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2017-03-04 00:05:43
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利申 又係第一次考
2017-03-04 00:13:06
Writing Task 1
個文章結構之前講過 今次詳細啲講 有埋例子

圖表題文章結構 (Bar chart, pie chart, graph)

1) Introduction
- 描述題目 (重點: 要換下啲字)
- 描述總體趨勢

2) Body
- 仔細描述 (需要數據支持)
- 最多、第二最多、最少同不規則

更正: 唔需要總結!

1a) Introduction
描述題目呢part最主要係表達到What + When + Where

The graph shows/gives/ provides information about …
The chart shows/ illustrates /describes …
The graphs compare … with …

Q: The bar chart shows the divorce rates in two European countries from 2011 to 2015.
A: The bar chart provides information about divorces/ the statistics on divorces / number of divorces/ percentage of divorces in Finland and Sweden between 2011 and 2015.
問題用Two countries 你就可以寫個國家名出黎

Q: The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land become less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.
A: The pie chart displays the principal causes of farming land deterioration while the table illustrates how North America, Europe and Oceania were affected by these factors in the 1990s.

Q: The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in 2 different countries.
A: The charts compare the amount of water used for agriculture, industry and homes around the world and the use of water in Brazil and Congo.

- 個General trend 係好似第一印象咁,第一眼留意到啲咩
- 唔好寫數字、百分比、數量
- 通常會用過去式,但留意有無年份

Overall, Sweden experienced a downward trend while Finland showed an upward trend throughout the period. The divorce rates for both countries had some fluctuations. Although Finland initially has a lower percentage, there were more divorces in Sweden at the end of the period.

In general, fossil fuels are the dominant types of energy and this trend will continue in the future. Nuclear and renewable energy sources have a relatively small proportion of the total energy use. However, there is a notable gradual increase in use of sustainable energy.

It is clear that calls made via local, fixed lines were the most popular type, in terms of overall usage, throughout the period shown. The lowest figures on the chart are for mobile calls, but this category also saw the most dramatic increase in user minutes.
2017-03-04 00:37:53
2) Body
- 仔細、詳細描述 (需要數據支持,無數據支持得5分)
- 最多、第二最多、最少同不規則
- 比較、對比 + 主要特點
- 連接詞(e.g. while, whereas, as opposed to, compared to/ in comparison with)

Increase trend:
Verb: rise, increase, go up, rocket
Noun: a rise, an increase, an upward trend

Gradual increase:
Noun: an upward trend, an upward tendency, a ceiling trend

Verb: fall, decrease, go down, reduce, decline, collapse, drop
Noun: A fall, a drop, a decline, a decrease, a downward trend

Gradual decrease:
Noun: a downward trend, a downward tendency, a descending trend

Verb: unchanged, remain stable/ constant/ the same/ steady, prevail
Noun: a steadiness, a stability, no change

To show steadiness:
Rapid change:
Adverb: rapidly, sharply, quickly, dramatically, significantly
Adjective: rapid, sharp, quick, dramatic, significant

Moderate change:
Adverb: moderately, gradually, progressively
Adjective: moderate, gradual, progressive

Adverb: steadily
Adjective: steady

Adverb: slightly, slowly, mildly
Adjective: slight, slow, mild

Rapid ups and downs:
The price of the raw materials fluctuated for the first three months.

From… to…
Between … and …
After 2013
By 2013
In 2013
Over the period
During the period
During 2013
In the first half of the year
For the first quarter
During the first decade

Doubled, tripled
Approximately, nearly, roughly,
Almost, about, around.
Just over/ below/ under
2017-03-04 01:09:10
-比較兩個pie charts
-the proportion of …/ the percentage of …

- e.g. Another major factor influencing a move was for formal study with over a quarter of people immigrating. However, interestingly, only a small minority of 4% left for this reason. The proportions of those moving to join a family member were very similar for immigration and emigration, at 15% and 13% respectively.

In contrast, production by coal decreased from 22% to 15% in 1990.
2017-03-04 01:53:58
2017-03-04 02:48:03
2017-03-04 03:00:19

2017-03-04 03:05:49

3 種
1. 形容 1個現今既地圖
2. 形容2 個地圖- 1個現今、一個未來
3. 形容2個地圖- 1個現今、一個


- 用passive 講人為既改變
- 講特點同比較

- 文章結構:
第一段 – 描述題目
第二段 – 用兩句左右描述地圖


- 形容地圖上有既事物 既關係
A pier gives access to the island and is linked to the reception building by a vehicle track.
Road & footpaths connect the various parts of the island.
A reception building and a restaurant are at the centre of the island and are linked to accommodation by footpaths.
Small accommodation buildings are arranged in two circles, one to the east of the reception and one to the west.

- 兩個地圖有咩改變?
The western and central parts of the island have been developed into a resort while the beach on the western side of the island remains as it was, the area surrounding it has been designed as a swimming area.


建築物都有標記 -》只需要寫由過去到而家有咩改變
Building: demolished/ flattened/ renovated/ built/ constructed/ reconstructed/ extended/ expanded/ modernised
e.g. The government demolished the industrial estate and developed a sport ground.
They removed the shops and replaced it with a skyscraper.
A port was constructed at the edge of the river.
The factory in the city centre was knocked down and relocated to the north of the city.
The old warehouses were replaced with new hotels.
The factory was converted into apartments.

Trees & forests: chopped down/ removed/ planted
e.g. The forest was cut-down and replaced with a shopping centre.
The trees were cleared to make way for houses.

Roads, bridges & railways lines: constructed/ expanded/ removed
The main road was extended and a new bridge built over the river.

Leisure facilities: opened
A skate park was set up next to the swimming pool.
A park was developed beside the forest.

Describe general changes:
Over the period, the area witnessed dramatic changes.
Saw spectacular developments
Changed considerable/ total reconstructed/ transformed/ redeveloped/ rebuilt
Completely modernised.

North, South, East, West
At, in, on, by, beside, to, off, from, next to
2017-03-04 05:18:12


屌 今次差0.5分writing
究竟點升上去 無錢再考
2017-03-04 07:17:30


屌 今次差0.5分writing
究竟點升上去 無錢再考

新手上路 今日考
2017-03-04 07:25:55


屌 今次差0.5分writing
究竟點升上去 無錢再考

新手上路 今日考

2017-03-04 08:58:14
超有用 25號考
2017-03-04 09:17:05
工作需要? Exchange? 報U?
2017-03-04 17:00:30


屌 今次差0.5分writing
究竟點升上去 無錢再考

新手上路 今日考


2017-03-04 17:57:16
做左一本cambridge reading 但一半都岩唔到
aim overall 6
2017-03-04 19:05:34
做左一本cambridge reading 但一半都岩唔到
aim overall 6

2017-03-04 19:22:40
做左一本cambridge reading 但一半都岩唔到
aim overall 6


今日考完第一次 覺得時間分配先係最大挑戰
2017-03-04 20:23:54
做左一本cambridge reading 但一半都岩唔到
aim overall 6


今日考完第一次 覺得時間分配先係最大挑戰

2017-03-04 21:22:09
做左一本cambridge reading 但一半都岩唔到
aim overall 6


今日考完第一次 覺得時間分配先係最大挑戰


今日考完覺得真正篇reading 易過Cambridge 嗰本嘢好多
2017-03-04 23:16:14
做左一本cambridge reading 但一半都岩唔到
aim overall 6


今日考完第一次 覺得時間分配先係最大挑戰


今日考完覺得真正篇reading 易過Cambridge 嗰本嘢好多

2017-03-05 01:15:09
Writing Task 2

第一段 (Introduction):
- 重新描述問題
- 陳述意見
- 文章概要

第二段 (Supporting #1):
- 陳述立場一
- 解釋立場
- 例子
- 總結段落

第三段 (Supporting #2):
- 陳述立場二
- 解釋立場
- 例子
- 總結段落

第四段 (Conclusion):
- 總結文章
- 最後想法

* 列舉 (詳細啲)
Recent electronic gadgets have …
Electronic gadgets such as smartphones, laptops and 3 D printers have drastically increased worker productivity.

Serious diseases are recurring matter.

Serious diseases such as Malaria, Ebola and Dengue Fever bring about a considerable amount of expenses.

1. This essay will analyse this issue using examples from Canada and Australia to demonstrate points and support arguments.

2. It is undeniable that (problem) is one of the most challenging issues in the world.

3. For example, a recent study/ research by … showed …

4. There are also studies being performed on a global level to discover the source of these important problems. One solution proposed by the (global organisation) is to …

5. (The issue) of most countries has grown/ fallen in importance over the past few decades/ years.

6. Numerous studies have consistently found that …

7. To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, simpler and faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business

8. Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial

9. In addition, the large size of the web has meant that it is nearly impossible to regulate and control.

10. [總結文章] In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments relating to new technology are likely to produce many negative effects in the future [最後想法] that must be addressed if we are to avoid damaging impacts on individuals and society.

例子1: (雖然唔係perfect,但個flow係正路)
Q: Government investment in the visual arts, the kind you commonly see in art galleries, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

[重新描述問題] Many local governments spend large portions of their budget not only on public services, but also on the visual arts. [陳述意見] Although I agree that it is important to invest in local amenities, I do not think spending on the visual arts is a waste of money. [文章概要] This essay will discuss this issue using examples to support arguments and demonstrate points.

On the one hand, [陳述立場一] spending a significant amount of the government budget on public services is beneficial for society. [解釋立場] Providing for basic amenities, such as hospitals, roads and schools, helps to determine the quality of life that most citizens will have. [例子] For example, a recent survey by Education Today shows that countries that spend more on schools have a population that is higher in literacy, by 65%, compared to those that dedicate no money to education. [總結段落] Therefore, it is apparent that spending on public services is a worthwhile investment for a government.

[立場二] → [解釋] → [例子] → [總結段落]

[總結文章] To sum up, although there are clear benefits of ensuring a large amount of investment goes into public services, I do not believe spending money on the arts is a waste of money as this too provides important benefits. [最後想法] In the future, governments show consider budgeting for both.
2017-03-05 01:45:27
You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you.

Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Peter Park and one of the students living in the rooms provided by the college. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with my roommate and request a new room next term.

First, my roommate always bring friends to our room and have parties. He even invited three friends to our room and the night before the final exams. My concentration level was dropped by the noise that was made by them.

Moreover, my things have been disappeared and later I was told that he took them without my consent. My calculator was disappeared right before my mathematics class. I had to do the calculations? by bare hand during the lesson.

I am afraid that my academic result will drop due to the disturbances. It would be appreciated if you could arrange another room for me next term. A single room is preferred to avoid the same problem.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Peter Parker

1. Room出現咗4次 drop 2次, 諗諗佢
2. Roommate第3身單數 之後個動詞要加-s
3. sentence structure
兩個句子 用and連接應該係同一個subject
a) I have an apple. I have an orange.
b) I have an apple and an orange.
my roommate always brings friends to our room.
my roommate always has parties.
4. 個名
5. My things 用belongings好似更好 but not a big problem
6. result用drop好似有啲怪 scores, marks用drop會更好
2017-03-05 01:50:52
writing睇倒grammar 句子連接 結構 用字 表達 各方面既嘢都會評核 可以話最容易最赤裸裸反映倒英文水平

另外 背咗啲罐頭好型既句子兼寫埋落去應該會高分
呢個當然係會加分 但如果考官同時見倒好多其他文法錯誤 佢都會覺得你係死背多過真係有咁既水平

加 學(背)一啲生字 專攻搞錯咗或弱既問題

CE 同AL篇文大概要600-800字?(唔記得)
不過未聽過有人 寫佢要你寫既字數攞倒A/5* (當然可能有 而唔知)
當年考IELTS 我都寫多過佢要求既字數

啲時間點分配 寫倒佢要求就得 有咩咁多要寫 宜家考英文唔係考字數 等等等等


係可以寫多minimal word limit好多架 但係囉 紅字
哎 唔想考呀
未考過CE 同AL呀
不過IELTS對你地考過CE 同AL既人黎講應該易好多
2017-03-05 01:52:56
工作需要? Exchange? 報U?

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞