你應該講,By law, and by what the passport defines me, I am a British National overseas. As the matter of fact, Hong Kong is not a country so there are no nationality. One should have Chinese nationality in order to apply for Hong Kong Passport. But I am not Chinese, so I don’t have one. It’s hard to explain, I know, but the history is complicated.
有葡籍唔需要再靠BNO入BC籍 直接憑EU Freedom of movement 就可以居留英國 夠5年再入籍 除非你有本事1年內拎到歐盟國籍再即時過去英國申請brexit EU留英scheme 如果唔係想靠呢條路入BC籍已經太遲 出年3月英國脫歐 2020年就正式脫離 再冇freedom of movement Unless佢地傾到其他deal啦