[討論] BNO移居英國嘅財務安排

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2020-07-26 20:05:08
唔好理班友啦, 總之你有bno有得走,就係唔撚啱, 要留喺香港同佢哋抗爭, 或者過到去英國一定要租樓住, 唔準買樓出租畀人, 最好成家做乞衣, 咁就啱曬佢哋心水啦
2020-07-26 20:12:42
2020-07-26 20:26:56
2020-07-26 20:36:15
賣股票/樓收入過咗一個數要收Capital Gains Tax
Dividend tax都有,都係過咗一個數就要收
2020-07-26 21:04:57
兄你講緊UK resident but not domiciled, 咁你嘅海外收入係可以taxed on the remittance basis, 即係海外收入都要照報稅, 只係匯入先畀稅

咁你而家攞BNO visa去英國長住及計劃入藉, 即係long-term UK resident, 咁用reittance basis 係要額外畀個remittance basis charge, 如有錯請高手指正

If you’re a long-term UK resident and you choose to be taxed on the remittance basis, you may also be liable to pay the Remittance Basis charge

2020-07-26 21:11:55
股息收入畀7.5%稅, 超過£50,001 to £150,000之股息先要畀32.5%, 點會蝕錢?

你賣股賺到錢, CGT有成 £12,300免稅額, 過咗先畀20%, 點會蝕錢?

你炒燶股蝕錢沽出, 咁就真係蝕錢
2020-07-26 21:13:22
2020-07-26 21:24:21
Sorry 我以為Public school等於香港公立
2020-07-26 21:24:22
2020-07-26 21:28:26
層樓仲係你個名, 一做land search就知, 仲包保有人會篤灰, 大把連登仔話圖已cap

用父母名收租, 但層樓係你嘅資產, 收入都歸屬於你, 你香港都要報property tax, 咪以為到時港共唔會同你報畀英國HMRC知

你父母銀行個個月有幾皮嘢轉帳入數, 你以為香港間銀行唔會問資金來源?

你香港收租唔報香港稅, 衰兩邊稅局, 仲大獲

搞得唔好你父母變咗同你洗錢+逃稅, 連你父母銀行戶口都畀港共凍結埋, 到時真係恭喜晒

香港同英國有double tax arrangement, 兩邊交稅, 但有得用tax credit抵稅
2020-07-26 21:29:19
2020-07-26 21:33:37
2020-07-26 21:44:05
呢個關乎 Split years treatment

UK resident 應該由你係UK定居當日起計, 之前收入以non-resident計, 請向UK tax accountant咨詢

Residence: The SRT: What is a split year

Under the SRT, an individual is either UK resident or non-UK resident for a full tax year, and at all times in that tax year.

However, if during a year the individual starts to live or work abroad, or comes from abroad to live or work in the UK, the tax year will be split into 2 parts, if their circumstances meet specific criteria:

a UK part for which they will be charged to UK tax as a UK resident
an overseas part for which, for most purposes, the individual will be charged to UK tax as a non-UK resident.


Residence: The SRT: Split year treatment: Case 8: Starting to have a home in the UK

If an individual has no home in the UK but at some point during the tax year they start to have a home in the UK, then they may meet the criteria for Case 8.

They must:

be UK resident in the tax year
be non-UK resident for the previous tax year
be UK resident for the following tax year – this must not be a split year
have no home in the UK at the beginning of the tax year but start to have a UK home at some point during the tax year and continue to have a UK home for the rest of the tax year and all the following tax year

2020-07-26 21:44:06
美股點計法 我知有2000鎊免稅 假設我12500鎊人工 收$3000美股股息(已扣15% withholding tax) 匯去uk 係uk呢邊仲駛啱駛俾dividend tax
2020-07-26 21:48:22
樓上已答過, US dividend WHT 15%可以當tax credit抵英國dividend tax

UK US 有double tax treaty, 可以睇返樓上
2020-07-26 21:54:04
HK 被炒散,
2020-07-26 21:56:07

From April 2016 the Dividend Tax Credit will be replaced by a new tax-free Dividend Allowance.

The Dividend Allowance means that you won't have to pay tax on the first £5,000 of your dividend income, no matter what non-dividend income you have.
2020-07-26 21:57:25
tax on income (gained part)
2020-07-26 22:01:55
美國收咗你15% dividend WHT, 畀你英國7.5%+5000鎊免稅額有9用

聽聞英國人會買Irish ETF / Fund去投資美股
2020-07-26 22:03:34


2020-07-27 00:54:15
2020-07-27 01:10:13
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞