
1001 回覆
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2021-06-26 22:25:56
Diploma is your best bet.
2021-06-26 22:28:36
2021-06-26 22:29:36
Depends on where you plan to settle. I didn't have my drivers license for the first 3 years and I was Ok with it.
Not every one know how to drive in large city like Toronto.


2021-06-26 22:31:02
想知魁北克係咪好多it工 ,聽講好住過多倫多,生活成本平,工作機會多
2021-06-26 22:31:19
2021-06-26 22:32:28
唔緊要 慢慢答 有人答過就叫人爬板 加油
2021-06-26 22:32:34
Where did 香港人浦 when you were here?
2021-06-26 22:33:11
嘩 好詳細呀
2021-06-26 22:34:57
Unlikely to get admitted by unis if you do not have IT background
2021-06-26 22:35:10
2021-06-26 22:35:43
Uber Eats have discount all the time. You can always order Pizza deliver to you.
2021-06-26 22:37:47
2021-06-26 22:38:42
2021-06-26 22:38:52
Did that 40 years ago.
hate mosquitos.
2021-06-26 22:39:21
2021-06-26 22:41:53
2021-06-26 22:43:25
嘩 絲打好勁呀 下下覆得咁長
2021-06-26 22:44:07
depends on how much down payment you have
2021-06-26 22:44:09
2021-06-26 22:44:31
想問下係係香港讀ive 好定去加拿大讀diploma好
2021-06-26 22:45:04
Too general.
Can you be more specific . Which U what degree etc.
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