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2020-03-16 13:18:42
2020-03-16 13:19:41
希望第時有隻病99 %死亡率佢地都係咁抗疫。隻病有咩後遺症都未清楚就做大規模人體實驗,究境係咪ethical。點解平時做研究要過道德委員會,呢種未知結果既人體實驗又會有西方國家想推行。
2020-03-16 13:21:37
2020-03-16 13:22:32
2020-03-16 13:23:21
2020-03-16 13:24:10
Translated for Western bros

When I was little, I didn't had the chance to leave the country, just listening to people saying how good the west is, how advanced their technology are, how their society rules are good, how their people are of high quality, how their education level are high, just like a 'human heaven' in general, it's as that if you did something good in your past life you can be born in North Europe.

When I grown up and can now leave the country, I found out that Europeans are not that civilized as thought. Basic facilities are way worse than in Hong Kong, the personal hygiene of the people are so bad that I don't even want to talk about it, and it's so damn easy to encounter many crazy people everyday in the metro, and there's many brawls and gangs, just way more aggressive than Asians.

The incident of Wuhan conronavirus has opened up my eyes, the West which has been the forefront advocate of scientific and intelligent thinking and ideals, have dealt with the pandemic extremely poorly, and very lately so, blindly not making use of face masks, they love to talk about how they are the all-loving, anti-racist tolerancing people, but actually, Asians are not in their 'protected' race, basically as an Asian if you wear mask on outside you will be laughed at, scolded on, and if those people are assholes, they'll beat the shit out of you, don't think that they can differ from Chinese and Hongkongers, as they say, "It doesn't matter to them and you're just an asian.". Go to facebook and reddit, observe the comments of the westerners, they always preach that "it's just a flu, don't overreact",these idiotic comments that I won't talk more about it. some people even say that masks have useful date of only 20 minutes so they are worthless, completely lacking source/evidence, and saying that if you don't know how to wear the mask properly, your risk of infection actually increases, fuck you! How difficult is it to learn to wear a mask? The most funny part is that (I don't remember) WHO or some European country actually discouraged wearing a face mask, because they think that wearing a face mask will give people a false sense of safety, and discourage them from washing their hands. How is that different from, wearing underpants so you don't have to wear the outer pants? Fucking funny! And there's so many stupid theories I don't ever want to talk about. These comments can be posted by Health departments of different countries, so you easily know the quality of the citizens of that particular country. I already know Westeners have lower IQ than us, but this incident refreshed my view of them.

Okay, I have shitted on them for so long, well, there's things that the Western countries do well, and they help us resist China, I have encountered many nice and passionate western people. But looking back, actually Hong Kong and other East Asian countries are not that worse than what they have, in education levels, society development we're actually very close to them. And the white supermacy theory LIHKG users talk about are wrong, white supremacy only embrace their 200-300 years ago political and geography status, does not mean whites have superior genes, looking back history, actually we are very close to them, in the future it's very likely we will easily pass these westerners. Actually, I hope you have confidence having the Asian identity, sometimes I myself seeing people self-derogating their own race, I just can't see this. Why would people look up to you when you don't look up to yourself?

After this incident, I found that we're different from Westerners, originally that I'm done with my study I will be a working expat, now I will reconsider whether I'm suitable for such society (The West)

I created this post to share how this incident changed my view, and does any European/USA brothers have any similar view?
2020-03-16 13:25:48
睇下沈旭輝講關於nation country state 嘅 definition 先啦
佢開咗youtube channel
2020-03-16 13:26:26
2020-03-16 13:28:21

睇下reddit嗰啲asian subs就知

主要係aznidentity, hapas, asianmasculinity (我知好奶共同埋有啲五毛成分)
2020-03-16 13:28:58

2020-03-16 13:30:37
2020-03-16 13:42:26
但係改變唔到私下屌你係white trash 既事實
香港人 八面玲瓏
2020-03-16 13:45:31
2020-03-16 13:45:41
country= 地理位置上的
2020-03-16 13:49:08
2020-03-16 13:49:19

2020-03-16 13:50:11
2020-03-16 13:52:54
你去歐洲除左德國 去下佢地d共廁就知佢地衛生就知
2020-03-16 13:55:59
Btw有啲位可以改下,for example ‘in the future it won’t surprise me if we surpass western civilisations.’ instead of ‘easily pass’
2020-03-16 13:56:39
2020-03-16 13:58:00
利申: 小時後已經係加拿大長大 已經差不多30多年

你可以話西方人IQ冇咁高,但係我認為普遍西方人唔似香港人咁樣着重錢.... 錢係重要 但係唔係唯一一樣野.
佢哋會覺得 就算你搵唔到好多錢 都唔會窮到你冇飯食冇地方住...佢哋唔會點介意同啲唔同社會階層嘅人做朋友,亦會鍾意全世界周圍去 去認識其他嘅地方,becomes a more worldly person....所以佢哋嘅EQ普遍上一定高過亞洲人... 現今社會要上到去最高層唔係靠IQ而係睇EQ

至於今次疫情點解佢哋咁柒,唔多唔少係因為俾WHO老點左 (佢哋可能會覺得信WHO好過信大陸, 但係唔知道已經比大陸收買咗),下一次如果再有疫情佢哋應該會識做好多

咁至於邊度啱你住就真係好睇你個人性格。你要challenge要快,搵大錢...亞洲可能會啱你多啲。你要冇咁大壓力,放鬆啲住 就一定係歐美加
2020-03-16 14:00:07
2020-03-16 14:00:18
仲有日本 原來on9仔黎
2020-03-16 14:01:09
姐係只係因為個教育文化太柒 所以埋沒咗好多人嘅潛力 都幾撚sad

自問自己都唔係叻 我都無咩資格話個教育制度柒定唔柒 不過就大局咁睇 綜合翻所有野 香港教育制度柒係無可否認
2020-03-16 14:02:23
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞