Please kindly check if the umbrella that you are taking is really your umbrella. If the umbrella that you are taking is not really your umbrella, please make sure that you are not taking an umbrella that is belonged to the others. If you are not sure to whom the umbrella is belonged, please also put is down on the spot it stayed. If you are not sure this notice, please feel free to contact the school administrative office for further assistance. Thank you very much for your cooperation and consideration.
和合石修哥2021-05-27 17:45:42
Diu lei la!! Dun take other ppl umbanananana ar!!!
可憐哪2021-05-27 17:45:53
可憐哪2021-05-27 17:46:24
金木一花2021-05-27 17:50:01
全職讀書摺人2021-05-27 17:50:44
時空列車車長2021-05-27 17:52:16
大鼠疫2021-05-27 17:52:41
∑n=-1/122021-05-27 17:54:15
Don't take others' umbrella.
加油油2021-05-27 17:54:18
比我做黃墓猿啦2021-05-27 17:54:24
如果係我 我會
Please check whether the umbrella is yours before you take it away
譚道德先生講道德2021-05-27 17:54:28
If umbrella not you ,dont take it son of the bitch
This is a XGU warning
You are taking umbrella or conducting yourselves
With an intent such as secession or subversion
Which may consistiute offenses
under the regulations of XGU