LG "QNED" LCD prices
LG will be marketing its top LCD TVs for 2021 as QNED, short for 'Quantum Nanocell miniLED', according to the company. Like Samsung's "QLED TVs", LG's "QNED TVs" are conventional LCD TVs with a more advanced backlight unit.
LG Germany is the first branch to announce pricing details for 2021. Prices will start at 2500 Euro for a 65-inch 4K model (QNED91, also known as QNED90). That is 200 Euro less than LG's 65-inch B1 OLED TV.
A 75-inch 4K model will cost 4600 Euro, which is 400 Euro less than a 77-inch LG B1 OLED, while a 86-inch 4K model is priced at 7000 Euro, or 1000 Euro less than the 83-inch LG C1 OLED.
竊躍骨蠶2021-02-06 09:39:58
25歐有65吋mini led !??
stepmic2021-02-06 09:45:03
2021 LG OLED prices
Once again in 2021, LG Germany is the first regional office to announce pricing details. Details for the US, UK and other European countries will be announced later but the Euro prices should give you a good indication of what to expect.
G1 will be the company's first TVs with the brighter 'OLED evo' panel. Prices start at 2400 Euro for a 55-inch screen. LG G1 will launch in April.
LG's first 83-inch OLED TV, in the C1 range, will cost 8000 Euro and be available in June, but the good news is that the 77-inch C1 will drop to 5300 Euro (starting price was 7000 Euro last year for CX). A less expensive 77-inch OLED TV will be available in the B1 range, at 5000 Euro. LG B1 and LG C1 will be available in April (except the 83-inch C1).
阿賴耶識(本識)2021-02-06 09:55:51
竊躍骨蠶2021-02-06 10:06:42
stepmic2021-02-06 10:07:23
竊躍骨蠶2021-02-06 10:34:31
預訂係咪會抵過 一開波就咁walk in買?
stepmic2021-02-06 10:35:47
stepmic2021-02-06 11:28:15
去年推出的 Chromecast with Google TV,雖然至今還依靠水貨商引進,但其率先採用的 Google TV 用戶界面,很快就可以在其他 Android TV 裝置上使用得到。Google 剛剛宣佈由即日起,會向支援的 Android TV 裝置提供系統更新,之後就會變成 Google TV 用戶界面。
新用戶界面分為 Home、Discovery 和 Apps 三大部份,Home 和現時 Android TV 的界面設計相若,提供快速打開程式、頻道或其他內容的捷徑。而 Apps 頁面顧名思義就是展示所有安裝於裝置內的程式。Discovery 頁面是首次出現,亦是今次更新的重點,系統會基於用戶平時的觀看習慣和喜好,還有各個平台現時最多人收看的內容,向用戶作出個人化的建議。
Google 表示更新會由即日起向美國、加拿大、澳洲、德國和法國的 Android TV 裝置率先提供,其他國家則會在未來數星期陸續提供。
stepmic2021-02-06 11:36:28
1. 每次開機/轉台,字幕都會變殘體,可以關閉字幕
2. 國版膠製搖控功能少,冇數字鍵
3. 冇Airplay,冇Homekit,冇Chromecast,冇Google Search,冇Google Play Store,有大陸搜尋
4. Netflix,Youtube要手動安裝,手動更新,Youtube要特定版本先可以Login
5. 冇保養
6. 不能刷Rom,不能改區
7. 可以買個chromecast with google tv ($550)去解決冇GOOGLE問題
8. 應用助手可以允許用家安裝第三方的APK檔案
9. 頁面有大陸APP
10. 語音功能只有國語