
1001 回覆
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2021-06-26 01:23:50
2021-06-26 01:24:00
2021-06-26 01:33:43

另外你覺得markam, richmond hill, scaborough住呢方面點樣?

2021-06-26 01:36:52
我都target報business analytics master, 暫時睇咗好幾間都有類似既program,啲大學對GPA要求嚴唔嚴格?degree個gpa唔高,唔知會唔會俾system直接篩走份application
2021-06-26 01:39:05
Are you a CPA?
2021-06-26 01:41:48
2021-06-26 01:41:49
Fg有睇過有得轉牌去cpa ontario
都係話非local exp hr根本唔會睇
不過唔知big4 exp會唔會有dd用
2021-06-26 01:44:22
有咩工作係無得worklife balance
2021-06-26 01:45:08
2021-06-26 01:45:44
I retired from Government and I have a retirement plan. I have to contribute a few percent from my bi-weekly pay and my employer (government) have to match my contribution. However, I have no control on the money in my pension. I am getting close to 70% of the best 5 years average salary monthly and reduced by CPP and OAS plus health coverage.
I don't know anything about 401K although I am a CPA from New York too.
2021-06-26 01:46:18
2021-06-26 01:52:43
2021-06-26 02:14:34
Immigration policies may change any time. There may be an election this Fall and policies may be changed if a another party formed a new government.
2021-06-26 02:15:14
Check out diploma la
2021-06-26 02:38:20

2021-06-26 02:45:42
我有問過好多local同事點睇, 只係計general overall
Queen, West. Ontario 同UofT 係ontario 3大, 以佢地所講western Ontario 最好, 反而覺得UofT 3間入面算係普通
頭盔左先 以上只係我問過既feedback 唔等於全部都係咁諗

自己個人觀感Ryerson雖然唔出名 但公司請過幾個Co-op 都係黎自個度
佢地俾我感覺係好聰明, 我講幾句佢已經識點做, 重要more than 我expected
2021-06-26 02:46:37
巴打你好,我IT 底英文一般,想頭一年喺華人區適應下先,有無咩城市推薦,thanks
2021-06-26 03:18:52
如果qs 排名好低嘅master 定一年college 快啲揾野做儲經驗 好啲
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞