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2021-06-27 21:56:25
有分 freehold townhouse同 condo townhouse 㗎。

乜house都係木structure,咁townhouse同2邊隔離黐住幅牆(除非 最尾嗰間),隔離唔生性你都幾煩。住得town house都梗有細路….

舊區(既係within Toronto)好多大型townhouse communities 都治安稍差。
2021-06-27 21:58:03
2021-06-27 21:59:02
2021-06-27 22:00:51
2021-06-27 22:00:58
Should I stop?

Freedom of expression in Canada is protected as a "fundamental freedom" by Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter also permits the government to enforce "reasonable" limits. Hate speech, obscenity, and defamation are common categories of restricted speech in Canada.
2021-06-27 22:07:40
Thank you. I learn something new today.
I have saved over 60 stray cats in the past 25 years and placed most for adoption. I have to keep over 20 cats that are either too wild to come inside or anyone in my family wanted to keep them.
They are all our kids. the oldest one is 21 years old the youngest one is 7 years old.
2021-06-27 22:10:08
2021-06-27 22:14:54
Hi, how about the legal field? If you only have a LLB (not practicing lawyer) do you think it is easy to find a job in legal firms or some in-house legal jobs in corporates? Thanks in advance.

p.s I am seeing the opportunity to take a LLB degree
2021-06-27 22:15:29
so we can't get that to go. please keep sharing your info.
2021-06-27 22:17:36
2021-06-27 22:19:06
2021-06-27 22:19:26
Hope it helps
2021-06-27 22:20:19
有啲 college 講明apprenticeship 唔收國際生
但係我唔知係咪全部 college 都唔得,ontario 省政府同埋 IRCC 官網都冇寫過得/唔得
2021-06-27 22:22:20
Waterloo co-op,Waterloo, UofT

我係IT老闆就先請Bachelor: 1)你有master咁高學歷你嚟我度都係騎牛搵馬㗎啦。 2)文科底轉IT master都唔知你得IT底得唔得


佢地黎到讀個2nd degree in IT, 或者雞精斑(以前6個月而家怕難啲)

都識得3幾個有master degree嘅做過同事,一個M.Ed.(已轉行), 一個MBA, 一個 M Comp Sci(已轉行)。做老細有MBA嘅唔計。

我係你就transfer credit讀2nd degree 或diploma
2021-06-27 22:23:22
準備下年過Toronto, 想問下4間college(GBC, centennial, Seneca同 Humber) 讀it diploma 邊間比較好
2021-06-27 22:24:51
2021-06-27 22:25:03
apprenticeship 本身可能要同省政府deal,例如修車可能涉及Ministry of Transport,我諗本省人都未必入到行,其實係有entry barrier。

2021-06-27 22:25:21
2021-06-27 22:27:10

唔好意思睇緊啲IT Diploma 想請問以上嘅入學要求(ENG4C,MAP4C)係乜嘢意思?尤其是第三點,我完全唔明白
2021-06-27 22:27:45
2021-06-27 22:27:48
2021-06-27 22:29:15

Btw, 我係CPA Australia既CPA member,係咪其實最好都入返CPA Ontario?因為岩岩發現佢地既mutual recognition agreement 30/6就完,趕唔切submit application

同埋都睇緊有冇post grad course岩,有local education background應該會易啲搵返accounting既工?

其實係加拿大job interview既時候,除咗睇education & work experience之外,公司重唔重視volunteering or interest and hobbies個啲?

Btw, 你俾既資訊好有用多謝你呀bro
2021-06-27 22:29:17
2021-06-27 22:31:05
Yes, uncle. Please keep on sharing your views. Many HK youngsters need your invaluable views to plan their future life in Toronto.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞