羽絨/風褸/旅行用品討論[4] (Arcteryx,Montbell,Patagonia..etc)

1001 回覆
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2018-08-30 08:09:05
all shipped
2018-08-30 08:14:53
用第2種方法paypal又set香港做billing address
shipping 又唔可以轉翻外國集運地址
2018-08-30 08:55:58
Qty 1: Arc'Teryx Atom LT Hoody - Men's-Nighthawk-Small - No availability estimate

We are working hard to have your complete order shipped as soon as possible and if we can ship sooner, we absolutely will. Upon shipment, you will automatically be notified with tracking information.

2018-08-30 09:12:13
2018-08-30 09:13:43
得campsaver 有xs atom ar買
2018-08-30 09:49:32
2018-08-30 10:22:17
A shipping label has been prepared for your item at 12:28 am on August 29, 2018 in LOGAN, UT 84321. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
又話兩日Ship 到
2018-08-30 10:26:01
Miss 左咁平既折
2018-08-30 10:37:01

咁我覆番佢個payment verification之後係咪就唔會cut order呀
2018-08-30 10:42:51
2日ship 唔關arcteryx 事, 好似係
2018-08-30 11:40:48
2018-08-30 12:17:55
2018-08-30 12:19:09
從Campsaver 買幾耐會收到,我係轉運好似,由美國境內運去去美國境內
2018-08-30 13:48:44
2018-08-30 14:12:40
2018-08-30 15:21:46
2018-08-30 16:55:22
2018-08-30 16:59:29
2018-08-30 17:05:42
巴打 其他model 都係著M size? 買左啦?
2018-08-30 17:06:23
2018-08-30 17:08:30
2018-08-30 17:31:01
但岩岩試Lt 就m岩岩好
2018-08-30 17:54:51
我自己買個陣, 就係black friday 7折
2018-08-30 18:34:45
Pata block 左全部集運,自己用幾間都fail
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