Drugs and Devices
OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare
OHIP+ makes more than 5,000 drug products free for anyone age 24 years or younger who is not covered by a private plan.
Who is covered
How the process works
What medications are covered
Exceptional Access Program
Trillium Drug Program
Private insurance
Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Long-Term Care, Home Care, Homes for Special Care, Community Homes for Opportunity
Opting out of OHIP+
Health care provider access to drug and pharmacy service information
Who is covered
Anyone 24 years and under who has OHIP coverage and is not covered by a private plan is covered by OHIP+. You do not have to enroll or register to access OHIP+ coverage.
OHIP+ coverage will stop on your 25th birthday or if you become covered by a private plan, but you may qualify for other financial help with prescription drug costs.
If you have coverage through a private plan, but your household still has significant out-of-pocket costs, you can apply for additional financial support through the Trillium Drug Program. The Trillium Drug Program is available to all OHIP-insured Ontarians who have high prescription drug costs compared to their household income.