James Gunn 既 DCU 都擺明係要行 MCU 舊路,大眾化路線,睇住票房黎拍
正如你會唔會expect 史匹堡,馬田史高西斯,占士金馬倫呢啲拍MCU掛?
休斯2023-04-30 00:30:25
休斯2023-04-30 00:34:07
其實我都搬左幾個 我覺得 big name actor 又唔係gotg cast 又支持James Gunn ,你覺得點先,我未睇到你覆
山無棱2023-04-30 00:39:48
休斯2023-04-30 00:41:49
Reboot Plan係由The Flash 之後crisis on infinite earth 原班人馬回歸
"You want to go to work and find something interesting to hang onto, rather than just wearing a rubber suit, and most of it you’re just standing against the computer screen going, “If this nuclear waste gets loose, we’ll …” That’s fine. I don’t condescend to that or put it down, but I got to a point where I found it creatively not satisfying. Also just, you’re sweaty and exhausted. And I thought, “I don’t want to participate in this in any way. And I don’t want to squander any more of my life, of which I have a limited amount.”
電磁鐵2023-04-30 00:49:47
lex個目的 我都認為係未講清楚
跟電影個flow就係 被batman 偷左舊氪石之後想借超人手報仇
整doomsday出嚟係為左打/殺超人 唔算係plan b 嚟 因為要一早充定電
batman 冇需要知超人身份 因為知道左都唔會夠打
BvS 場面就好明顯係plan左 開燈引過去 有埋伏炮台 係真係冇解釋點解個致命武器係矛嘅形態
法院爆炸飛走 係因為迷失左詳情要睇返電影 對白有講 點解質疑自己
第一飛彈 超人唔知的 第二飛未恢復哂 避唔開掛
save martha 要focus去batman 聽到後嘅反應
Jason Momoa expressed disappointment over Warner Bros. meddling with the original plot for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
In an interview with Men’s Health, Jason Momoa shared his honest thoughts about making Aquaman 2 and how his character was treated:
“It’s not that I don’t care about Aquaman; it’s a wonderful character. Aquaman is probably the hardest character in comic-book history. He’s made fun of and ridiculed, but I tried to give it heart and soul, and I’m proud of it in certain ways. Do I feel pressure for [the sequel] to do well? No. All I can do is give it my all. But it’s in a lot of other people’s hands.”
Clearly, these “other people’s hands” meant Warner Bros and other creative people who have differing opinions and ideas for the project. Momoa claims the studio did not follow the original storyline that the actor and his friend Brian Mendoza pitched to them.
“Well, to be perfectly honest, I was absolutely baffled that Aquaman was received so well. I’ve done things that are amazing that no one sees and no one gives a shit about. You just don’t know in this business. I don’t go do things and think, Oh, I’m gonna get $1 billion on this one. I go in and do my best job.”