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2017-03-13 00:33:11
writing speaking 好似點都上唔到7或以上
8.0 9.0 6.5 6.5 overall 7.5


hi city psy 巴打

有7.5夠做啦 恭喜定你先都得啦
2017-03-13 01:05:26
writing speaking 好似點都上唔到7或以上
8.0 9.0 6.5 6.5 overall 7.5


hi city psy 巴打

有7.5夠做啦 恭喜定你先都得啦

non ju冇絕對既 一齊加油
2017-03-13 16:42:59
我想問你地係邊到搵pp?我只係搵到practice paper
2017-03-13 17:29:02
Section4最高分其次Section3, 4>3>2=1
有無人係咁?? 好奇怪

次次都係Section1,2拉低左, 而家次次都26,27分左右
2017-03-15 02:24:10
Task 2 exercise

Some people think the technology make life complex so we should make our life simpler without using technology.

To what extent, do u agree or disagree??

It is often argued that technology complicates our life and we should not use the technology to have a simpler life. This essay will argue that despite the fact that there are disadvantages, the advantages of technology outweigh the disadvantages.

Technology plays an important role in our life that we have to use it in almost every aspect for higher efficiency and convenience. For examples, video meetings on computers and mobile devices have been a popular substitute of in-person meeting and electronic banking has replaced the paper work to clear credit card bills and borrow a loan. When I was in college, the intranet was the main method professors used to collect homework and distributes notes. The professor’s workload was reduced and student could have a faster response from the teachers.

Some critics say that our life is too complex with technology as it makes information available all the time, people is lack of the capacity to focus and relax. Therefore, we should go back to the old days without technology. However, it depends on personal references. People are the users of technology and they could turn it off anytime. Lots of people switch off their phone and refuse to receive calls and messages when sleeping and having holiday.

In conclusion, technology could keep people distracted and lead to a complex life but it is too essential in our daily life including work and education to save our time and boost efficiency. People should use it every day and control the portion of technology in their time. (257 words)
2017-03-15 07:40:33
求 comment
2017-03-15 07:54:21
Task 2 exercise

Some people think the technology make life complex so we should make our life simpler without using technology.

To what extent, do u agree or disagree??

It is often argued that technology complicates our life and we should not use the technology to have a simpler life. This essay will argue that despite the fact that there are disadvantages, the advantages of technology outweigh the disadvantages.

Technology plays an important role in our life that we have to use it in almost every aspect for higher efficiency and convenience. For examples, video meetings on computers and mobile devices have been a popular substitute of in-person meeting and electronic banking has replaced the paper work to clear credit card bills and borrow a loan. When I was in college, the intranet was the main method professors used to collect homework and distribute notes. The professor’s workload was reduced and student could have a faster response from the teachers.

Some critics say that our life is too complex with technology as it makes information available all the time, people are lack of the capacity to focus and relax. Therefore, we should go back to the old days without technology. However, it depends on personal references. People are the users of technology and they could turn it off anytime. Lots of people switch off their phone and refuse to receive calls and messages when sleeping and having holiday.

In conclusion, technology could keep people distracted and lead to a complex life but it is too essential in our daily life including work and education to save our time and boost efficiency. People should use it every day and control the portion of technology in their time. (257 words)
2017-03-15 10:32:20
搵題目 可以用雅思哥 app 啲考生考完會upload返上去
2017-03-15 15:47:23
求 comment

我今個星期考啦 無咩時間
2017-03-15 18:36:02
求 comment

我今個星期考啦 無咩時間

tg heyiug

2017-03-16 02:45:00
我歸納左以下幾點 應該係大家考極都係徘徊6-6.5既原因

1. 深vocab, J phrase (我寫左乜乜柒柒應該會高分架喎)
係其他post我都有講過下 有好多時你用個字看似好難
或者你篇野冇啦啦有句好型J出血既句子 但係當你好普通既grammar都經常錯既話
考官一睇就睇得出你係背 冇料扮四條 (姐係你用個名牌銀包但係入面冇卡冇錢)
再者好多時用個D字都係用錯 有D字係用係人身上

2. word choice/sentence structure
唔夠兩句就people, many people, a lot of people xxx,好似去濕way this this this咁
e.g I am Richard. I am 77 years old. 普通傾計都仲可以

其中一個解決方法就係將句子轉倒passive voice就轉啦
教學: http://www.ef.com/english-resources/english-grammar/passive-voice/

3. 篇野既structure (我夠知係intro+兩個points+conclusion啦)
樓主有講過多數task 2 有咩題種 唔再多講
寫argumentative文章 係需要有一個清晰既脈絡 等個考官follow倒
intro 唔係就咁抄番條問題落去就叫intro


4. 論點
task 2要寫既意見,好處唔好處,解決方法等等
留意番係計分的 堅係要認真諗下 唔好以為作D 19 point 就過倒骨
咁樣係task achievement會低分 因為你d ideas 冇basis同唔夠support 令到篇文鳩鳩地

5. Grammar
留意番你用廣東話諗 諗完之後就寫做英文 有一半機會犯錯

articles (a/an/the)
記住唔係乜撚都要加the e.g society
a e i o u 用 an

唔識用個D tense就唔好勉強喇 隔硬用只會搞到個意思都唔同晒
仲有 present tense, i you we they 後面個verb係唔洗加s
he she it 先要


Marking Scheme - Task 1

Marking Scheme - Task 2

你地想要既7分範文 (呢篇唔錯)

2017-03-16 10:50:09
我歸納左以下幾點 應該係大家考極都係徘徊6-6.5既原因

1. 深vocab, J phrase (我寫左乜乜柒柒應該會高分架喎)
係其他post我都有講過下 有好多時你用個字看似好難
或者你篇野冇啦啦有句好型J出血既句子 但係當你好普通既grammar都經常錯既話
考官一睇就睇得出你係背 冇料扮四條 (姐係你用個名牌銀包但係入面冇卡冇錢)
再者好多時用個D字都係用錯 有D字係用係人身上

2. word choice/sentence structure
唔夠兩句就people, many people, a lot of people xxx,好似去濕way this this this咁
e.g I am Richard. I am 77 years old. 普通傾計都仲可以

其中一個解決方法就係將句子轉倒passive voice就轉啦
教學: http://www.ef.com/english-resources/english-grammar/passive-voice/

3. 篇野既structure (我夠知係intro+兩個points+conclusion啦)
樓主有講過多數task 2 有咩題種 唔再多講
寫argumentative文章 係需要有一個清晰既脈絡 等個考官follow倒
intro 唔係就咁抄番條問題落去就叫intro


4. 論點
task 2要寫既意見,好處唔好處,解決方法等等
留意番係計分的 堅係要認真諗下 唔好以為作D 19 point 就過倒骨
咁樣係task achievement會低分 因為你d ideas 冇basis同唔夠support 令到篇文鳩鳩地

5. Grammar
留意番你用廣東話諗 諗完之後就寫做英文 有一半機會犯錯

articles (a/an/the)
記住唔係乜撚都要加the e.g society
a e i o u 用 an

唔識用個D tense就唔好勉強喇 隔硬用只會搞到個意思都唔同晒
仲有 present tense, i you we they 後面個verb係唔洗加s
he she it 先要


Marking Scheme - Task 1

Marking Scheme - Task 2

你地想要既7分範文 (呢篇唔錯)


2017-03-16 13:27:45
有無人覺得Academic Writing Task 1 Diagram好難?
2017-03-16 14:03:12
有無人覺得Academic Writing Task 1 Diagram好難?

我都知好膠 但有無tips點樣寫 個organisation唔會太亂?
2017-03-16 14:05:48
有無人覺得Academic Writing Task 1 Diagram好難?

我都知好膠 但有無tips點樣寫 個organisation唔會太亂?

1) Describe key stages in the process in a logical order, making comparisons where appropriate.
2) Use suitable words and phrases to structure and link the process clearly.
3) Remember to include an overview summerising the main features of the process.
4) Vary your vocabulary and use your own words as far as possible.
2017-03-16 17:13:50
2017-03-16 17:20:18
我睇完樓上個webpage. 又作多左篇

希望大家評下分 同改下最唔通順 嘅句子

Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why? What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?

The number of dropouts from school is large and many of them hold a negative attitude towards learning. The main reason behind the phenomenon is the different needs of student are neglected by the mainstream education. The Industrial-oriented education should be made an option to fulfill their needs.

Most students who left the school think traditional study is irrelevant to daily life and find study does not help them to get a job. The syllabuses of course are often pure theoretic or exam-oriented that leaning to prepare student for getting a place in universities and doing research. Teenagers who do not aim at tertiary education or being a researcher find study in school is a waste of their time. For example, students study skills to the skills to solve mathematics questions that they seldom use after graduation. Therefore, some of them are not willing to learn and quit study.

To tackle this problem, the government and schools should offer alternative courses which are occupation-orientated. The curricula of the courses equip the students for future workplace and hunting an entry position of the industry. The different needs of pupils could be catered and they are self-motivated to learn. For instances, teenagers who opted to join building-apprentice courses in Hong Kong, are found more driven than when they were in mainstream education.

In conclusion, traditional study does not suit all youngsters is the main reason why many young people leave school and are reluctant to study. Vocational studies should be advocated as an alternative to help them achieve their personal goals and they will have more incentives to learn. (267 words)
2017-03-16 23:01:31
小弟考過兩次ielts 都係差dd 先6.5
第一次 6 6.5 6 6
第二次 5.5 7 6 6
每次都做左大約3本ex 先出去考 平時做ex 個分數都唔低..唔知點解考試果陣 listening 會咁差

有咩方法可以突破到呢個樽頸位 小弟來緊要考到6.5 先可以meet到大學offer
2017-03-17 00:18:24
小弟考過兩次ielts 都係差dd 先6.5
第一次 6 6.5 6 6
第二次 5.5 7 6 6
每次都做左大約3本ex 先出去考 平時做ex 個分數都唔低..唔知點解考試果陣 listening 會咁差

有咩方法可以突破到呢個樽頸位 小弟來緊要考到6.5 先可以meet到大學offer

有無試下聽多啲 eg ted talk, BBC news?
通常listening reading 最易拉高啲分
2017-03-17 00:18:35

You too bro
2017-03-17 12:25:37
之前考過9 8.5 7 6 = 7.5
不過過咗期 前排無聊再裸考多次
變咗7.5 9 7.5 7.5 = 8
太耐冇做 第一段錄音已經聽漏兩格
2017-03-17 12:37:44
之前考過9 8.5 7 6 = 7.5
不過過咗期 前排無聊再裸考多次
變咗7.5 9 7.5 7.5 = 8
太耐冇做 第一段錄音已經聽漏兩格

2017-03-17 12:38:48
考極 reading同listening都8.5
2017-03-17 12:47:20
考極 reading同listening都8.5

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞