@HKG3 巴
Any difference of the government fee/ charge when applying Tier 2 visa between hksar / bn(o)? Some sharing added that no fee is charged if you are using BN(O) for Tier-2 
BN(O) passport holders still need to pay the same visa fee!
I may sound like a broken down record by now, but if you are planning to get a Tier 2 visa with £40k p.a. job and planning to get British Citizenship as a goal, then I would suggest you to use your BN(O) passport to get your Tier 2 visa. Here are the advantages BN(O) passport holders have over HKSAR passport holders -
1) BN(O) passport holders with long term UK visa (greater than 6 months) are not required to register with the local police force where they live while HKSAR passport holders, as Chinese nationals, are required to register with the local police force where they stayed and to re-register if move to a new police force area. Registration with the police cost £34.
2) BN(O) passport holders are entitle to register to vote in all UK elections. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK.
3) Once you get Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), you, the BN(O) passport holder, can apply for British civil service posts open to Commonwealth citizens while HKSAR passport holders can only apply for British civil service jobs once he/she becomes a British Citizen.
4) As I said in my earlier post, BN(O) passport holders are entitle to register to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA) which is a cheaper method than naturalisation.
Please note that ILR can be revoked if you lived outside of the UK for more than 2 years. It is recommended that you get British Citizenship before returning to Hong Kong for good.