美劇集中討論區 (21)

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2018-07-11 09:58:08

another prequel is reportedly in pre-production, all about the Doom of Old Valyria.

As for today’s larger rumor, it’s a bit of a doozy: according to a “special report” by a Game of Thrones Wiki administrator, another one of the possible prequels, the one helmed by Max Borenstein, may be as developed as the Long Night spin-off, if it not more so. The level of detail here is astounding, which could lead one to believe it’s all true (why bother to make all of this up?) or just the opposite (there’s a lot of detail here).

The gist of it is this: the multi-season series, Empire of Ash, would be set during the decline and fall of Valyria, recording “the social, economic, and political crises which tore apart the empire from within”, and the Doom. It would include expected elements such as dragons and House Targaryen, a minor family of dragon-lords at the time.

According to their source, alongside Goldman’s greenlit project, Borenstein’s Empire of Ash is the front-runner of the several in development. Supposedly, Miguel Sapochnik, famous for directing grand Game of Thrones episodes, is attached to make the pilot.

另一套got prequel可能doom of valyria
Blackfyre please

再想像下如果佢拍blackfyre 即刻J死
2018-07-11 10:03:19
Oitnb coming back but where is Alex

見到有人話: Diane Guerrero didn’t film any scenes for this season at all
2018-07-11 10:07:08

another prequel is reportedly in pre-production, all about the Doom of Old Valyria.

As for today’s larger rumor, it’s a bit of a doozy: according to a “special report” by a Game of Thrones Wiki administrator, another one of the possible prequels, the one helmed by Max Borenstein, may be as developed as the Long Night spin-off, if it not more so. The level of detail here is astounding, which could lead one to believe it’s all true (why bother to make all of this up?) or just the opposite (there’s a lot of detail here).

The gist of it is this: the multi-season series, Empire of Ash, would be set during the decline and fall of Valyria, recording “the social, economic, and political crises which tore apart the empire from within”, and the Doom. It would include expected elements such as dragons and House Targaryen, a minor family of dragon-lords at the time.

According to their source, alongside Goldman’s greenlit project, Borenstein’s Empire of Ash is the front-runner of the several in development. Supposedly, Miguel Sapochnik, famous for directing grand Game of Thrones episodes, is attached to make the pilot.

另一套got prequel可能doom of valyria

2018-07-11 10:32:43

Jason Momoa To Star In Apple Series ‘See’ From Steven Knight & Francis Lawrence

Aquaman and Frontier star Jason Momoa has been tapped as the lead of Apple’s original drama series See, from Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight, director Francis Lawrence (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2)

Written by Knight and directed by Lawrence, See is described as an epic, world-building drama set in the future. According to sources, the 10-episode See is set in a future when the human race has lost the sense of sight, and society has had to find new ways to interact, to build, to hunt, to survive. All of that is challenged when a set of twins with sight is born.

Momoa will play Baba Voss, a fearless warrior, leader and guardian.
2018-07-11 10:36:28

Sharp Objects had the best debut for an HBO original series since Westworld

HBO’s “Sharp Objects” debuted with 1.5 million viewers Sunday night at 9 p.m. EDT. The first replay and preliminary viewing on HBO GO and HBO NOW lifted total viewing to over 2.1 million viewers. That is 36% above the debut of “Big Little Lies” in 2017 and marks the best premiere for an HBO original series since “Westworld” nabbed 2 million viewers in 2016.
2018-07-11 11:03:19
點解啲人冇哂 啲角色build up左咁耐有哂感情 不如完左佢喇
2018-07-11 11:46:07
Oitnb coming back but where is Alex

見到有人話: Diane Guerrero didn’t film any scenes for this season at all
點解啲人冇哂 啲角色build up左咁耐有哂感情 不如完左佢喇


話時話呀sophia點解好似消失左咁 上季已經冇影咁滯
2018-07-11 11:47:08
2018-07-11 12:09:29
Praised be
we've been sent good finale
2018-07-11 23:04:22
睇完Handmaid finale
2018-07-11 23:18:36
2018-07-11 23:31:00
好多野發生,好突然好快 要時間消化下
點面對fred佢地 屌佢獲獲都走完佬又要返去
最尾june個look成個darth vader入左dark side咁咩事

btw commander lawrence真係好人黎 好野
2018-07-11 23:40:18

2018-07-11 23:55:20
June個度好早估到佢會唔走 又loop
上次生仔走唔到見reddit d人話loop我都未覺煩 今次好覺 好煩

睇Fred Nick Serena有無咩勢力轉變雖然我覺得無..
Nick可能下季一早就死 犠牲完原來June無走到

好似Darth sidious笑死我

反而我覺得今集emily隊aunt Lydia個段幾好戲 正宗痴左線 同Janine d表情有d似
June有d又係個個樣 又係個條線 開始悶..

唯一驚喜只係Lawrence 但好似斷左條線咁
我情願係June走Emily留 下季講Emily同Lawrence呀

2018-07-11 23:56:11
啱啱先睇完sharp objects咋
Reddit見到handmaid tale spoiler alert嘅post即刻飛走
2018-07-12 09:57:16
睇完Handmaid finale
好多野發生,好突然好快 要時間消化下
點面對fred佢地 屌佢獲獲都走完佬又要返去
最尾june個look成個darth vader入左dark side咁咩事

btw commander lawrence真係好人黎 好野
June個度好早估到佢會唔走 又loop
上次生仔走唔到見reddit d人話loop我都未覺煩 今次好覺 好煩

睇Fred Nick Serena有無咩勢力轉變雖然我覺得無..
Nick可能下季一早就死 犠牲完原來June無走到

好似Darth sidious笑死我

反而我覺得今集emily隊aunt Lydia個段幾好戲 正宗痴左線 同Janine d表情有d似
June有d又係個個樣 又係個條線 開始悶..

唯一驚喜只係Lawrence 但好似斷左條線咁
我情願係June走Emily留 下季講Emily同Lawrence呀

因為放唔低banana holly可以交託比emily
S2開頭上飛機佢下到決心走 唔理banana我覺得係因為佢仲大緊肚
但今次佢安頓好個BB可以一條心救埋banana (雖然唔知佢跟住個plan係想點 )
如果june今集真係走左 banana仲留喺度應該死撚硬 冇乜可能救得返

Serena都叫霸氣左幾分鐘 有做過野
Nick應該都會覺得安慰掛 至少個女走得甩
Darth June 想知佢之後有咩計劃咁有信心可以show得出個dark side樣

emily隊lydia果度好正 慢慢行過再踢佢落去果度型到
大快人心 之後入房崩潰果幕正到
同埋後尾喺lawrence架車果度 emily心諗自己死撚硬
lawrence個martha都有份plan june走佬,所以順便安排埋emily搭順風車
如果emily冇插lydia佢就冇份走 咁相反就真係june會抱埋holly走
2018-07-12 10:04:07
如果擔心S3可以睇下呢篇野 講之後S3大約點發展

So where does “The Handmaid’s Tale” go from here? While the show is and will always be Offred/June’s story, Miller says there are a few other key elements in play for the third season — including Aunt Lydia and Emily.

“Emily’s not a trained killer!” he points out. “[Lydia] doesn’t die because of what happened to her. They called an ambulance right away, and they have excellent medical care there.”

As for Emily, Miller says he wants to see how it settles on her that in the same night she thought she was going to die in a really horrible, painful way she then is set free — with a baby to care for. “She’s traveling to a place where the child has no adoptive parents and no biological parents — she has no ties to her at all in the new place,” he says. “It takes a very big village to raise a child.”

This will open the world further in Canada, where Moira (Samira Wiley) and Luke (O-T Fagbenle) are trying to build new lives. “How are they going to interact with a baby that’s June’s? Is Luke going to be involved in that, is he not going to be involved in that, how does he feel about all of that?” says Miller. “We have a great and interesting collection of people we just started to explore.”

And back in Gilead, we’ll learn more about Lawrence, who “just did something huge and dangerous — in front of June, who’s looking for allies,” Miller notes. “I think his story is just beginning.”

Whitford feels that seeing Lawrence’s true colors revealed at the end of the second season offers hope going forward.

“With what’s happened recently politically, my thing is despair is not an option. And we have been very lucky in this assumption that we live in a world and a country of ever expanding freedom, and I think we’re a little spoiled and when we face an obstacle and developments like losing supreme court seats that will probably overturn women’s access to healthcare, giving up hope is not an option,” he says. “One of the best things to me was in this brutal world there is still hope. We’re all upset now [but] the heroes of the civil rights movement were facing a lot worse and they stood up to it. It’s an insult to the lives they gave and the work they did for us to despair. There’s been a lot of darkness in [the] show…but there are people who are not accepting it, which is good.”

And then there’s Fred and Serena, who have ridden tough storms together before, but would be on opposite sides if he were to learn what she did.

“She’s so messed up, and she’s certainly shown in the past she lashes out because of her misery and her pain, so who knows if that’s still going to happen even after she made such a selfless action of giving away the baby,” Strahovski says.

But perhaps most important is the resistance movement itself. Between the bombing in the middle of the second season and the successful escape at the end, “Mayday as an operation had a much more successful season” this year, Miller says. But which strategy is the best for the burgeoning movement?

“Getting people out is much more rewarding on a personal level, but is it more effective in terms of weakening Gilead?” Miller says. “The French resistance went through this over and over — do we risk ourselves and attack, or do we take a low profile and get people out? It’s hard to keep your head down and work diligently to create small victories.”

Overall, Miller notes that season 3 of “The Handmaid’s Tale will be about “fighting back,” which Moss is personally excited to experience.
I hope she’s going to go back and f— some s— up,” she says. “I think it’s time. I think she’s had enough, I’ve had enough, we’ve all had enough.”

希望S3 Team Lawrence & June
2018-07-12 10:09:07
睇完Handmaid finale
啱啱先睇完sharp objects咋
Reddit見到handmaid tale spoiler alert嘅post即刻飛走

唔click入去多數冇事 topic好少會劇透
2018-07-12 10:12:27
睇完Handmaid finale

起碼個bb走到 幾驚佢抱住個bb留低
2018-07-12 11:19:24
#Handmaid ep13
呢幕 佢話開心見得返june果下 我感動左
2018-07-12 14:27:18
Mimi Leder to Direct Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston’s Apple TV Show

Mimi Leder Leftovers主力班底
2018-07-12 14:38:57
2018-07-12 15:25:44
到底apple facebook個d劇幾時先有得睇
2018-07-12 15:53:10
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