英國移民生活雜談/攻略/你問我盡答 (內含資料整合) (4)

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2021-09-05 06:55:08
平時唔太勁我都用檸檬,不過太多limescale 我就用佢算,都係lactic acid 啫
2021-09-05 06:56:07
係呀,飲用水最好filter 左先,一來變返無咁hard,二來水煲少啲limescale
2021-09-05 06:57:04
2021-09-05 06:59:03
我係用玻璃水煲,得個底先有limescale ,一隻檸檬加少少水,煲特濃檸水就清晒
2021-09-05 07:01:29
有water softener 咁正,煩少好多
2021-09-05 07:14:57
2021-09-05 07:23:57
2021-09-05 07:31:30
2021-09-05 07:32:07
2021-09-05 07:41:18
Limescale 咪就係黎至hard water 入面嘅calcium 同magnesium
2021-09-05 07:42:03
2021-09-05 07:43:38
2021-09-05 07:53:24
記住影相up 上黎
2021-09-05 07:56:48
可以照買 到換到牌報返俾保險公司 就退返錢
2021-09-05 08:48:40
Sorry. Very hard to search my own posted question here it seems or I just not good in finding things online. Finally find it.

My question is after months still cannot find any insurance company to get a quote so I can buy my first car here. My target is via autotrader and get an old nissian leaf (60 mile range only for 24 kWh 7-10 years old battery).

Any company or web site I can try to insure my car when purchased. Bus here is 1 hour per round and take a long time to go to town.

Thanks for any advice. (Business English and might be too polite in lihkg. But that is colonial English I guess.)
2021-09-05 08:50:16
(Repeat my answer and asking further info for your kind response)

Sorry. Very hard to search my own posted question here it seems or I just not good in finding things online. Finally find it.

My question is after months still cannot find any insurance company to get a quote so I can buy my first car here. My target is via autotrader and get an old nissian leaf (60 mile range only for 24 kWh 7-10 years old battery).

Any company or web site I can try to insure my car when purchased. Bus here is 1 hour per round and take a long time to go to town.

Thanks for any advice. (Business English and might be too polite in lihkg. But that is colonial English I guess.)
2021-09-05 08:54:06
I just use compare the market dot com to find my insurance company for my car. I submitted I just hold an international license while purchasing the insurance. So I don’t think int’l license is an issue. Try to get the quote from those comparison sites first. Good luck mate.
2021-09-05 09:32:45
May I know what type of your Intl driving license? usually, you can get the quote from the insurance company even your driving experience less than a year.

But it seen that it is too hard to get quote due Nissan Leaf in a high class insurance group (22E - 24E), and it is limited the choice of car insurance.

and it is better avoid buy the used electric car with dozen years, it will costly to replace the battery as most of choice not a approved used, it is difficult to check the health of battery before you buy it.
2021-09-05 09:58:45
2021-09-05 10:01:38
2021-09-05 10:21:22

2021-09-05 11:00:48
租Airbnb 點處理硬水問題?
2021-09-05 11:12:24
硬水嘅硬係來自Calcium 同Magnesium,其實講到尾都係礦物質。飲/用硬水其實對身體無大害,長期飲/用先可能甩頭髮(應該無科學根據,不過大家都係咁講)
2021-09-05 11:16:52
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞