
1001 回覆
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2021-06-26 04:57:41
同埋有冇返過咩part time同intern?
2021-06-26 04:58:53
知唔知銀行Corporate/commercial banking 多唔多請Asian RM?

另外租condo咩要注意?黎緊應該會睇yonge&fitch d condo seller agent 同buyer agent 同一個會唔會無咁好?通常會講幾多%價 同有無免租期?
2021-06-26 05:03:48
想問finance/banking field易唔易揾工?定啲公司多數都係請本地大學既人?

另外如果讀master degree,讀finance定fin tech定其他科會增加係呢個field既競爭力?有冇邊啲大學係呢方面比較岀名同有認受性,唔該晒
2021-06-26 05:05:22
One of them is a regular poster here
2021-06-26 05:10:47
- Lakehead U- Thunder Bay- 17 hours from Toronto or 2 hours by plane
Trent-Peterborough- Just under 2 hours from Toronto. I often go fishing there.
Brock- St. Catharines 1.5 hours from Toronto 1/2 hour from Niagara Falls
You can consider Queens-Kingston
Western- London
Ottawa - Ottawa
2021-06-26 05:11:04
Where are you talking about?
2021-06-26 05:11:25
She is a LADY
2021-06-26 05:13:19
2021-06-26 05:15:01
成條hwy7 同 16街richmond hill- markham 既所有銀行都係chinese

同一個buyer agent 一定冇咁好,因為份合約佢哋點寫都得 。

如果你係第一次係加拿大租樓,冇previous rental history,大部分業主會先收足一年租金。
2021-06-26 05:16:12

同埋再講多次…. 我係絲 唔係Bro
2021-06-26 05:17:30
2. Worst Universities in Canada
2.1 Nipissing University
2.2 Brandon University
2.3 St. Thomas University
2.4 Cape Breton University (CBU)
2.5 Laurentian University
2.6 Mount Saint Vincent University
2.7 Universite de Moncton

1 27 Top Universities In Canada With Scholarships
1.1 #1 University of Toronto
1.2 #2 The University of British Columbia
1.3 #3 University of Waterloo
1.4 #4 McGill University
1.5 #5 University of Alberta
1.6 #6 University of Calgary
1.7 #7 York University
1.8 #8 University of Montreal
1.9 #9 McMaster University
1.10 #10 University of Victoria
1.11 #11 Simon Fraser University
1.12 #12 Queen’s University
1.13 #13 University of Ottawa
1.14 #14 Carleton University
1.15 #15 Ryerson University
1.16 #16 Laval University
1.17 #17 Concordia University
1.18 #18 University of Guelph
1.19 #19 University of Saskatchewan
1.20 #20 Western University, Canada
1.21 #21 Dalhousie University
1.22 #22 University of Manitoba
1.23 #23 Memorial University of Newfoundland
1.24 #24 University of Regina
1.25 #25 University of Windsor
1.26 #26 University of New Brunswick
1.27 #27 Brock University
2021-06-26 05:20:58
You are doing good.
I am a retired CPA, CA
2021-06-26 05:24:39
想問吓Wilfred Laurier依家學校評價如何
係咪同uoft ubc 差好遠
因為我見world ranking都過千 定其實係本地人心目中ok
2021-06-26 05:30:29
2021-06-26 05:40:39
想問下遲啲年尾會過去 會直接用美國車牌轉安省車牌
North York, Yonge&Finch
Richmond Hill
絲打覺得呢幾個區點?如果想無咁多華人 附近又有亞超, costco, 又近近地Markham 食野 係咪Vaughan 最好?
2021-06-26 05:44:33
請問樓主 有加拿大PR 冇香港車牌
2021-06-26 05:45:23
2021-06-26 05:47:02
2021-06-26 06:11:43
Take a detail video of the premises.
Mention or describe
1. The date you take are taking the video
2. Address of the premises
3. Describe the condition of the door, wall, ceiling, flooring (condition of the carpet, wood etc, any damage), appliances, fixtures such as drapes and furniture (if furnished) and let the landlord know yo have video taped the whole premises.

Buy a tenant insurance.

Obtain a lease in writing
2021-06-26 06:13:18
冇辨法 而家有太多霸王租客點都踢唔走,Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board同法庭仲未開。

正式合約係Agreement to Lease,主要係睇condo包唔包水電,Locker,車位。
假如有電器壞(雪櫃,洗衣機/乾衣機,爐頭),一般情況業主會出錢,所以一定pre inspection check所有野 包括去水位有冇塞住同埋廁所

租客只需要畀Key deposit,業主唔可以收Damage deposit fees
2021-06-26 06:16:46
租一年後 租客有決定權走或續租(lease monthly )
2021-06-26 06:34:36
2021-06-26 06:35:16
收到 唔該哂
2021-06-26 06:44:58
同係咪PR 冇關係
G1 12個月之後 考路試 -> pass左升G2
G2 12個月之後 考路試 -> pass左升G
有外國車牌就有得根據issue country 有機會免試換牌 話者免一次Road Test
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞