In the general calamities of mankind the death of an individual, however exalted, the ruin of an edifice, however famous, are passed over with careless inattention. Yet we cannot forget that the temple of Diana at Ephesus, after having risen with increasing splendour from seven repeated misfortunes, was finally burnt by the Goths in their third naval invasion.
The temple of Diana was, however, admired as one of the wonders of the world. Successive empires, the Persian, the Macedonian, and the Roman, had revered its sanctity and enriched its splendour. But the rude savages of the Baltic were destitute of a taste for the elegant arts, and they despised the ideal terrors of a foreign superstition.
Another circumstance is related of these invasions which might deserve our notice, were it not justly to be suspected as the fanciful conceit of a recent sophist. We are told that in the sack of Athens the Goths had collected all the libraries, and were on the point of setting fire to this funeral pile of Grecian learning, had not one of their chiefs, of more refined policy than his brethren, dissuaded them from the design; by the profound observation that as long as the Greeks were addicted to the study of books, they could never apply themselves to the exercise of arms. The sagacious counsellor (should the truth of the fact be admitted) reasoned like an ignorant barbarian. In the most polite and powerful nations, genius of every kind has displayed itself about the same period; and the age of science has generally been the age of military virtue and success.
The licentious murmurs of the legions soon accused Valerian as the cause of their calamities; their seditious clamours demanded an instant capitulation. An immense sum of gold was offered to purchase the permission of a disgraceful retreat. But the Persian, conscious of his superiority, refused the money with disdain; and detaining the deputies, advanced in order of battle to the foot of the Roman rampart, and insisted on a personal conference with the emperor. Valerian vas reduced to the necessity of intrusting his life and dignity to the faith of an enemy. The interview ended as it was natural to expect. The emperor was made a prisoner, and his astonished troops laid down their arms. In such a moment of triumph, the pride and policy of Sapor prompted him to fill the vacant throne with a successor entirely dependent on his pleasure. Cyriades, an obscure fugitive of Antioch, stained with every vice, was chosen to dishonour the Roman purple; and the will of the Persian victor could not fail of being ratified by the acclamations, however reluctant, of the captive army.
羅馬軍團內的放縱的抱怨聲很快變成了對瓦勒裡安的控訴,認為瓦勒良是他們的一切災難的根源;他們發出叛亂的呼聲,要求立即投降。曾企圖用大量黃金買得一條敗走的退路。但波斯人由於穩操勝券輕蔑地拒絕了那筆錢;他們扣住使臣,列陣來到羅馬的防護工事前,堅持要和羅馬皇帝面談一切。瓦勒良這時已完全處於只能把自己的生命和威嚴交給敵人去處理的地步。會談的結果自然全在意料之中。皇帝作了俘虜,他的驚惶失措的軍隊全放下了武器。 在這個大獲全勝的時刻,沙普爾的傲慢心情和策略需要促使他選定了一個完全任他玩於股掌之上的繼承人登上了空出的皇位。一個來自安條克的罪行累累的逃兵基裡阿得斯被選定來玷污羅馬的皇座;而這波斯勝利者的意旨,不管如何荒唐,也不可能不得到這支被俘虜的軍隊的公開認可。