我見官方寫For you to be eligible for the award of these points your partner must be an applicant for the same visa subclass,同埋had nominated a skilled occupation that is on the same skilled occupation list as your nominated skilled occupation
咁我個問題係,假設我係以VIC 190既Graduate 身份報,而我又想同埋我女朋友一齊申請
咁我女朋友使唔使都要係 VIC Graduate,兼要做埋skills assessment 而有65分以上,先可以claim足我作為main applicant 果10分?咁問主因係錢既問題,未必可以2個一齊讀書
如果只打算claim 5 分,佢係咪都要以聯邦(定直頭要係VIC?)個MLTSSL上面其中一個occupation apply?