Asso pre-lab
Analysis of Vitamin C tablets
1. Explain why should the starch solution be added only when the reaction mixture becomes pale yellow.
2. It is known that Vitamin C decomposes upon to air or heating. Briefly describe how you would investigate these two factors. 
1. Because starch irreversibly binds with I2 at high concentration of I2(aq), making some I2 remain adsorbed on the complex and go unreacted, and so the end point is inaccurate.
2. perform the experiment few more times by using Vitamin C tablets that are exposed in air for different time / heat under different temperature.
btw, quantitative analysis of Vitamin C都算係中學level,以前AL pastpaper都好鍾意出
iodine titration 用starch做indicator既注意事項都算common.