁以睇過named com sec都有20萬年薪

Audit 就唔考慮啦,應該要成日出trip


過到去work life balance
2021-10-23 21:14:02
想當初係youtube見到佢share移加資料 先入去睇
唔係佢share dunlingo 依個test 我都唔知幾時走得
之前操IELTS操極 都唔理想 好淆wirting
之後轉戰dunlingo 一take pass
佢又有share 埋Letter of Explanation - Study Plan 大致要寫D咩
最尾未決定搵佢幫手 反正佢又唔收你費用

題外話: 想考dunlingo 可以上youtube 睇teacher luke 教學
睇哂大部分片再用佢個website 做練習 有好大幫助
2021-10-24 02:59:15
2021-10-24 03:02:41
Invigilator info:
What is an invigilator?
An Invigilator (or exam monitoring person/proctor) is someone who supervises you while you write the FOODSAFE final exam. Note that your invigilator has the password to unlock your exam and MUST BE PRESENT with you as you take the exam online.

How do I find an invigilator?
Using the Account Manager, you may request a friend, co-worker or supervisor to invigilate or you can select a pre-approved invigilator in your area.

What if there is no invigilator in my area?
If there is no pre-approved invigilator in your area, you must find your own invigilator to supervise your FOODSAFE final exam.

What is an example of a personally selected invigilator that meets the standards of the FOODSAFE Secretariat approval?
When selecting your own invigilator, you must find a responsible adult who will supervise the exam properly. To qualify, the person you select must be 19 or older and NOT living with you or related to you and have a separate email account.

Do I have to use the Account Manager to request a custom invigilator?
Yes. When you submit a request for your own invigilator, the request first goes to your invigilator’s email to accept, then to the Open School BC support (available Monday – Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 PST) for approval. Once approved, the invigilator will receive the information to access and unlock your online final FOODSAFE exam via email.

How do I contact my invigilator?
Once you requested an invigilator and they have accepted your request to supervise your exam, their contact information (email address) will appear in your Account Manager profile under the tab "My Invigilator."

How much time does my invigilator have to respond to my request for invigilation?
24 hours. After two days, you’ll have the opportunity to select a different invigilator, or re-request the original one (sometimes invigilators are busy and overlook their email).
2021-10-24 10:58:22
我睇左幾個master 都好似冇co op
係咪本身master 就少co op, undergraduate 先多少少?
咁大家報名讀書,有冇coop 係咪唔係重點,揀岩科,揀岩學校同學費仲實際?
2021-10-24 11:28:24
有無想報或者讀梗construction project management嘅師兄
2021-10-24 11:30:38
邊間有呢科?我都睇緊building construction 既科目
2021-10-24 11:43:04
好多間都有 不過唔知出黎有無野做
2021-10-24 12:02:55
我本身諗緊讀啲傳統名校(希望入到),我都有睇緊BCIT ,但唔知BCIT好唔好
2021-10-24 12:22:42
2021-10-24 12:56:49
coop college 既program先多 university比較少有
揀coop 既多數都係諗住讀完就出黎做野
2021-10-24 15:34:07
2021-10-24 15:38:33
有冇巴絲報左Centennial? 我5月intake culinary management已經收左等搞student visa
2021-10-24 16:34:04
如果ilets 真係搞唔掂可以點算
諗住stream a 讀廚2年dip
2021-10-24 16:50:14
岩岩考左個Duolingo, 差少少先夠分入佢個post grad, 學校話要報佢課前英文班讀兩個月再入九月開學既post grad, 如果我apply再拎住個conditional offer去申請visa先, 之後再補考多次duolingo睇下pass唔pass到,如果pass到我就要再apply多次拎direct offer, 咁我本身個visa仲有冇效? 洗唔洗再申請多次visa?

2021-10-24 18:55:34
都係Centennial 5月開學
有offer 準備搞visa
2021-10-24 19:06:44
2021-10-24 19:11:26
2021-10-24 19:14:05
2021-10-24 19:19:40
IT networking
5月好少course揀 而家諗緊租邊好
2021-10-24 19:29:06
2021-10-24 20:08:27
2021-10-24 21:06:15
2021-10-24 21:12:08
stream B最遲23年2月前要拎到張cert
2021-10-24 21:35:30
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞