The resignation of all the eastern conquests of Trajan was the first measure of his reign. He restored to the Parthians the election of an independent sovereign; withdrew the Roman garrisons from the provinces of Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Assyria; and, in compliance with the precept of Augustus, once more established the Euphrates as the frontier of he empire.~· Censure, which arraigns the public actions and the private motives of princes, has ascribed to envy, a conduct which might be attributed to the prudence and moderation of Had:-ian. The various character of that emperor, capable, by turns, of the meanest and the most generous sentiments, ma~ afford some color to the suspicion. It was, however, scarcely in his power to place the priority of his predecessor in a more conspicuous light, than by thus confessing himself unequal to the task of defending the conquests of Trajan.
the retirement of his Lanuvian villa.26
Notwithstanding this difference in their personal conduct, the general system of Augustus was equally adopt~d and uniformly pursued by Hadrian and by the t'Yo Antonines. They persisted in the design of maintaining the dignity of the empire, without attempting to enlarge it~ limits. By every honorable expedient they invited the friendship of the barbarians; and endeavored to convince mankind that the Roman power, raised above the temptation of conquest, was actuated only by the love of order and justice. During a long period of forty-three years, their virtuous labors were crowned with success; and if we except a few slight hostilities, that served to exercise the legions of the frontier, the reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius offer' the fair prospect of universal peace.21 The Roman name was re;ered among the most remote nations of the earth. The fiercest barbarians frequently submitted their differenCEs to the arbitration of the emperor, and we are informed by a contemporary historian, that he had seen ambassadors who were refused the honor which they came to solicit, of being admitted into the rank of subjects.

