To measure the number of breaths you take per minute, Google Fit is using your Android device’s front-facing camera.
Meanwhile, measuring heart rate involves placing your finger on the rear-facing camera lens and applying light pressure.
Pixel首席打手HK2021-02-05 04:37:41
真係what撚the fuck
Google back again with some black magic
LSPposed2021-02-05 10:20:28
萊斯特洪峰2021-02-05 10:56:59
先兒口角繼兒動母2021-02-05 11:06:42
點解我嗰個google fit仲未有
KFCCoffee2021-02-05 11:19:14
Heart rate and respiratory rate are two vital signs commonly used to assess your health and wellness. Starting next month, Google Fit will allow you to measure your heart rate and respiratory rate using just your phone’s camera. These features will be available in the Google Fit app for Pixel phones, with plans to expand to more Android devices.
了解2021-02-05 12:58:30
samsung 有
LSPosed2021-02-05 12:59:56
應該係S5年代就有 不過佢係靠機背個sensor去做 google係靠後鏡
竹虎2021-02-05 13:19:31
心能隨心2021-02-05 13:38:12
springlala2021-02-05 14:49:56
唔係咩特別新科技, 用相機鏡頭測心跳, 係 nexus one 年代己經有人整過 app 出黎, 跟住 play store 上面好多呢類 app, 果陣仲未興光學測心跳, 覺得好神奇..